How to Get Rich for New Players (Mining)

Dark and Darker is a fantasy dungeon delving MMORPG, with a focus on looting to gear up and PVP. In this video I explain how to mine to make gold.


コメント (21)
  • Tip for new players: Don't bother getting rich. Because of the different queues in this game that vary by gear score, it's actually better to just get some good green gear and focus on questing to level up your squire equipment. Geared lobbies and high roller are a mix of cheaters and players with over 1000 hours on this game that are exploiting extremely overpowered meta comps. Stick to the under 125 gear score and under 25 gear score lobbies, that's where 90% of the playerbase plays and that's where the fun and balance is.
  • this strat can make you a pretty penny if you find copper nodes since a stack sells for ~300 rn and one of iron for ~120 a shit ton of iron is always guaranteed and if you mine them all you can craft like ~30 lockpicks and since most of the best loot that's not guarded by bosses is in locked chests it pays off to always bring lockpicks in every run or sell them all since one stack of lockpicks sell for ~110 it's also pretty safe since the only guys down bad enough to mine in the goblin mine are timmies overall mining iron is underrated af since one run every now and then gets you a lot of lockpicks that can give you the opportunities to loot golden chests and snowball from there (tip) when mining take off ur potions and turn off the lights around you so you cant be sniped by someone ore sells this fast because of ppl trying to manipulate the market by buying A LOT then selling them all at a higher price
  • Dont mind the snobby comments man, youre doing a good job providing guides for a different type of play style and that is definitely needed. Its fun watching the super highly skilled people play but it takes a while to get to the point where you can just go kill everyone and take their good kits. Thank you for real
  • I like him calling out the unemployed who think this game is too easy
  • @kibbingtv
    For those wondering what class is better: I checked this recently, the fastest is ranger by far. Not sure when did they update the scaling, but ranger base is better for 24-124 lobbies. Rogue scales better! The 3 stat is dex, resourcefulness and agility. Also traps helps you with the farm, by a lot!
  • Druid is the best for this rat form makes you get there soo quick
  • I remember when copper power was worth 140 per piece and 700 total now that people mine for copper its fallen but still makes you some decent money. Love the videos, keep them coming.❤❤❤
  • If I recall you can turn the ore into ingots that make lockpicks and those sell for I think better amount that the raw ore
  • Ah shit now my my mining spot will be full of ppl fighting me for the ore... No hate tho, I really do like your content and alot of ppl will really benefit from this keep up the good work man
  • best way ive found to make alot of money is, make a new character, do gob quest til u get to the first coin bag, sell it, and repeat. about 5-6k an hour if ur collecting goblin ears along the way
  • I don't really see why resourcefulness matters for the second method when there's only two nodes. Might as well pick the class with best survivability odds which would probably be warlock.
  • i do agree with the account wide quests, the only reason I liked it now is the goblin merchant big pouch mission, other than that , is just suffer . Eventho i got 6 pouches now
  • Another 30 Minute Solomon video? Sign me up!
  • @rozweII47
    This is going to put a lot of people in my way, but just know, if you run into me and my duo in the goblin mines, you're done
  • with what you said about cheesing mobs, i honestly think until they become less annoying to fight im cheesing them whenever possible, the bodyblocking and stupid attacks some enemies have just makes most enemies super annoying to fight, even bosses feel bad because you cant really dodge attacks in a way that feels normal, its always just "circle right and jump over everything" (tbf ive only fought cave troll and cyclops, but their attacks are horribly designed imo, if you get hit once youre dead and it feels almost rng wether or not an attack hits) honestly i think ai combat needs a rework, this might just be me being new (and the fact i played elden ring before this game) but i hate ai in this game, they deal stupid damage (atleast to me in base kit) and their attacks just feel annoying to deal with
  • @Avionnnn
    Ranger seems the way to do it because I think it mines faster than rogue. Base ranger anyways.
  • Spending in game time to sit there and mine is boring af and if ur terrible at pvp ur just goin to get robbed anyway. U r better off learning to fight better instead of wasting time with this nonsemse