Session 4 | Katie | In Therapy with Alex Howard

In Katie’s last session, we identified that she relates to herself in a similar way to how she was related to as a child. I advised Katie to do some daily practices to help her emotionally support herself between sessions. This week, Katie shares how she has been investing more into her self-care routine, which in turn has helped her manage difficult relationships over the Christmas period.

0:00 Welcome to In Therapy
1:04 Catching up with Katie
4:05 Katie's challenges over Christmas
8:05 Alex and Katie catch up in the New Year
11:38 Committed to the relationship with yourself
14:12 Escapism or true desire?
17:11 Progress on "Get-into-jail" cards
19:51 Connect to your goodness
24:37 Homework from the RESET Program
26:56 Alex's thoughts and updates
27:15 Next time on In Therapy...

In Therapy with Alex Howard follows real-life people on their therapeutic journeys as they grapple with issues like depression, anxiety and chronic illness.

Alex Howard is a London-based Therapeutic Coach dedicated to helping break the stigma around mental health and helping people make real, positive changes in their lives. Alex is also the creator of Therapeutic Coaching and founder of The Optimum Health Clinic and Conscious Life.

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Content is produced, directed and edited by Oliver Halls (Instagram: @oliver.halls) and Rachel Forbes (Instagram: @rae_forbes)

コメント (21)
  • @Chellebell56
    Katie is such a lovely lady, I can really understand where she’s coming from. Anyone would be lucky to have a friend like her.
  • Thank you for the free therapy. God knows I need it and I'm surprised how much it's helping me. I'm 50 and have just been surving my life as well Katie.
  • I just told myself....i am no longer cooking or cleaning up after my adult daughter when she visits. She can cook or bring us take away, lol. I am starting to set so many boundaries because im watching this. Wow, i appreciate you both so much.
  • Katie, your are a naturally GOOD 😊 and GENEROUS person and we all see this! We all appreciate it, please 🙏 do appreciate yourself ❤
  • I think the dream of countryside, chickens and dogs is wanting to connect .. with nature and ultimately with yourself❤
  • Katie, you are so brave and courageous. Your journey is making such a difference for you and I can see it in your eyes, your demeanor. You are literally lifted, and it shows. You go girl!
  • @jansmith2658
    Katie,I feel for you over the Christmas situation. Your children are bang out of order. Back for Christmas then off again !!!You deserve better. Manipulating you to let your ex stay. They appear to have no insight into your needs. They are adults now and need to take responsibility as such. Looking back as to how you got here is important but so is changing for future resilience.
  • @jillychandler
    I think that you, Katie, would be a wonderful person to run a B & B and do what you want to do in the country. I have done this myself, and am so like you. I loved running my b & b, and running my holiday cottage, and it gave me a reason to live, and brought me so much joy, meeting the new folk who stayed, and giving them a lovely holiday. Sadly, I am not allowed to run a B & B from the small house I am in now, that I own, but I have had lodgers. I do feel having someone around occasional lifted my spirits, but being a small home, I do need my own space, having lived alone now for about 22 years, with just my dog for company. Katie, you are being so strong in facing you hurt inner child. I am with you all the way. xxx
  • I understand this woman, I also was a scapegoated child and adult and I always felt guilt, sending love to Katie.
  • @MariaJMcMahon
    This guy is good! Sending lots of love and respect to you Katie for taking the journey!
  • Katie you are on a great pathway exploring and rediscovering the beauty of you. It is so evident that Katie is starting to connect with her inner wisdom( magic) through meditation and other tools and strategies etc. Katie's inner child is expressing their happiness by delighting in their dreams . Very inspiring session, thankyou. The self love meditation is so beautiful!
  • @irena128
    I'm so glad I found this, I can identify with Katie 99% and only started to make changes when having therapy. It must be our generation, I'm the same age how our parents and society moulded us. Thank you for letting us see the real you and Alex for giving us free therapy. This can only make us stronger, finding that our beliefs are not really ours and we need to change them. It is a very scary place to be, I had this trauma over a year ago, so much anxiety and fear it was unreal. With the steps you can gradually change your thought process and your reaction to it. Thinking of myself first was so selfish and it took a while but when you realise that no one else will do that for you you have to look after yourself and that is called growing up, being an adult. That's what I've learnt, I'm a lot calmer and getting closer to my happy soul. It becomes easier as more people are talking about it and there's more awareness. We will need lots more therapists in the future!
  • Sounds like she has some version of "I am not enough" which is such a common limiting belief. For me, I had to really cultivate a spiritual view myself (learning that I really am Awareness, Consciousness, etc. through spending lots of time with The Three Principles and non-dual teachers) to negate feeling "not enough." This was key for me as I was sick with CFS and Fibro and could not longer do anything in the world that was satisfying or made me feel good about myself. When I really saw that I was enough, that was a game changer--I didn't have to do anything to be worthy, be enough. "Nowhere to go, nothing to do."
  • Ok …I’ve followed this religiously and am nodding my head on agreement with relating to SO much of this . Especially the beating up of myself with regards to not valuing myself- based on the fact of not feeling valued my entire life !! I’m certain I have attachment issues..the NEED to feel respected and loved . Katie ..I live in the country , I have lived that way in years really …but after my son left the nest ..I’ve moved again slightly more remoter . I’m actually breathing at the moment- Alex is right there is NO rush but great to have a dream attached to your heart and gut . I have had the dog/chicken/ cottage ….. Im free of ALL responsibilities with regards to Needing ‘things animals and people’ …be yourself ALLOW that stage of NOTHING for a while …that’s exactly where I am atm . My nest is completely empty..yes I feel lonely …I walk sometimes alone ( I actually like that ) and sometimes I’m with friends. I take photos I enjoy alone time because all my life the fight and flight has exhausted me … the proving of myself the standing my ground and ridiculed because of that . I’m tired of being used, abused verbally and belittled . I’m really at that ( in the nicest way ) F# you , let me be me …..I’ve been so crushed by parents, elder narc sister a dodgy narc relationship which floored me ..and I’ve put up with that abuse for 58 years - I’m 62 now and freer than I’ve ever been in my life . My parents are both passed , the sister is estranged because I’d had enough, the narc relationship is long gone after my final NO GO AWAY ( and has passed away so completed no return ) … I agree Alex ‘ your plans don’t have to be attended to now ..maybe not at all , but Dream allow a dream to happen or not ‘ so what who gives a hoot Look after YOU !! I do -now 😊.
  • @user-jg1wh1ol1x
    Oh bless you Katie, I so feel you and it broke my heart watching how you’re family ganged up against you when you are trying so hard and they just don’t get it. It’s always hard at first when creating new boundaries for yourself for others to recognise what you need, in some ways I think (and I maybe wrong) but you may have made a rod for your own back because they are so used to you being a certain way, giving and non complaining, that they take that bit of you for granted and now you’re trying to assert yourself they maybe feel uncomfortable with these changes, but it’s necessary and I hope that you will be able to reach them and that they will start to understand you and be a support for you. Big hugs, you’re a lovely soul, you’ll get there
  • Katie thanks a lot for sharing your jourrney...I relate really well with your situation as I was the scapegoat in my childhood..thank you and take care.
  • Great session! Katie, I can see your inner strength growing with your hard courageous. Lots of good tips from Alex, as usual.