Playing an RPG for the first time


コメント (21)
  • Wow! Warms my dang heart to wake up and see so many people enjoying this. It took around 30-40 hours to make and it’s amazing to have that effort appreciated. Consider sticking around! There’ll be more animations to come as well as a wide variety of other things. Thanks for watching and love you!
  • The worst part is that his son was so close to finding the rat.
  • @BrigColby
    “Is there a murder that needs investigation?” Oh the irony.
  • The way his son just looks over at him makes me fucking die every time shits hilarious
  • One of the most hilarious things in this video is that the villager just starts crying without changing his mannerisms, without taking his hands out of his pockets - he just straight out openly starts sobbing. Nomal people would wipe their tears or nose occasionally, or do ANYTHING with their hands, but this guy seems so comfortable just standing there, crying. Not ashamed to truly express his sorrow.
  • @wwld9823
  • “Ohooo hoo hoo, Marshal, ohoo hoo hoo.” I love how he’s got his hands in his pockets the whole time he’s smile-crying so lazily.
  • This legitimately happened to me in Oblivion. One of the Fighters Guild quests ask you to exterminate rats in an old ladies basement. So I found the entrance to the house, went right to the basement and promptly slew the rats, only to discover you were supposed to talk to the owner of the house first… she was not pleased that I murdered her precious pets.
  • I think the quiet sobbing sells the joke much more than hysterical crying would
  • @LordBum
    "A murder most foul." will always make me laugh lmaooo
  • This video perfectly captures the agony that accompanies the "wrong" decisions you make on your first playthrough 😂
  • "Is the kingdom corrupt? Not too corrupt." Just the acceptable amount of corrupt, never hurt nobody.
  • @Hi-Im-Gib
    I love how he just fucking drops the accent once he realized he killed marshal
  • Everyone being content with the king being “not very corrupt” is my favorite running gag in these 😂
  • @OMEGAg935
    “A murder most foul” always kills me
  • "...Maybe a murder that needs investigation?" "Oh I hope not, no." A+ foreshadowing
  • @MegaMisch
    There is probably a reason your character started out in a prison...