Metal family (animated music video)

Published 2018-01-02

All Comments (21)
  • @starofwater
    I just love the fact Glam took one look at the beefy biker chick woofing down a hot dog and went, "I want to spend the rest of my life being bench pressed by her." and then he watches her beat up a guy twice her size and is just <3
  • @moonrain7723
    I love how Vicky Is so strong and violent but blushes a lot when Glam shows his draws to her 😭
  • @gary449
    this is probably the healthiest romantic relationship i have ever seen.
  • @gary7846
    people might see him as a joke but that dude is metal af, no fear of death to be seen
  • @waka1145
    Кто тоже решил пересмотреть этот шедевр после просмотра 5-ой серии 2 сезона?
  • @jackphoto8816
    Came back from the 3rd episode in the second season. The moment glam said he would stop for coffee I said “Wait a minute.” I came back and I knew, I knew that was the walk he met Victoria! I love how that all came around! This series has grown so much, I can’t wait to keep following! I’m patient for the English episodes, I don’t mind waiting for this great series!
  • @JasperCaster03
    Glem is so smart and such and intellectual wise person, but when he’s passionate about something he will be dumber than a box of rocks and I love it.
  • Glam is absolutely off his goddamn rocker insane and I love it. He’s got the determination of Johnny Bravo, the skills of a Terminator, and the fearlessness of a honey badger all in one little psychotic stick of a man.
  • When I first saw this video I had no idea it was connected to an actual series. This 5 minute video told such an awesome love story it was so easy to fall in love with. So much so I looked deeper into the channel itself and found out there was an entire lore for a Russian YouTube animated series based on this video. 10/10 Story Telling.
  • @quisti591
    Пересмотрев это видео в который раз, особенно на моменте с альбомом и фотками я окончательно убедился, что сюжет всего мультсериала был целиком написан ещё до выхода самой первой серии
  • @TGZero
    They got married and still had a metal/biker family. Goals.
  • @Exodon2020
    "So, how did you two meet?" "Funny story actually. Victoria lost her keys - and when I wanted to return them to her she tried to run me down and both of us ended up in Hospital. Good times!"
  • I would love to see a backstory episode for Victoria and her childhood like they did for Glam. I think it would be interesting to see how she was brought up, like was she raised to try and be rich and proper like Glam, or was she a completely different story of her upbringing? Just an idea suggestion. :) :)
  • @Wrathlon
    I love everything about this. It's wholesome as fuck and unconventional as fuck and is a perfect representation of the diversity and depth of real relationships.
  • @joerV2
    "Времени ещё много, успею зайти за чашечкой кофе, женой, двумя детьми и семейной жизнью"
  • @dianatodd4016
    Когда я впервые увидела этот клип, мне было ещё 15 лет. Сейчас мне 21 год, и я всё ещё в восторге. Более того, меня восхищает то, что персонажи не только стали героями целого сериала с нетипичной идеей, но и то, что создатели не остановились на первом сезоне, и серии продолжают выходить. Огромный респект 👍
  • @mihardaniel9886
    We guys already know the Glam storyline, now I wanna see how Victoria childhood was, and how she becomes a biker..