Can Humans And Aeldari Interbreed? - 40K Theories

Given their physical similarities, is it at all possible for humans and Aeldari to produce hybridised offspring?

This is an updated and remastered video with additional information and higher quality audio.

Apologies if my voice seems a little off in this video, I was dealing with the tail end of a throat infection at the time.

Additional Narration by Stephanie Swan Quills

Intro theme by Stringstorm

Additional audio editing by Officio Audiorum

Additional artwork by Eupackardia, Kendrick Lim, Fallstrider, Eliphusz, Ironshrinemaiden, Victor Perez Corbella and Rayph
All art property of their respective owners

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コメント (21)
  • Firstly, yes this is a remaster (as the original sounded as if it was recorded with a potato) with a hell of a lot more information added. Secondly, for those asking why I didn't include the character of Illiyan Nastase, this is due to the character pretty much being retconned from existence after 1st edition. Plus with changes to how the Imperium view Xenos as a whole, there would be no way that he would be allowed anywhere close to the ranks of the Dark Angels, who are one of the most xenophobic chapters out there (since he was originally from the Ultramarines then transferred to the Dark Angels, for some reason) so it seemed kinda pointless to include him. That being said, we did get Ael Wyntor... UPDATE: Illiyan Nastase is within the new Dawn of Fire book, but has been retconned to be an Aledari Farseer rather than a Space Marine Librarian Hybrid.
  • @jeyb14
    'I can't wait to be a loyal servant of the Emperor.' 'You idiot, we're inside a Farseer's throat'
  • In the immortal words of Dr. Ian Malcolm. Life uhh... finds a way.
  • This is just proof that the Old Ones did in fact tried to make the perfect waifu species
  • "Can humans and Eldar Interbreed?" I cannot confirm, but God-Emperor knows I'm willing to make the sacrifice trying.
  • Well I think the question on everyone’s mind is this: can a PRIMARCH interbreed with an eldar? Asking for a giant blue friend
  • The two thirstiest species in fantasy history have carnal relations with each other? Surely not.
  • I’m pretty sure an Ordos Xenos Inquisitor and Mechanicus Biologist tried to do this and somehow failed.
  • Why do you fight? - For Emperah - For the greater good - To bring my race back to greatness - For mah thicc aeldari waifu - For WAAAAGH
  • As TTS has taught us, of course they can, why do you think Big E was building humanity a webway?
  • Personally, I find the political ramifications of the two species being able to breed MUCH more interesting than the question of whether or not they actually can. Humans and eldar who support a human-eldar alliance would use this as leverage, with the humans claiming that eldar are abhumans rather than xenos and the eldar calling this the salvation of their species.
  • "Can Humans and Aeldari interbreed??" If there is a possibility, then hell yeah, why not i'm down for it.
  • One of my RPG characters’ backstories was that their father was a highborn kidnapped by Drukhari. Due to him taking to the Aeldari language quickly and amusing a Haemonculus who kept him, he was granted a wish for an heir...which the Haemonculus granted in the worst way possible, because she’s a Drukhari, after all.