Logan | Group Reaction | Movie Review

Publicado 2024-02-21
Logan Reaction/Movie Review
Join us as we break down the Logan's(Wolverine) character arc, and uncover hidden Easter eggs that will left us astonished.
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[Time Stamps]
00:00 intro
01:02 LoganVerse
03:58 Reaction
35:35 Initial Thoughts
37:50 Logan's Character Arc
39:40 x-23
41:32 Canon Events

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Zombiesnyder13
    Before the world cried for Iron Man We cried for Wolverine
  • @MadeWithCaree
    Not them disrespecting Wolverine without taking into account he is old and dying whilst X-23 and his clone are young and in their prime
  • Logan was born in 1832. So he’d be almost 200 years old by the time of this movie was set
  • @pulithevar8135
    It's also pretty sad that as soon as x-24 entered the room, Charles started talking to him as Logan. But earlier in the film, when Logan enters the water tower, Charles asks him who he is and says, "I always know it's you, I just don't recognize you." So it's as if Charles' still has that fresh-faced young Logan in his mind, rather than the old, limping, gruff faced Logan of today. Which, if you know someone with dementia, hits extremely hard.
  • @G0d_Ginrai
    The Wolverine: ”All I can see is one part of a person's life... their death. And I saw yours.” ”So, what did you see?” ”I see you on your back. There's blood everywhere. You're holding your own heart in your hand.”
  • @mayyysee
    Logan and Charles' deaths are always gonna make me cry. This really is probably hands down the best marvel movie.
  • @AMM_-
    James Howlett (Logan) was born in 1832, the film takes place in 2029. Making him 197 years old. And he has lived an entire life of pain and suffering. This movie gives him a view point like no other X-Men movie. A masterpiece of a film.
  • @azekel7687
    To give some context. In the comics Wolverine was dying because the adamantium steel that was bonded to his skeleton, making his claws metal, was poisoning him and because of this, his body was constantly healing him over and over and over again, eventually his healing factor became very slow due to the constant healing, keep in mind that Wolverine's healing factor is around the same level as Deadpool, now that was the comics. But in the Logan movie, the reason why he was so weak, slow and his powers weren't working properly, wasn't because he was getting old or because of adamantium poisoning, but because of a chemical within the food they eat which supresses the Mutant Genes causing the power of Mutants to become weakened, which is why Logan looked as if he aged and why his claws and healing factor malfunctioned, ultimately, the very reason why Wolverine lived for over a century without aging was because of his healing factor which basically halted the process of aging. The chemical within the food was an intentional thing to control Mutant birth.
  • @jonathan7skyfire
    Patrick Stewart in an interview mentioned that the movie (Shane) that he was watching in the Hotel room was an actual movie he saw in theaters as a young boy with his family. And he loved the message it had.
  • "You never even watched Wolverine and the X-Men!!!" That shit sounded weaponized 😂
  • @Just_Jae19
    This movie is depressing and heartbreaking man…what a fucking movie and character Rip the best X-men ever..Charles death broke me…seeing Logan struggle in pain and torture hurt me …and him finally experiencing death and being happy broke me even more to the point I cried
  • @unclebuck1453
    He was about 196-197 years old. This was based on the Old Man Logan storyline. This ties into the main X-Men movies. So taking place in 2029 and Logan was born in 1832 I think, so he was approximately 196-197 years old. If not for the metallic poison, he could have lived much much longer.
  • @Ani8900
    X-23 appearance was definitely a welcomed surprise! it's just sad that she had to be around to see her father's death instead of seeing him in his prime. I also thought they would've brought her theme from X-Men evolution into this but I guess not
  • @Andrew04291
    In addition to the adamantium poisoning mentioned in other comments, I think the additives with the X-gene suppressant also played a part in Logan’s failing health. There’s corn in lots of different liquors, and the man was a full-fledged alcoholic for literal lifetimes.
  • @TenebrousFilms
    Logan's regeneration has been fighting the metal poisoning in his body ever since it was put into him. In one of the comics, Magneto ripped it all out; the experience turned him feral, but his regeneration went off the charts without the constant distraction. Who knows how much more time he would've had without the adamantium. You should react to the Logan HISHE...
  • "I see you on your back, there's blood everywhere. You're holding your own heart in your hand." —Yukio to Logan I like to think that in a way, she was right as Laura now is Logan's heart.
  • @dumbmemes28
    i like how the guys are seated from the blackest to the lightest