McDonald's Happy Meal Toys Top 10

Published 2015-11-29
McDonald's Happy Meal Toys Top 10

List of Happy Meals:

Ducktales Toy Figures (1988)
Who didn't love Ducktales toys? This show was super awesome in the 80s.

Moon Man Figures (1988)
These were a McDonalds creation to go with their "Mac at Nite" theme.

Space Rescue (1995)
I was too old by the time these came out, but they look really cool.

Little Golden Book (1982)
Everyone knows Little Golden Books are how you started to read! You knew they were special with that golden shiny spine that each of them had.

Berenstain Bears Books (1990)
This series was so popular that even McDonald's decided to get in on the action! A Berenstain Bears book for a happy meal.

Hot Wheels (1983)
You can't go wrong with Hot Wheels cars! A classic.

Halloween Pails (1985)
These are legendary and well-known. I think McDonald's continues to offer these every season with different designs and patterns.

Play-Doh (1983)
Every kid wanted to get Play-Doh with their happy meal, right? You didn't even have to play with it, just smell it.

Super Mario Bros. 3 toys (1990)
Wow, Super Mario toys! I would have loved these as a kid. I think I must have missed these, which is unfortunate.

Changeables (1987)
The most famous happy meal toys of all time. These things were awesome. They appeared as normal McDonald's meals until you changed them into some kind of robot/creature.

All Comments (7)
  • @derikdragon80
    Some toys I never knew McDonald's gave away. Then again, I was only a few years old when they had Play-Doh and those Little Golden Books.
  • @griffredux9966
    Is this based off sales #s? I was thinking the Chicken Nugget toys would be on the list somewhere...
  • @kasumikawaii54
    What? No Barbie? There is something wrong with you! I can see a lot of these toys myself. The Mattel Hot Wheels cars should have been a clue! But not to have any of the Barbie toys included is just wrong. I used to buy them all, every time a new one came out. 😟😟😟