Wife of WNBA star Brittney Griner speaks out about athlete's detainment l GMA

Published 2022-05-25

All Comments (21)
  • @patsayjack402
    The term "wrongfully detained" is just flat out disinformation. Russia has laws about bringing drugs into their country. They have set penalties. Griner knew bringing drugs into the country was illegal. She did it anyway and is being punished according to their laws. If we want other countries to respect our laws then we should respect theirs. Nothing wrongful about her detainment in the slightest.
  • She’s supposedly a lawyer and somehow is appalled when a country is enforcing their own laws. I’m sorry what?
  • @ariellebakes
    How is she “wrongfully detained”? Just because it’s accepted in your country doesn’t mean it is for others. We must learn to respect other countries laws
  • @Tayodope
    If Britney was just a regular person no one would even be thinking about this, if America put this much effort on doing what’s right for all, America would be great
  • @l.6516
    She broke the law, I don't understand why people are shocked. When you go abroad, you are subject to and expected to respect the laws. Like anywhere else.
  • @davidyonce2238
    She is not wrongfully detained, she is on trail for breaking their law.
  • This is so juvenile on so many levels. The choices and decisions we make have consequences it's just that simple. Perhaps 9 years is rather harsh but she is in another country and she has to play by their laws.
  • @cald1421
    This woman refused to play in Indiana because she’d be “discriminated” against, advocated against the national anthem and decided to take her business to Russia (no discrimination there I’m sure) and broke their laws. Then she got classified as wrongfully detained SOLELY because of her d list celebrity status and intersectional traits and begged the country she repeatedly disrespected to save her from the country she apparently preferred to live her life in. Yea. Hard pass Brit. Don’t spend any time on this woman’s release. Let’s focus on bringing home ACTUALLY wrongfully detained people who didn’t break any laws.
  • @klu753
    Griner is just one more entitled person who thinks that she shouldn't suffer consequences for her actions.
  • Imagine someone being held accountable for their actions.. This is not wrongful detainment if its the countries laws...
  • Wrongfully detained????? Not in Russia under Russian law. She's right where she is supposed to be
  • I wish they would stop saying she was wrongfully detained. She brought a drug that is legal in most states of the USA but ILLEGAL in another country and she was caught!!!
  • @jrodt9
    How was she wrongfully detained? She attempted to bring an illegal substance into a foreign country 🤦‍♂️
  • @jasonfinch1736
    How are you wrongfully detained when snuggling drugs into any country. Guilty as hell.
  • Imagine someone from a different country comes here kills & eats someone’s dog. They get arrested but try to explain that they just needed to eat & that this is completely legal and normal where they are from. Why should anyone get a free pass on breaking laws just because it’s legal where they’re from or because they didn’t know the law?
  • @lisaanson51
    Someone explain to me how is she illegally detained?
  • @mranderson5791
    She's played in Russia for years and must have known the law in some way. Unless she thinks it didn't apply to vape oils etc. It can't be the first time she took her vape and oils over unless it is. Either that or she's been doing it and only now been caught. I'd feel sorry for anyone facing ten years for marijuana but laws are laws and Russia is not anywhere else.
  • @Redhawk1789
    "Wrongfully Detained " I bet she was surprised when they actually enforce their laws lol 😆
  • @FuwanXi
    Just because it's legal in your country doesn't mean it's legal for every country. I don't understand how people don't understand this.