The Race to Claim the Arctic - Claims, Icebreakers & Competition in the Far North

Publicado 2024-05-05
The Arctic is pretty unique. It's a place where allies like the US and Canada feud, Russia is still arguably the dominant power and the United States can casually announce a claim to an area more than twice the size of California.

But with access to Arctic resources as a draw - this unique setting is likely to see far more competition in the coming years. So let's chill a bit, and talk Arctic competition.

Note a correction - In this presentation I refer to Norway handing over presidency of the Arctic Council to Russia in 2021. Norway currently holds the presidency, Russia received it from Iceland in 2021.


Relevant reading (incomplete):

Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf…

Annex 2…

Reporting on US 2023 claims…

Canada Arctic and Northern Policy Framework…

Canada Arctic National Strategy…

Canada launching fifth AOPS…

USGC Arctic Strategic Outlook and Strategic Outlook Implementation Plans……

CRS - Changes in the Arctic

CRS - Strategic Competition in the Arctic (statement before the House Homeland Security Committee Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security)

Pre-invasion reporting on Russia's Project 10510 icebreakers…

US national strategy for the Arctic…

CRS - Coast Guard PSC Program…

Featured images of Arctic claims:…

Russia's ECS claim…

CIA Icebreaker estimates

Reporting on Project 22220 ships…

Featured report on ship needing rescue in the arctic…

Canadian seafloor claims…

Featured image of platform…

Ice extent visualisation…

Reporting on the 2019 speech………

Denmark claiming North Pole seafloor reporting (2014)…

Caveats & Comments:

All normal caveats and comments apply. In particular – I would like to note as always that this material has been created for entertainment purposes and is not intended to be a complete or comprehensive examination of the topic in question and should not be relied upon to inform financial or other similar decisions.

This video is not an authoritative description of international law, please consider seeking legal advice if it is relevant to you or decisions you make.

00:00:00 — Opening Words
00:01:09 — What Am I Talking About?
00:02:08 — Welcome To The Arctic
00:04:34 — How Do You Claim The Arctic?
00:12:01 — Why Do You Claim The Arctic?
00:17:26 — The Arctic States & Organisations
00:22:25 — Claims And Disputes
00:26:44 — Arctic Operations & Security
00:32:32 — The Players & Assets
00:46:09 — Russia, Breakers & Missed Chances
01:01:41 — Channel Update

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @PerunAU
    Thanks to the Patrons who voted for this topic - really hoping I can justify continuing the series to look at Arctic warfare and strategy. It's a strange world, with unique demands and consideration, and one where Russia has a powerful position (albeit potentially weakened as a result of that fateful 2022 decision). With ease of access growing and potential resource wealth on the table, I think there's a genuine chance that nations continue to invest in building up in the Far North. As for what that means for the fragile ecosystem and past agreements on the region - only time will tell.
  • @brookechang4942
    As a Canadian, I'll believe China is a "near-Arctic state" when they have a hockey team worth talking about.
  • @paulsteaven
    China: We are a 'Near Arctic State'. Also China: Outsiders should stay away of the South China Sea dispute. Gotta love China's duality.
  • @m.streicher8286
    I'm 60 seconds in and I already see this heading towards "The US is currently dominant, but china built 86 ice breakers last week alone"
  • @gzer0x
    The thing about calculating the population of the arctic is extra funny to me. My aunt and uncle were IRS workers in Alaska, based out of Anchorage, and would fly out to the arctic. On most occasions, entire villages and towns would “go fishing/hunting” and be nowhere to be found because someone at the airport leaked that the IRS was on the way XD
  • @hugithordarson
    Correction: Iceland, not Norway chaired the Arctic council 2019-2021. That’s our foreign minister handing over the gavel at 20:10.
  • As a Dane, I am very proud of how both we and our fierce Canadian opponents have conducted ourselves in the hard fought 50 years war for Hans Island - and I am similarly proud of the final settlement reached after the five decades of repeated battles. I thus send much love to Canada and all the rest of our allies from this Kingdom, which, as we say here, may be small when measured with the world but huge when measured with the heart! 🇩🇰⚔️🇨🇦😉
  • @Muljinn
    “The Canadians don’t have plans to burn the White House a second time…” Canadian sweating intensifies…
  • „It‘s a region where there‘s a lot going on beneath the surface“ Perun invades Dad Jokes territory. 😂
  • @MTerrance
    Wait...the arctic??? Okay. Got my coffee. Got my cigar. Time to learn something about a topic I had no idea I was interested in...
  • @jessicarowley9631
    Spat my coffee at the sentence, "taking revenge for the Titanic." Ah, Perun! You are a treasure.
  • @aspi53
    Just for the record. In Denmarks Santa Lore, he lives in Greenland, and not on the North Pole, so we already won.
  • @bernadmanny
    If you remember that China unofficially-officially considers a large chunk of Sibera as properly belonging to China, then their claim as a 'near' arctic state make more sense.
  • @uncleheavy6819
    The first thing that comes to my mind is the British research ship that should have been named Boaty McBoatface as the result of a public pole. The authorities chickened out.
  • @ExcretumTaurum
    Once again my Sunday night insomnia is rewarded with PowerPoint Man.
  • @Deltarious
    The fact you included a Stargate reference in here immediately puts this in contention for your top videos. I just hope the US can keep the chair supplied ;)
  • @capt5656
    Hey Perun, former Canadian reservist here. You might already have talked to some relevant people but if want i can probably connect you with some of the guys who deployed to the arctic via OP Nanook and maybe even with people from our newer 'Arctic Response Company Group' who deployed last year. The land element might not mean the most in the arctic but we do exist!
  • @sagecolvard9644
    I didn't know about the Arctic council. It's amazing that not only is there an international forum where Russia and the US actually successfully cooperated in 2021, but that they gave it a cute fox for a logo. I don't know whose decision the cute fox was, but they were so right.
  • @luvirini
    Who claims ownership of Santa's workshop: Easy. It is Finland as unlike the missinformation in US and some other parts of the world, Santa actually lives on Korvatunturi in Finland.
  • @MsZeeZed
    Ok, I should be used to this by now. China builds a reef just above the waves in the middle of nowhere, draws a line back home and says “our sea”. Russia doesn’t even bother with an island, plants a flag on the sea floor (where literally no-one can see it) and says “our hemisphere” 🤦🏻‍♀️😅