What if Napoleon Never Fell? (ft. Armchair Historian)

Publicado 2019-08-03

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @samdejonge8884
    Napoleon's goal at waterloo wasn't to take over Europe again. His goal was to win and then negotiate for peace from a position of strength.
  • @kennandunn7533
    "My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees, they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharaohs and kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forest and snow, they said Russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing. They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. I say, I am Napoleon, I am Emperor."
  • @benbovard9579
    Also Tchaikovsky wouldn't have written that dope 1812 Overture where the cannon officially became an instrument.
  • @EmperorTigerstar
    Don’t think we didn’t notice that parody of Childish Gambino.
  • @jwil4286
    1800s Europe: everyone vs. France 1900s Europe: everyone vs. Germany 2000s Europe: everyone vs. Russia
  • @spacemushroom830
    "No amount of planning wins against the grim reaper" CGP Grey wants to know your location
  • I think the more interesting scenario would be if the Battle of Trafalgar ended in French Victory
  • @YourPoopDealer
    It seems like part of Napoleon's early death was attributed to the really crappy living conditions that the British forced on him on St. Helena. If Napoleon was properly taken care of instead of basically being put under house arrest with nothing to do except exist, and with the warden being as abusive he was, I would argue that Napoleon's chances of living longer would've increased exponentially. Furthermore, it's still debated as to what his actual cause of death was. While his father did have stomach cancer, its also a possibility that the british, wanting to throw off criticism of their treatment of Napoleon, fabricated the exact cause in order to shift blame away from them and onto something like hereditary causes. Overall, Napoleon's cause of death isn't exactly cut and dry, and if the British can create such a well-parroted lie as Napoleon being a manlet (when he was actually just average for the time), then I wouldn't say that it's exactly out of place to consider that his cause of death under British supervision could've been a similar story. I get the whole "crappy living conditions" thing from Napoleon: A Life, by Adam Zamoyski. One of the people staying with Napoleon was allowed to return home, so they had their clothing stitched on the inside with writings of how horrible things were there, allowing everyone to know of the British abuse of Napoleon.
  • @areasevenpro
    Simple Answer: ABBA would've had one less song on their greatest hits playlist.
  • @noctarin1516
    i just realised that even though the napoleonic wars lasted for more than a decade, i never took into account napoleon would age
  • @DonMadruga72
    Never doubt an 11-year-old's ability to rule an empire. He may surprise you.
  • AlternateHistoryHub: "Napoleon and Waterloo, name a more iconic duo." Me: PFFT that's easy. AlternateHistoryHub and The Armchair Historian of course.
  • Why everybody says that Napoleon was not the same as younger?The Waterloo campaign was a military masterpiece and he created a new, fully equiped(if you not consider some exceptions like for example the lack of military uniforms in the ranks of the national guard,as we know from some historical records that half of the men serving as guardes nationale didn't have the uniforms they were supposed to) and really experienced army when the economy of France was really bad (even then against all the odds he managed to make the french economy better).Pay some respect for that great man :(.
  • I love how all the history Channels here are friends, like they have their own secret club