Divorcing Yourself from Chaos and Confusion

Lee offers some insight into balancing our internal and external belief systems and recognizing we have the choice to step out of the chaos and confusion that can often feel ever present in these current times, in this clip from the June Energy Tune-Up broadcast for members of The Portal; his online community.

Learn more about The Portal community here: www.leeharrisenergy.com/the-portal

コメント (21)
  • I am a 72 year old retired coal miner with a heart problem and a hernia but a lot better than what I was because of the power or prayer that has helped me many times in my life yet I am not a born again christen or do I go to church I just believe in the power of prayer and I can honestly say that miracles have happened in my life more than once and also I have had a lot of help from my Guardian Angel or could it be my Spirt guide and I am not able to communicate with it but it communicates with me though thought and not words just thought, for example I will get this feeling come to my head it is like message not in words just by thought like if I am on the way out and I have left something important behind even before I get to the door the thought comes to me and I will then go to get it and another example is I was driving down this road with a bend on a very cold Jan Morning at a fast speed and this thought came to my head to slow down and I did and as I got around the bend there was big smash on black ice and I just managed to stop in time or I to would have gone into these cars but my Guardian Angel or Spirt guide messaged me to slow down.
  • What did resonate with me is “your balance is your currency” ❣️
  • Yes! I am a disabled Veteran and I have been telling this to my warfighter friends. We are doing heavy work now. Put on YOUR MUSIC that pumped you up when you loaded your weapons leaving the wire, and got mentally prepared. Whatever you need ❤️ I was a medic, I know the warfighter lost in this society and how they can come back to their strength. This is what I do. I have had past lives supporting the warfighter, in Sparta and elsewhere. We all have things that empower us. I focus on what I know and how to conserve the fighting strength. It's a mental fight and this is confirmation that I am doing my work. Love and light friend and thanks 💕
  • I've been on a news diet for all of these reasons. We're going through the fallout of mistruth in a major way and I don't need to watch the world grapple with it in slowmo. Just focused on navigating above the fear narrative while harnessing the positive momentum
  • I'm using tuning forks to stay in balance with my core Divine self. I also find myself meditating more and pulling away from the distractions of the world. But I have been also going down the rabbit hole on YouTube. I'm stopping myself now and redirecting my energy. I remind myself that I would rather ascend to 5D rather than try to seek the truth on social media.
  • Fantastic message as always. I have stopped following mainstream media about a year ago and it's done wonders for my wellbeing. I recommend all my loved ones to do the same ❤️
  • @rootedro
    The part of me that is sovereign is LOVE. I rest in the love that IS me. That IS you.
  • This message was sent from the Divine. I was heading down the conspiracy rabbit hole once again.
  • I’ve been in a bit of a cocoon since July 4th. That quiet time going within, tuning in to higher power while in nature daily, has filled me up. Stepping away from social media and drama is much easier when you feel supported and “full” from positive things. We ALL need to rebalance and ground regularly. 💚🌳🌻💛 Thank you Lee!!
  • This is a timely reminder for me to not get attached to the content of the media stories I have been too actively seeking of late. I definitely resonate with this. I recently bought myself a grounding sheet to sleep on. It may be psychological but I like to feel it is helping me feel grounded in these very much ungrounded times we are living in. Thank you Lee for your wisdom, as always from one old soul to another. I appreciate you. 💛🙏
  • I was talking with a friend about this topic yesterday and how we can separate ourselves from the drama Thankyou for your guidance it is very refreshing 🌸💗
  • Thank you so much. I have become obsessed with news and Covid. I know when I am listening for knowledge vs when I am being obsessive. Everytime I stop the obsession I find me again.
  • @VGiacobe
    I see the manipulation very clear these days. I’m always questioning; what’s behind this? What’s the agenda behind this? What are they trying to accomplish? There’s just so much noise! I’ve been going within to find silence. ✨
  • @k8m883
    In Australia it’s just starting. The news is full of numbers and they are listing how many young people are on ventilators, and the narrative is there is only one way out we have to get the sh@t. On the other side there is so much fear of the consequences and origins of the need for the sh@t. Thank you for showing a path out of the chaos
  • I see things unfolding as a movie, I'm watching it but I'm not in it, attached to it or tied to it. 🙏💖🌈
  • MERCI ♥︎ I tend to seek too much for truth. I had a dream I was getting alarming phonecalls and soon enough extra-terrestrial invasion was upon us (😅 Im 40 so this is extremely odd.) And it may sound childish but the feeling was suffocatingly intense. But just then, in dreaming, i heard an offscreen voice telling me to center on my own calmness. This inner sovereignty was making me undetectable by invasive forces. I held a self portrait in front of my eyes, straightened it and contemplated it until the end of the dream. (I'm a visual artist in real life.) ONE LOVE.
  • This resonates so much with me. I too was told I’m an old soul and that this is my last lifetime in this dimension. I’m grateful for the wisdom you share 🙏❤️
  • @MadameX_
    Thank you for empowering us instead of keeping us dependent on external sources and validation. 💙⚡️💫⭐️✨🌟💥 yes to sovereignty! Agency! Self-love!