The Excoriators Chapter Of The Adeptus Astartes! Self Flagellating Masters Of Attritional Warfare

Published 2023-03-17

All Comments (21)
  • @akumaking1
    “Magic pain glove, tell me what I must do.”
  • @UGNAvalon
    Excoriators Founder: “No Pain, No Gain.” Excoriators today: ”ALL PAIN”
  • @palpadur1112
    you know what turians from Mass Effect, Imperial Fists and their successors have in common? you know they're out of ammo when they switch to the stick up their butts as a backup weapon.
  • @TheFatalcrest
    XD Slaanesh tries to corrupt them but they only go. "This suffering is not for you to enjoy creep!"
  • @BestCatFriend
    Put them and the Lamenters in a battle line and you have a front that cannot be broken by trickery or fear. no witch talent or super weapon. Nothing but slowly having to cut through every last astartes, fighting until the last breath leaves their third lung, and the last beat of their second heart.
  • @HTWW
    These gotta be the kinda guys that only generate Primaris by performing the Firstborn procedure and then crossing the Rubicon. Preferably unanesthetized.
  • From afar you could mistake them for rather slow moving White Scars
  • @ricks5756
    I wonder how "excited" they would be at the prospect of donning a Pain Glove ?
  • Rogal Dorn: "I take it back. THESE are the absolute lunatics."
  • The first thing that went through my mind when I heard the term Dorn's Darkness: "I will now fortify this position."
  • @Yacovo
    So they are Imperial Fists who are roleplaying as Loyalist Iron Warriors? It seems Imperial Fists even do attritional warfare better than their rivals. Thanks for the video.
  • @Sarindanvelor
    ngl these guys vs the drukari would be an interesting fight one gets captured and tortured only to criticize their torturer's methods the whole time
  • @MrNetWraith
    Considering older lore for the Imperial Fists literally implies that they have a Chapter-wide proclivity towards masochism as a genetic flaw... yeah, the Excoriators make sense on a fair few levels.
  • @khorney202
    I've always found learning about the different chapters that exist in 40k the most interesting. They are so diverse yet everyone only talks about the main ones!
  • @PyrusCreed
    I see Rogal found enough magic pain gloves for at least one Chapter of his sons.
  • @Marinealver
    Imperial Fist sucessors tend to be "insane" 🎵 PURGING WITH MY KIN 🎶
  • What happens when these boys face the Death Guard? Both sides would probably find that fight tedious.
  • @LazyererSoda
    As always love the lore but also love Barch's misspeaking. The idea of a Space Marine dying from hydration is funny to me. A bunch of armored super men just randomly floating in water.
  • @andreanagy467
    "Zachariah you are technically victorious, the best kind of victorious"
  • Please keep posting more lore Arch and don’t stop! The grim darkness of the far future is the only distraction I have as a usmc veteran As a kid I wanted to be a marine Keep on doing the god emperor’s work!