probably my favourite interaction

Publicado 2022-09-14

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • This is why England needs 10.000 more police. Only 4 cars and 6 police were available to attend this critical incident. 🇬🇧
  • @bvgb921
    They didn't even read you your rights and they had no grounds whatsoever to search you, in order to search you under section 1 of pace they need intelligence that your going equipped, they can't just search you because they want to, make sure you make a claim against these arseholes. Yet more rogue officers who need to be sacked. She said we have a male on the way, so she asked for the male to attend before she had even spoke to you, unbelievable.
  • Detained because he had a face covering, they then put on their own face coverings.
  • Section 1 PACE 1984 - A constable may search any person, vehicle, or anything which is in or on a vehicle, if they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that they may find any, Stolen property or Prohibited articles. What are your reasonable gtounds for suspicion cuntstable?
  • @bowman4275
    Don't police ever read memos? What about the memo from the NPCC stating that public photography is not "hostile surveillance" and that it is a perfect legal and lawful activity? This makes me so angry.
  • @_Naython_
    The only reason she gave for the search was because you were wearing a face covering.... 12 months ago, they were arresting us for NOT wearing one 🤦‍♂️
  • @Paul-sk2dj
    My car was stolen last year…. Nobody even bothered coming out. I got told ‘they’d put a call out but not to hold out much hope’ and given a crime number. Nobody even bothered coming out…… I can see why, they were all busy doing a stop/search on somebody maliciously doing something completely legal in a place that they are allowed to be 🙄
  • @rikardsaje
    My house has been burgled....we'll be there in 3 weeks sir.
  • @marky_starky
    Nice to see the Gestapo doing a sterling job in our police state.
  • @Alabamahobo
    As a truck driver, all that i can think about is how they parked in a way that makes it very inconvenient for the chap in the truck to leave. Very thoughtless of them.
  • @cliveb4845
    My take on this. Police don’t like public photography but no law preventing it. This is their way of intimidating you to stop it
  • He’s being searched because he’s wearing a face covering and all the officers are wearing face coverings😅😅
  • @kbc1883
    This is absolutely insane that cops thinks they can detain, handcuff, and involuntarily search for a person standing out in public filming. So bizarre and scary! The complete distain for a citizen displayed in the cops comment about the auditor not having anything better to do because he was standing out videoing is so very telling! The snotty little bits about "you watch too much American TV" and other unprofessional comments demonstrate the lack of self control those cops had. This is appalling that this is done.
  • @TheBrawlBox
    I remember this; The Theatre of Misconduct performed by your local Police. What was the outcome of this spurious search, presuming you made a claim?
  • @LukeTPZ
    It would be a very different story if the payout that'll be forthcoming is from the individual officer's pocket.
  • @daveo138
    If your house was being burgled, they'd be nowhere to be seen.
  • Good to see the Police are keeping public relations at a high level.
  • PLEASE file a lawsuit. Don’t let them get away with this or they will do it again.