Death Korps of Krieg! Warhammer 40k Army Showcase

Published 2022-06-04
#deathkorpsofkrieg #warhammer #mediocrehobbies

Hi guys! Andy back again!

Welcome to a different type of video, a highly requested detailed look at my pride and joy…my Death Korps of Krieg Imperial Guard army. You’ve seen them in action on the battlefield, but I always get asked for more content on them. I’ve spent countless hours painting up this army and making custom bases for each component. I have a lot of rare pieces from Forgeworld, as well as being lucky enough to have some pieces donated to me as well. I’ve loved being able to show off some of the army in battle reports on the channel but this video is the first time the whole army has been seen together. I have tutorials on my channel(from the early days) on how to paint Death Korps of Krieg in this very quick and easy scheme, plus a basing tutorial for these trench/duckboard type bases.
Paint scheme:
   • How to Paint: Speed Paint Battle Read...  
   • How To: Krieg Trench Bases for Warham...  

If you have any questions at all about anything in the video, or requests for other armies you’d like to see, please leave them below!

Hope you enjoy and don't forget to subscribe!

I'm now a full time content creator and have a lot of plans for the coming year.
I launched my 365 project in this video and would love for you to check it out!

   • Why I Ended My Games Workshop Career ...  

If you enjoy my videos and content, please consider supporting me in the following ways! I would be really grateful if you joined and helped build our Mediocre Hobbies community!

-Visit my Patreon and select a tier that suits you! Whether you want to become a Primarch of legend with one-to-one painting sessions, join the 365 project and take part in monthly Q&A’s with me on how the year is progressing, or simply pledge the price of a pot of paint, there's something for everyone, with more subscriber rewards on the way! There's also a discord server to join when you sign up!

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If my tutorials help you, they might help someone else in your local gaming community, online or in real life!





Krieg animation:
Kurt Ian Ferrer
   • Death Korps of Krieg marching- The at...  

Music used
Shattered Helium - Rules Of War (Epic, Heroic, Trailer Music) [Copyright Free]
   • Shattered Helium - Rules Of War (Epic...  

Chill Calm Electronic by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / City Beat
   • Chill Calm Electronic by Infraction [...  

All Comments (21)
  • So proud of this army, hope you like it too! Let me know if you have any questions! There's links to tutorials in the description if you like the paint scheme or bases!
  • @Teapaints
    Mad respect to you man. This is one of the most impressive armies I’ve ever seen! Keep up the awesome work dude!
  • @NicolaiVE
    Seeing a a fully painted Guard army of decent size brings a tear to my eyes... I myself am working on my cadians (wich I started collecting because I couldn't afford FW back then) I recently finished my infantry, but a ton of tanks and artillery still await my airbrush and paintbrush 😅
  • @thedagda2509
    Marvellous, I was lucky enough to meet Simon Egan, at a Games Day, on the Forge World stand. He graciously showed me all his concept Art and ideas for the Death Korps. Lovely man.
  • @tonydiep3076
    This is a beautiful army. I love how you weathered it like a classic style war model miniature. Amazing.
  • @Zeros_Hobbies
    That is a beautiful army and so unique looking i love that you went with what you felt looks right and not just the meta, well done sir.
  • @cheech381
    That's a pretty pretty army. Nice collection mate. Thanks for displaying it, you must be very proud of it.
  • Very impressive! I had never heard of the Quartermasters before, but their explanation makes them perfect for the lore! Also, €3500 is pretty sobering, but how many of us have that much product still on the sprue? Good on you for being able to actually play with them!
  • @RofelLord
    amazing and beautiful, so freaking epic
  • @buryitdeep
    Damn, that Kreig Earthshaker battery is intimidating af..
  • This is gorgeous work here. Kudos, beautifully painted and what an accomplishment.
  • @blackbart4646
    Absolutely fantastic! So much converted and personalized stuff too ! Thanks !!! GJ!
  • Awesome. I am just starting to build a Krieg Army. It's inspiring to see what you created.
  • That looks awesome! I'm loving your design for the Earthshakers! Such an amazing army!
  • Love it, Krieg is so special :) I hope u can make a how to paint series for the vehicles! Would love that so unique ! Keep it up!
  • That was a great showcase video 👍 All the little extra bit on the bases just takes them to the next level. I think my favourite unit because is the quarter master and the trooper on the ground, just because it captures the spirit of the army. I never knew that character existed. I feel bad singling out just one unit and they are amazing. Top hobby 👍
  • Once im don't with my 2k Dark Angels army, I am going to collect forgeworld Krieg Kits while I work on my Chaos Undivided army. Eventually, getting all you have here plus a Krieg Baneblade and Krieg styled Cerastus Knight ally. I haven't had the slightest clue where to find these that aren't already painted. On that topic, I'd pay you cash money for a painting tutorial for your army. I am so in love with it. I also intend on making a pillbox with twin linked stubbors in it and asking if I can use it in games as a stationary support battery with demolition charges on their board edge.
  • I just started from the game... finally bought the Krieg pack. I wanna built a huge Army past 1500pts. Just new reading the book to get an idea.
  • Awesome army!, WELL DONE indeed, some very unique units there, so nice to see them