Why is God hidden? Cosmic Skeptic & Lukas Ruegger at Oxford University with Max Baker-Hytch

Published 2022-08-19
Why doesn't God seem to reveal himself to people who are open and seeking him?

Recorded at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, atheist Alex O'Connor (aka Cosmic Skeptic) and Christian apologist Lukas Ruegger join Justin discuss the hiddeness of God. OCCA tutor Max Baker-Hytch also joins the discussion for a post-script commentary.

For OCCA: www.theocca.org/
For Wycliffe Hall: www.wycliffe.ox.ac.uk/
For Cosmic Skeptic: youtube.com/c/CosmicSkeptic
For Lukas Ruegger: youtube.com/c/Deflate2020

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All Comments (21)
  • As a Christian, Alex has become my favorite atheist to listen to! He’s seemed to drop the anti-theist tone and it’s so refreshing compared to a lot of the junk on both sides not just the atheist side. Alex is frequently in my prayers, he’s a kind soul and a brilliant mind and I wish him nothing but the best.
  • @Pete-hm5gw
    Atheist here. Big fan of these debates on this channel. Justin is an excellent host and moderator. I look forward to more! :)
  • @scotteburns
    As an active seeker, Bible investigator, and one who is thoroughly weary of combative approaches to public discourse, the respect shown to each other's individual knowledge path in this conversation is refreshing and exciting. Thank you!
  • @baskeptic1161
    Great conversation guys. Really enjoyed it! I spent decades trying to convince myself that there is a loving God and that I would live forever. I believed that as I became older and wiser the truth of Christianity would become clear. That didn’t happen. I finally accepted that I am likely just a part of the natural world and when I die my sense of self will cease. It was devastating! However, there was an upside I was not anticipating. I had not realized how much emotional energy I was putting into “trying” to believe. My cognitive dissonance plummeted. I live my life striving to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible and follow the evidence accordingly. Regardless of what I wish was true. Even if I am wrong, an omniscient God would know I have been honest in my search.
  • Thank you, Alex, for being so candid about such a personal subject!
  • @schinzo19
    I’m a Christian who really enjoys Alex. He is a gentleman and incredibly smart.
  • Justin has taken the role of debate moderator and perfected it into a true art and profession.
  • @banibon47
    Max, I’ve been a Christian my entire life, and I’ve wrestled like Israel most of my life as well. The last few months in particular I’ve been plagued with your same questions and doubts. I can’t understand why God hides himself especially if He claims to be my Father and I’ve faithfully sought and served Him—I’ve sacrificed everything. I don’t understand why some people get to have these miraculous/supernatural experiences and I don’t. I felt anguished, fearful, frustrated, impatient, depressed. No one seemed to understand what I was going through, and I felt utterly hopeless realizing I wouldn’t live long enough on this earth to have all the answers. I believe Lucas is right however. I know God speaks to me—He’s done it many times before whether I admit it or not and He’s doing it right now even through you. Perhaps the struggle is the testimony God wants us to have. Some people have NDEs, some people are living terribly sinful lives but then go on to see visions or miracles, some just accept, and some people wrestle with the evidence. God interacts with us all through the same Holy Spirit and offers salvation to us all. He loves you and me the same as those that see miracles. Never stop searching and hoping for Him. He will open the door to those who seek and knock.
  • @jonnyw82
    I am always so impressed by Justin, he’s an amazing host and moderator.
  • @cerealdude890
    The topic of (a)theism rarely has such honest, open, intellectual dialogue. The obvious respect that these three men have for eachother despite contrasting world views is very refreshing.
  • As a Buddhist agnostic atheist, I would characterise this channel and its guests with this verse: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."
  • I enjoyed this civil, open minded discussion. These friends, who find themselves on the opposite side of this eternal question, model how to reason out their thoughts and questions on God’s revelation, without being enemies. Very well moderated! I’d love more. Well done!
  • @fandude7
    I appreciate Alex's humility, in light of his unusual intelligence. Enjoyed the program.
  • @RealAtheology
    This was a great exchange. It's really neat to see Alex's growth on these issues from a philosophical perspective.
  • @joannware6228
    "If not for the grace of God, how easily we would go through our entire lives without pondering anything beyond our senses. If we can’t see it, hear it, or touch it, we often don’t stop to contemplate it." —Jimmy Mitchell from his book Let Beauty Speak
  • @ProfYaffle
    Great points from Alex. And great responses from Lucas and Justin. We understand his points
  • @dantheman909
    Alex provides clam and cogent counter arguments to Christianity. It really helps to strengthen the church and apologists. Praying he would come into the fold one day as well.
  • @warclipsnow
    Wonderful discussion, beautifully moderated! 😀