The 5 Most BRUTUAL Eversor Assassin Missions | Warhammer 40k Lore

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The Eversor Assasins are the most terrifying murder machines in the entire setting of Warhammer 40k, so lets see their 5 more insane missions

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コメント (21)
  • Higher ups: “You completed the mission?” Eversor: “Yes.” Higher up: “and you were completely unseen?” Eversor: “…Define ‘unseen’.”
  • 40K has an amazing ability to make space marines both epically awesome and cannon fodder at the same time
  • When a space marine wants you dead, you'll know it. When a high lord of Terra wants you dead, you'll never see it coming.
  • Ah, Eversors... I love their definition of stealth: "It's still a stealth mission if there's no-one left alive to see you complete it!"
  • “One shudders to image what inhuman thoughts lay behind that mask. What dreams of chronic and restrained cruelty.” -Grandmaster of the Offico Assassinorum referring to the assassins of the Eversor Temple
  • Minor clarification, the Eversor Honsou encountered was not on an imperial world but on a Ramilies Class Star Fort called Indomitable under command of the Ultramarines. I love this even more because even past the star forts defenses and fortifications, even past an entire company of ultramarines and a whole boatload of Macragge PDF (who are probably pretty badass) the Inquisitor on the Indomitable was still like "yeah, the Eversor is my ace in the hole"
  • When I imagine an Eversor Assassin, I imagine V1 ultrakill but human and on more ice than the entirety of Western Sydney 😂
  • Ever since I've learned about the Eversor temple, I have fallen deeper and deeper in love with what malcador helped create
  • In the Watchers of the throne novel, there was one Eversor assassin that was so fucked up that the grand master of the Officio Assassinorum sent it into the eye of terror. To basically fuck everything in a particular direction.
  • I play Imperial Guard who have little melee units so it’s always fun to have an Eversor assassin in there turning a squad of chainsword marines into sashimi
  • The Garantine, who was the Eversor assassin from the HH book "Nemesis", is still my all-time favorite member of the Officio Assassinorum. That guy took being an unstoppable, psychotic killing machine to a whole new level, but still had an ounce of humanity within him and saved a life just before his ended.
  • *Eversor Awakens From Stasis* Eversor: ...Mission?... Handler: Rip And Tear Until It Is Done.
  • @XDwasGone
    They're just like me when I'm drinking coffee to stay up to study.
  • @AustinFoss00
    Would be cool to see a video like this for the 3 other Assassin types
  • There was an audio drama about an Evesor trying to kill Gabrail Seth after one of Seth's own men looks him in a room with the assassin. The interesting part is the Evesor only exploded after Seth survives. Takes it back to the ship and lock's it in the same room as the traitor to explode. Can't remember the name of the audio drama though.
  • When the Inquisition needs a planets population dead but want to keep the planet.
  • @evanfish4505
    I'm kinda sad you forgot about the "Culling of the Goliaths" Because 6 Eversors being deployed at once was absolute overkill