Sebastian Junger's Near Death Experience After an Aneurysm

Publicado 2024-07-02

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Whathefleck
    To go through something like that and still remain an atheist just baffles me.
  • @PlumbingExplained
    When I was in 4th grade my best friend was killed in a car accident, the accident happened on the weekend and I had no idea(this was before cell phones and the internet) Sunday night I had a really bizarre dream that I was in the clouds climbing some pole and suddenly my friend came walking out of a cloud, we were standing there on the clouds and he told me he just wanted to say goodbye and I remember being confused and telling him no he didn’t need to leave but this wasn’t meant to be a conversation so he just smiled and told me no he was just there to say goodbye and he turned around and walked back off into the clouds. Next day after school the principal pulled me out of class and told me my friend had passed away the night before. This can’t be explained away by the chemicals in my brain doing weird things because I wasn’t dying, I was perfectly fine and healthy sleeping in my bed when this happened with zero knowledge of what happened to my friend over the weekend.
  • @ryeann2567
    I can tell you with 100% certainty, as someone who has spent nearly 20 years working in hospitals - when really sick patients start seeing/talking to dead relatives -- shit is about to go down.
  • @dorothyself8493
    I am a nurse. We coded a man in ICU that had a cardiac arrest and went into a dangerous rhythm. We would shock him and get him back briefly. He screamed that he was on fire and save him. Then he would code again. This happened a few times before he finally passed. Most horrible thing ever! Heaven is real but so is hell. Get right with God. Time is short.
  • @wilsonsclips_
    Bro saw the literal pits of Hell open up, by Gods grace he made it out alive and he has the brass to immediately say “Im still an atheist.” Pray for this man.
  • @NinjaxShadowXx
    Sorry but a dark void pit opening up in the ground as you are dying does not sound like a nice place at all... I would turn my life around after that one😬
  • @Jak-5
    I didn't have a NDE but I had a voice out of nowhere speak to me months after I had a major medical issue disappear. I was at the doctors and while waiting I asked "God did you help me" right after that a voice told me what the nurse was going to do and it happened. I was frozen in disbelief, God's real people.
  • @RichieBrash
    My Grandma died last month. I made it to the Hospital just before she slipped into unconsciousness for the final time. She was clearly between two places. Earth and Heaven. She kept talking about seeing so many dead friends and relatives she hadn’t talked about to me ever or even to my Grandpa about in years. She kept kicking her feet and saying she was running, she kept telling us “I have to go”. It’s sad, but it is also a beautiful thing to be there with someone you love at the end. I hope my Grandma is who I see and hear when it’s my time. An after life is a hard thing to grasp for the evidence oriented mind, but when you listen to enough NDE’s and see so many correlating threads between stories it’s hard to deny the existence of an afterlife.
  • @samanthab1923
    I don’t know about any NDE but I was with my 9 year old sister when she died. Two years earlier she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Operated on & even went back to school for a bit. Started to grow back & she went for chemo. Her last day was a warm Indian Summer day. My parents were both downstairs & I was up with her alone. Looking out the open window at my brothers playing basketball with our friends. She was on heavy pain meds & was dozing. All of a sudden with my back to her on the bed it got cold. Enough where I shivered & turned back to her. Without thinking I went to her & picked up a hand mirror from the night stand. Placed it by her mouth to check if she was breathing. No fog. I was only a sophomore in HS how was I so prepossessed? Went downstairs & looked at my dad & said I think Erin is dead. He pushed past me to run upstairs. My mom just looked at me & said go keep your brothers outside. Her anniversary is in Sept. will be 50 years. I never doubted for a moment that I will see her again ❤️🙏🏻
  • @dot_t
    I survived a subarachnoid brain hemorrhage due to a ruptured aneurysm. It was a sudden thunder clap headache I can't even explain how painful it was. It was one of the scariest things I've had to overcome in my life. I still struggle with migraines, memory and word finding among other issues. But I SURVIVED! ❤️🙏🏼❤️
  • @julieboley3836
    He got a second chance that most of us don't get.Prayers for this man.Jesus is the only way!
  • @0104jojo
    Hearing this man’s experience made me shake my head and ask Jesus to wake this man up to the truth.
  • @BudaMac
    I know someone who was pronounced dead for a few minutes after a car accident. He ended up surviving & would always tell us that he went to heaven and saw some of his family/friends that passed away. He stuck to that story for years until the day he did eventually pass. R.I.P Jeff Row! Until we meet again 🙏🏻🌁🖼️🌌
  • @bilalkhan4168
    My sweet sweeeeeet MOM passed away from Cancer, bacterial meningitis, lungs infection, kidney failure, 18 chemo,40 rediations,fits,strokes internal bleeding and finally heart failure. She was only 48 year old ,but I know she’s in Heaven!!! She wasn’t just my mom, but my best friend. Please pray for her.
  • @sharonbohannon1219
    Time for him to get right with his creator. He’s been given another chance. Lord Jesus help him.
  • 2014 mom passed away down in Naples Florida - I in Massachusetts. Mom was the least religious person I knew. My sister was down there with her when he was dying. Just before mom passed my sister said she told her that her sister, Sandra, was calling her to cross over. I got the call from my sister that mom had passed shortly thereafter. I was heartbroken as mom had had such a tough life with many familial issues as a child and a drunk for a father who abused them all. After she died I was talking to her at home and asked her to send me a sign that she's okay if she was able to. Shortly thereafter my phone rang. It showed, "Unknown caller," so I let it go to voicemail. When I went to listen to the message there was a robotic sounding female voice that spoke a single word - "Steven." In all my 61 years on earth nothing like this has ever happened prior to, or subsequent to, that single voicemail. No one on earth will ever convince me that that was not my mother letting me know that she is okay. To this day, July 9, 2024, I still cannot believe that it happened, but it did. We hear the stories of others, such as those in this very comment section, and try hard to believe what people say, but it is very difficult to fathom unless and until it happens to us specifically. Well, it did happen to me and I am eternally grateful that it did. I know 100% for certain that my mother is exactly where she is supposed to be and will be waiting for me on the day of my departure. To all those worried about death and dying, please don't. There is more beyond this world and our loved ones cannot wait to be reunited with us again. Please be well and live life to its fullest and perhaps we'll all get to meet up in a better place to rub elbows and be friends. Love to all from Boston Massachusetts. 😊😊
  • @Kate-cg6ii
    I had two blood transfusions after having my son when I was 18 and just a child myself. I will be forever be grateful for whoever donated their blood and helped save my life 🙏🏻
  • @luftwaffe6521
    I can relate to this guy. I had an abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture. By the miracle of God, I survived. My surgeon told my wife 97% of people who get this don’t survive by the time surgery can be done. Thank you God for blessing me with the medical professionals who saved my life. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
  • @eezy251able
    2 months after my mum passed her voice came into my dream and told me everything is going to be OK. The sound of her voice was so clear in my head it's all I remember, as if she said I to me in my ear.
  • @emily-zx3el
    As someone who also bled out at childbirth. I also almost died, but I didn’t see a black pit, I saw warm light. The most beautiful soft warm light. I remember telling my husband it was going to be okay, to take care of our daughter, to move in with my mom so that he would have support without me. (It was our first baby) I told him what color to bury me in (Navy blue) I remember thinking “wow, if this is the end to my story, and I’m okay with it. I’ve loved hard and lived a good life, if I leave now I’m okay. I gave the world a beautiful girl, and it’s okay if I go now.”