When Gog Comes - 11 - Concluding The Core Chapters

Published 2022-05-08
Concluding The Core Chapters



The point is all about your survival. You can't serve God in this life, if you are dead. And, the Body of Christ will need your help when the most difficult moment in time since the Great Flood arrives. The civilization that we know today will cease to exist. Cities will be destroyed. Electricity will fail. Water distribution will be stop. Crops will not be harvested. Food will not be distributed. Cars and trucks will not work. As people die of thirst and starvation, they will rob and kill those who have what they need. Governments will fail as social order collapses.

Communities with enough preparation have a chance to survive – if there are enough people with moral values to glue a community together. And there is no better glue than Christians who are willing to prepare for others and sacrifice what they have to help bring their neighborhoods and towns back from the brink of destruction.

Yes, you must prepare not just for yourself and your family. You MUST prepare for your community. Part of our job as Christians is to help those in need. You cannot be a Christian and not want to help those who are in desperate circumstances. But, there’s something even bigger than ‘disaster preparation’.

Think of how the gospel will spread as people realize that Christians are willing to sacrifice themselves to save others. They will realize that there’s something special about what it means to follow Christ. Our job is to seek the salvation of those who are lost, and this will be a great opportunity to do that.

Now, let’s summarize what we have discovered so far about When Gog Comes.

The Three Biggest Reasons

The list of reasons is long for why Gog and Magog must come years before the Antichrist, so let me give the three most important ones:

- The invasion of Israel by Gog and Magog is not at all like the invasion of the Antichrist.

- The events surrounding Gog and Magog are not at all like the events surrounding the Antichrist.

But, here’s the most important reason of all:

- The salvation of Israel happens years BEFORE the coming of the Antichrist…

…while the Bible records this Return of Jacob as happening AFTER Gog and Magog.

Those three reasons, by themselves, are enough to prove completely that Gog is NOT the Antichrist, and that Gog and Magog are coming long before the Antichrist arrives. It also proves that you MUST prepare for the great catastrophe that will also come, when Gog leads his military alliance against Israel. But, let’s look at the full list.




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Author: John Little - OmegaShock.com

John Little knows that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. A writer who currently lives in southern Taiwan, John still considers Jerusalem home. He holds an MBA and is married to the most beautiful woman on the planet. John has lived in Asia for 25+ years and strongly dislikes writing/recording doom-and-gloom articles and videos. Unfortunately, your survival is at stake, so he will keep doing them.


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