The Recruitment Process for Each Space Marine Legion | Warhammer 40k Lore

Published 2022-11-21
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The process for becoming an Astartes is challenging and dangerous, but that danger comes in different forms depending which legion you are trying to join

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All Comments (21)
  • @majorkill
    Turns out there's more to making a Space Marine than shoving geneseed down your orifices As long as the Death Guard don't try recruit me I'm happy To keep the death guard away, use my link for Geologies Hair and Skin care here : Or attract the Emperor's Children by going here :
  • Honestly the salamander's is probably the best. As if you fail to make the entrance exam, you still have a pretty nice job as a blacksmith
  • @Tenchi593
    The Alpha Legion's recruitment process has only one requirement, the aspirant must convince the rest of Alpha Legion that they're already a member, the exact process is up to the aspirant and no one is ever told about this process, you just have to know about it This is also why Alpha Legion has two primarchs, they originally only had one until the day one exceptionally convincing aspirant managed to gaslight the entire Imperium (including the Emperor) into believing he was the primarch's twin brother
  • One of the cool things about the Imperial Fists recruitment process...if an aspirant passes the final trials and becomes a scout marine, a fully fledged battle brother rocks up to the aspirants family home and announces 'Congratulations! Your son is now a son of Dorn'. Imagine some 9 foot tall armored yellow giant ringing your doorbell as you're making the dinner, before you open the door with a half-drained saucepan of carrots!
  • Majorkill is the kind of guy who doesnt die, he simply goes to explain 40k lore in the afterlife
  • @dyingearth
    The sensible part about Ultramarine's recruitment is that they do the compatibility test first. And they're not exactly begging for recruits as most families treats one of their sons joining UM as a badge of highest honor. Rich families even hired retired Ultramar auxilia nco to train their sons to have a better chance at succeeding.
  • @bogdanlevi
    'The Brightest and the Best' short story covers a type of Alpha Legion's recruitment process. They send representatives to a Schola Progenium, pretending to be a loyalist chapter. They select the brightest and the best students and recruit them via deception or by force if necessary. The recruits come with good understansing of the current state of the Imperium and with some pre-established connections through the Schola. This is actually similar to one of the ways for real-life intelligence services to recruit people from abroad through international Master's degrees and MBA's.
  • "Fenris breeds heroes like a bar breeds drunks - loud, proud and spoiling for a fight." Grand Master Belial of the Dark Angels
  • @Sgt_Glory
    The Lamenters: "Are you sure you want to be an Astartes? No seriously... Are you SURE you wouldn't rather be a baker, or an accountant or something?... *sigh... Alright, don't say I didn't warn you."
  • The alpha legion recruitment was all about teamwork they put there aspirant together in squads and told to complete whatever mission they were assigned, but will only make them astares if the team could work together and not individually because alpha legion is all about working achieving the goals of the legion not seeking glory
  • Seems that even Marjorkill misunderstood the important part of the Daemonculaba, the fact that it was a recent practice by one Warsmith named Monsu or whatever. It seems that there has not been other Warsmiths utilizing these practices. It is always a pet peeve of mine whenever I hear that the Daemonculaba is considered the sole or main recruiting process for the Iron Warriors.
  • @yamahadrag69
    I feel like what could've helped the Iron Hands be a little less stupid was have their hatred of flesh be a warp spaghetti blowback from Ferrus' death, like the Black Rage for Blood Angels. A deep psychological paranoia that maybe if they were stronger they could've saved their dad.
  • @arnigeir1597
    Promoting good hygiene might become Majorkills greatest contribution to this hobby.
  • @barlotardy
    I've been saying that there can only be a tiny handful of original World Eaters left at this point for a while now. In one of the Blackshields books, they talk about how one of the old War Hounds-era apothecaries streamlined the marine building process in such a way wherein the successful aspirants ate the failed ones so the combat experience wouldn't be wasted, but made them....somewhat less stable than your standard World Eater.
  • @gwilym1991
    I read up on this for a Black Crusade game. Thousands very rarely recruit new marines, one of the ways they don't lose members is they've actually mastered resurrection. So if a sorcerer falls, his mates just bring him back from the dead. Also regarding the death guard as, they'll survive anything that doesn't outright kill them, the apothecarys only job is to take geneseed from enemy fallen, which is why the death guard is I think the largest chaos legion.
  • The World Eaters have a deal with Fabius, but overall they pick renegades or whoever they can get, now they use demons to accelerate the process with mix results, Kharn himself gets like 1000 recruits but kills like 99% of them, so is a mystery how they keep numbers.
  • @notani3533
    I think there's a short story where an Iron Warrior warlord meets emissaries from the three old legions, the Thousand Sons, Emperor Children, and the Night Lords. The warlord ended up disappointed since those three aren't veterans of the long war but instead they were recently inducted. The majoroty of the story was about how each envoy being recruited into the warband and how from an aspirant into an astartes.
  • @bastodon
    In the Fabius Bile series he travels with a firstborn apothecary of the World Eaters named Arrian Zorzi that got excluded from his legion because, during the seige terra, he went into a trance and killed his squad. He now carries the skulls of the brothers he killed and talks to them, uses drugs to dampen the nails just enough so he can think and is some what of an philosopher warrior. Real interesting character
  • @harsmarhalred
    I saw somewhere that the defense for the iron warrior massive amount of casualties is that their gene seed is designed for it. There isn’t any fancy abilities and it’s easy to reuse the Gene Seed. I don’t know where this is citied but I did see it somewhere