If You Have an Indoor Cat, Never Do THIS! (Common Indoor Cat Mistakes)

Published 2023-08-06
Many cats live indoors with their owners. This can work well, but you must meet all their needs. As a responsible owner of an indoor cat, it's important to avoid these 15 mistakes to keep your beloved pet happy and healthy.

Lack of outdoor experience
Cats are animals that enjoy being in touch with nature. Even if your cat stays indoors, it's important to provide them with opportunities to experience grass and plants. One option is to create a catio in your garden. But you can put catnip in a pot inside your home.

Not neutering or spaying them
Indoor cats can be driven by hormones to try to escape outside to find a mate. By neutering and spaying, you eliminate this added stress on your feline and minimize the allure of the outdoors.

Toxic houseplants
Some plants are toxic to cats. Removing toxic plants from your house, or moving them to a room where your kitty doesn’t have access to, is the best way to protect your cat.
Among the most toxic plants are daffodils, English Ivy, azaleas, Calla lilies, aloe, begonias, and ficus.

A single cat
Most cats enjoy each other's company and they thrive on building intimate ties with other felines.
If you leave your cat alone every day and you can’t provide your pet with enough interaction, playtime, and stimulation, consider getting a second cat to fill the need.

Too little time together
Contrary to what many people believe, domestic cats are not solitary animals.
Many cats will follow their owners from room to room because they look to them for company and love. .
Make sure to provide your pet with cuddles and regular social interaction. This makes your pet feel more loved and cared for.
Dirty litterbox
When cats live outdoors, they take care of their bathroom needs outside. They have plenty of clean space to bury their waste, or leave it uncovered as a way to mark their territory.
However, if you have an indoor cat, it becomes your responsibility to regularly clean their litterbox. If you don’t, your cat may avoid going to the litterbox and will find another place in the house to relieve themselves.

Not deworming or vaccinating them
Even if your cat is an indoor cat, it is at risk of catching parasites and infectious diseases. Doors open and window screens aren’t foolproof. If you bring in ticks or mosquitoes, your pet could be exposed to heartworms, Lyme disease, or even the plague. Your cat can also catch contagious diseases when they go for grooming or stay at a boarding facility.
To protect your cat, make sure they receive vaccinations regularly.

Not cat-proofing your home
Cats love climbing vertical spaces. It's important to make sure all electronics and shelved objects are secure. Make sure there aren't any free-hanging cords, tassels, or fabric strips that could spell trouble for a climbing feline.

Not brushing them
Cats are excellent at grooming themselves and they rarely need to be washed.
Instead of giving them a bath, you can brush them regularly. Regular brushing not only helps keep their coat clean but also prevents hairballs and strengthens your bond.

Not enough scratching posts
Cats need to scratch to maintain their nails and muscles in good condition.
Make sure to provide your pet with enough scratching posts to keep them physically and emotionally well.

Leaving them alone too long
In general, adult cats are content being left home alone for 8-12 hours. If you’re going to be gone for more than one night, arrange for a friend or pet sitter to look after your cat.
Although your cat may seem to be very independent, if you leave them alone for too long, it can cause them stress and separation anxiety – not to mention the risk of accidents or illness. Fevers, urinary blockages, blood clots — these are common cat-health emergencies.

Giving them access to open windows
Every year, animal hospitals treat cats who have fallen from great heights, often out of windows of multi-story buildings. Some make a recovery, but devastatingly, many don’t.
If you live in an apartment or high-rise building, don’t leave any windows open.

Human Habits
Did you know that certain habits people have, like smoking or making loud noises, can be bad for health and cat's well-being? That's why it's important to be cautious when inviting people to your home, as their shouting or loud music can negatively affect your cat's happiness and health.

Not having a safe place
Cats are very skittish animals. They are also very sensitive to their surroundings, and they can easily get stressed. It's important for your cat to have a safe place and several hiding spots to go to when they feel scared or threatened.

Not providing enough mental stimulation
It is important to remember that cats need opportunities for enrichment.
If your feline friend is food motivated, then treat based puzzles can be a fun.
Television can make for great entertainment.
Cats often like videos that show animals like birds and mice running around or fish swimming.

All Comments (21)
  • @AngelCatBaby
    I have a senior cat which doesn’t always make it to the litter boxes, so I’m left cleaning up after him. Others would have put him to sleep ages ago but he is still able to eat and drink without having any I’ll effects, plus he isn’t losing weight yet either. He’s just getting older and probably has arthritis. I know this very well, I’m 74. He seems to be doing well, but I’m also thinking his time might getting closer too. He is close to being 15/16 years old. Even though he has these issues, I don’t have the heart to just put him down right now, his weight is good and he always comes to me when called. He also is my close companion and stays with me all the time. I will do what needs to be done when I know he will be at death’s door, but not right now. When his time is near, I want to be there with him, holding him in my arms while he breathes his last breath. I’ve done this with all my animals, because I won’t leave any of them die alone. They were always with me until they were older, and I will be with them when they need me and breathing their last breath. This is what true love and companionship is about, being there for each other. 👍❤️🙏🏼😇
  • @honiideslysses12
    My big boy OJ was an outdoor cat who took up residence in our garage for about seven years and when I moved he came with me. He's an inside cat now and he doesn't even go near the front door!
  • My senior cat hates the outdoors and other cats. I love her to pieces and her vet is consistently impressed with how healthy she is at 19 years old.
  • @kirsten7467
    Not all cats want another cat in their space, its really important to take notice of your cat's personality instead of a random youtube video, just saying.
  • @tinysworld1721
    My kitty loves to sleep on my pillow while I sleep lol I hate leaving him alone when I have to go to work
  • @wolfhound146
    Before anyone comes back at me with this. I know a cat being around another cat is a good thing for cat mannerisms. I know that they are there to keep each other company and happy. I know all the benefits of a second cat. With that said here is my stance on a second cat. I would argue that a second cat depending on your schedule is debatable. Also with the knowledge that cats are a financial choice. It also comes down to how capable you are of taking care of them. If you spend most of your days at home and can give them more attention you can do that. I don't/didn't have the capacity to take care of more than one cat at a time and I spend most of my time home. I try to give my cat as much attention as I can and as she will let me. We have a very strong bond and even without training she listens to some of my basic requests. If I am getting into bed and she's already up there I can ask her to get down for a moment so I can get the covers sorted. She also waits for me to tell her that she can get back on the bed. When getting out of bed she moves towards the pillow getting off the covers so I can get up. If I need her to get on the other side of me she immediately swaps when I ask here to with some light encouragement of my hand being there for a rub. At times I do wish I was able to get one of her brothers or sisters and the sad reality is that I just couldn't. Though I wouldn't trade the bond I have with her for anything. The best part is that I found her as a feral kitten. I picked her up when I found her and sat down with her and she was lying completely flat on my chest with her head fully down too. As anyone who has a cat in their care knows is that means they are completely content and feel safe. To this day I am certain that she chose me. It even ended up that she saved my life. I couldn't imagine my life without her and the thought she more than likely thinks the same keeps me going.
  • I always took my cat with me when I traveled He loved sitting in the sun on the dashboard 😺
  • @doreekaplan2589
    At a hotel, my cat found the small pail I set in a corner filled with sand I meant to put in his box. Found him peeing standing up on the edge as it was so small
  • @bookbwitched6823
    My black, fluffy 10 week kitten crawled up my bookcase & sat in my wax melt machine. Her entire bottom was burnt terribly she had two areas of third degree burn & poor little bottom was bright red which looked a lot like a baboon with her black fur.i fely that wax after & it sure wasn't as hot as eyebrow wax. Poor little girl. It took a good 5 months before she had regrown her fur. It was a dreadful time. Beware.
  • we've become cat parents to rescues, love them so much. They are not independent or aloof, but love petting, lap napping & talk constantly! we bought cat grass seed & germinate it for our sensitive stomach boy. yes, they can get sick when their routine is upset by house guests, ours lost wght & developed an infection of some kind. Still, we ❤them!
  • @DenizenoftheAges
    I am slowly integrating a new cat to mine. 😻😻 Once the new cat is comfy around my rambunctious one, I plan on adopting it.
  • @DeltaPKA
    The open paper bag that was shown in the video can be dangerous to cats if you don't cut the handles off, the loops in the handles can get caught on the cats neck and body causing them to panic and potentially strangle themselves. I know from experience watching my cat play with a bag like that one.
  • Not all cats need or want a companion, it depends on their personalities. I currently have a recent rescue (aged just under 7) and because she is a trauma survivor cat, it will be a while before it is even appropriate to consider a buddy. If in the future, it seemed appropriate, and she was fully confident, I would get one of similar age, similar temperament (no way I would get a kitten or youngster). But, she has the option to spend time at my mother's house (same property), and that is 'hers' as well. I was actually surprised when she coped at my mother's, when I had no choice but to leave her for overnight (and the two days). Currently, she does not have the confidence to share territory with another. It may come in time, it may not. It's about reading your cat.
  • We have 10 happy and healthy cats that range from 3 years old to 19 years old. I plan on making a cat room with lots of places to climb and nap. Only one of our cats (a siamese) insists on scratching a certain piece of furniture so we installed a new scratching post right in front of that spot she scratches and she just loves it and ignores the furniture now.
  • @wolfhunt7013
    First few days going to work after getting my first cat, I swear I could hear her meowing and her bell all the time
  • @justnyla2780
    My cat is really independent and she dont like me to hold her for more that 1-3mins unless she really sleepy. She will sleep near me when she feels like it. If I bring her over to lay with me she will get up and lay somewhere she wants to go. I've learned over the years to let her do her and when she ready to come to me on her own i just be happy she ready to socialize with me on her terms😊
  • @straingedays
    Our kitties favourite toy is a brown paper bag with a pingpong ball inside it, she's literally spent hours entertaining herself (and us humans) jumping in it, whacking it, & superman sliding into it. She has numerous toys but nothing enthralls her like that now battered 25 cent brown bag !!
  • @benborah1264
    My cat will NOT get on the furniture- even if i put her on something, she jumps right out. Safe spaces are huge with her and she changes where she sleeps every few days.
  • I had 2 cats that did got along with each other. They were both indoor and outdoor cats. One did wonder around the neighborhood and the other stayed close to his home.
  • @judis8972
    Thanks for your kind and wise information. It reflects my experiences beginning with a photographic evidence of myself in my cradle when I was an infant