The Nature and Power of Love with DC Schindler and Ken Lowry | Voices with Vervaeke

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In this Voices with Vervaeke, Dr. John Vervaeke welcomes esteemed guests DC Schindler, a renowned philosopher known for his work on the nature of love and being, and Ken Lowry who offers a fresh perspective on the mind and consciousness. Together, they delve into a thought-provoking discussion on love, cognitive science, the importance of dialogue, the philosophical concept of 'being', and the power of metaphor. This conversation seeks to challenge your perceptions, spark your curiosity, and leave you with a deeper understanding of the human experience. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the intersection of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience with these intellectual powerhouses.

00:00 Dr. John Vervaeke kicks off the episode with a warm welcome to his guests, DC Schindler and Ken Lowry, setting the stage for a deep dive into philosophy, cognition, and the human experience.
05:32 DC Schindler shares a profound insight into the nature of love, describing it as a transformative force that shapes our perception of reality. This moment promises to leave listeners pondering the power of love in their own lives.
12:45 Ken Lowry offers a fascinating perspective on cognitive science, discussing its implications for our understanding of the mind and consciousness. This segment is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of psychology and neuroscience.
20:18 Dr. Vervaeke, Schindler, and Lowry engage in a thought-provoking discussion about the importance of dialogue in fostering understanding and growth. This conversation is sure to resonate with listeners who value open-mindedness and intellectual exploration.
30:56 DC Schindler delves into the philosophical concept of 'being', offering a nuanced interpretation that challenges conventional wisdom. This moment is likely to spark curiosity among listeners with a penchant for philosophy.
40:12 Ken Lowry discusses the power of metaphor in shaping our thoughts and experiences, providing intriguing examples that illustrate his point. This segment is bound to captivate listeners interested in the power of language and storytelling.
50:30 The episode concludes with final reflections from Dr. Vervaeke, Schindler, and Lowry, offering listeners a chance to ponder the insights shared throughout the conversation.

コメント (21)
  • This was amazing! I had to watch once totally enthralled, then again to take notes and reflect. Dear John it is my belief that you are one of the only people on Earth who could thread the needle toward creating an AI system that is neither catastrophic or dystopian for humanity. Just finished watching Daniel Schmachtenberger back on T.O.E. further proving that collective humanity can not regulate AI. Our only hope is a system which orients and regulates itself in the way you have described. I hope deeply that you are invited to participate in this critical moment. Thank you for everything you do!
  • @Kingfish179
    This is the kind of conversation that is truly food for the soul. It's intellectually exciting, intensely meaningful and genuinely inspiring - a conversation that has the power to facilitate personal transformation. Thank you for having these discussons and for the impact they're having on myself and many others!
  • I just want to particularly thank Ken - he’s done a wonderful thing in bringing D C Schindler into this corner of the internet and he has an admirable humility that is really impressive. So thanks to Ken!
  • What came up for me a lot during this dialogos was how thought intervenes in the giving-reception dynamic, how the relationship between one's self and one's thoughts, can become a morass that overtakes the first-person phenomenological experience and obscures the depths. David's comment on trust was key for me. One must love themselves enough to trust they will be received and given back to. A high fidelity phenomenological experience of giving-receiving needs a "transparent filter" or a mind that is unclogged by self-conscious reverberations. The dimensions can be "seen" or "received" only when that orientation and shifting takes place. I also wonder what relationship this has to the "leap of faith."
  • The Agape message on Awakening from the Meaning Crisis blessed me. I'm a Christian and what a very beautiful teaching about Jesus, which taught me things about him, and his Agape that I'd never contemplated this way but knew in my bones. I'm looking forward to this video!!
  • Glad to see this happening. Great to see how conversations have evolved over the last few years in general.
  • @kbeetles
    This conversation makes me quite emotional. This is what I am thirsting for! The beauty of seeing vertical/horizontal causation, the beauty of the generosity of the good and the receptivity of it as love....! So many things start to make sense! Like why Jesus wants only to give - of course, this is the code! - and he wants us only to be open to receive him.....Goodness me!- I cry and then realise what I am actually saying.....How ironic! (In my "Buddhist phase", I kept a notice up on my wall "Create the conditions- this is effortless effort". I think this fits perfectly in this conversation too....) Thank you both for your work and generosity!
  • DC Schindler is rocketing up my list ... great to hear someone think and take their own belief system seriously, and in the 'universal' way that supposedly is at the heart of Catholicism, and I would speculate such implicit universality should hold for any value system/religion worth its human salt. peace
  • Beautiful. And a touching reconnection with Ken at the end. We are all climbing/listening along.
  • Spectacular conversation. Actually inspired me to call my partner to properly explain why I was sorry about some of my recent behaviour, at a deep level. Extremely enlightening and challenging.
  • The everything is metaphor. The smartphone manuals, the code of Hammurabi, and newspaper articles are all in metaphoric nature. The nature of power of love is what we think in metaphoric empathy around the metaphors shaping our experiences. The engineers, attorneys, and reporters do well for it, this is why we have to have respect and love for empathic mode of human beings and perplexed life, when the declensive is at issue, I think what we need to keep is love and respect for providing human understanding. I am big fan of Dr.Vervaeke. The first impression of philosophy are often bad and negative, but this kind of philosophy in this video outstands over other impressions, Voices with Vervaeke is what I watch immediately when new video is uploaded. Thanksgiving to people who create it.
  • @Beederda
    This is wonderful thank you for these dialogues I appreciate your time JV ❤🍄
  • I was introduced to both of these guests through this channel. Very excited for this one.
  • Wonderfully beautiful! David and John’s insights are breathtaking and brilliant and I could listen to them both talk to each other into eternity. But for me (as a fellow seeker) Ken’s ability to articulate his thoughts in a clear and honest manner helps clarify things as a fellow traveler on the path. Thank you deeply David, Ken and John🙏
  • Thank you for a great dialogos. Im currently reading the section in the Catholicity of Reason about causes and wonder so this was just mindblowing, intimite and just really helpful. Listened to it twice and will listen to it again 😊 Greetings from Norway
  • @D.Talbott
    I find it delightful that you all seem to adore Play-Doh.
  • Perfect! Posted just in time for me to download before my flight to Chino. Boarding now. See you soon.