THE GAMING STORYTELLER On The Lost Primarchs | Astartes Anonymous Podcast #25

Published 2024-02-16

All Comments (21)
  • @suemeade2471
    He only captured Vulcan after Vulcan got hit by a nuclear bomb by Peter turbo.
  • @MrEmerys
    One theory I like about a lost primarch is one of them was a blank. The general theory was that the legion was expunged because a legion of blanks led by a primarch tier culexus assassin was one of the few things the Emperor didn’t have a solid plan for control over.
  • @Evaunit98
    The idea of the Emperor not being able to find one of the lost is hilarious
  • @penpaperfury5397
    49:52 we also have evidence of the lost primarchs being both male from The First Heretic where Lorgar and Magnus are having a conversation about The Emperor wanting to disband the Word Bearers and Leman Russ speaking in Lorgar's favour where Magnus states "Fenris is an unmerciful cradle, and it breeds such things in them. Russ knows that, though he lacks the intelligence to give it voice. Instead, he swore that he’d already lost two brothers, and had no desire to lose a third."
  • The one theory that I always figured was closest to home was the theory of one of the missing being overly-peaceful or pacifistic while the other was incredibly connected to the Warp to the degree that they possessed an intuitive understanding of it. The former being self-explanatory as to why they wouldn't work in the plans of a crusading empire that needs its generals, the latter leaves a lot to think about. They may have less curiosity about the Warp than Magnus and yet have better understanding of its nature despite Magnus' technical prowess in utilizing the Warp being greater. They do more than believe in it as their unique position informs a potential desire to see it better utilized or included in the greater plans of the Emperor, rather than it being subdued, defeated or outright destroyed. This, obviously, would conflict with Big E's plans. They may also have had a genuine potential to rise into becoming a Chaos God (or something akin to one), but one pursuing unity of both the Warp and realspace, rather than the Great Game the major four play. Think an Empire of Mankind Greater Good, rather than the Tau based one.
  • @thecoopinater
    Nah the full lore is the second found the emperor’s funko pop collection, told the eleventh and then the eleventh tried to sell them to trayzn.
  • @gusheine2119
    "Malcador trust me, it'll be hilarious" -Big E before everything shitty
  • @Astartes Anonymous 50:35 — I will play Devil's Advocate on this one topic. All we know about that conversation is that the Emperor thought Malcador was joking. We're never told why the Emperor thought it was a joke. The Emperor clearly doesn't dislike women— the Sisters of Silence are exclusively female for no discernible reason, and were the Emperor's Left Hand, alongside his Custodes. He spends thousands of years on the Throne granting his power to the Sisters of Battle, thanks to their faith in him. And him and Erda were, at one point, tight-as. And him and Amar Astarte were, at one point, tight-as until she betrayed him. So, I will put forward the idea that the Emperor found Malcador's suggestion funny on the basis that the Emperor knows full well that women are no less prone to jealousy, pettiness, grandstanding, hierarchy, hatred, cruelty, or depravity. So he found Malcador's suggestion that female Primarchs wouldn't in-fight as much funny, and thought it was a joke, because he knows that women aren't any less likely to fight with each other. Only perhaps in slightly different ways than men. And Hell: the first instances of any of the male Primarchs coming to blows were hardly matters of machismo, alone. Russ wanted to tell Angron to stop the spreading of the Nails among his Legion and Angron simply believed the Emperor was a tyrant; Fulgrim's mind was corrupted by a Greater Daemon, and pushed into decapitating Ferrus. Neither of such things were the result of their "maleness". And really: Malcador is known to have once been a gigantic scum-bag and war-criminal, whose friendship with the Emperor is the only reason he still lives. And Malcador is an old-ass, mortal man who may well, despite all his power and wisdom, still have blind-spots when it comes to human-nature that the Emperor can see clearly through, even if from the vantage-point of being nigh-godlike. That is all. Thanks for listening to my TedTalk. EDIT: Malcador isn't mortal, and might actually be as old as the Emperor, but the point stands.
  • @Aravaganthus
    My theory for the second lost Primarch is that he turned out to be an uncompromising pacifist so his legion was quietly integrated into the Ultras
  • My head cannon as to why the second disappeared is because Lemann Russ can't read roman numerals and and thought the II was an 11
  • @bardenjusik2026
    You four are quickly becoming my favorite lore masters along with boldermort. You lot are a riot. 😂
  • @thatotherguy8138
    Personal head cannon: Rangdan were HUMAN... who also happened to have leaned fully into Genetic Manipulation, to the point where many were indistinguishable from Xenos. (for reference, the Ousters from Dan Simmons Hyperion cantos) -2nd finds them on the Crusade, and opens up talks with them. He's not a warrior by nature, and prefers non-violent compliance when possible and generally prefers not to genocide human civilizations. Even mutated ones, or ones that fall outside the acceptable range. -2nd is unaffected by the Emperors Charisma/Psyker abilities (possibly a blank), and feels no loyalty or love toward the Emperor. (His Legion feels the same towards him - they aren't awed in his presence, they don't feel a loyalty to him simply when he walks in the room, etc. He's just a really tall Astartes, with a Primarch's strength, intellect, etc.), so he's been a quiet thorn in the Emperors side for a century. -2nd finds the goals of the Rangdan more in line with his own morals and ethics (this can be BAD - not painting the Rangdan as Good here, only as a viable HUMAN alternative - it could be as little as "Rangdan turn other human groups into chattel slaves rather than genociding them, and while they're slaves... they're LIVING slaves rather than dead bodies that the Imperium would be turning them into..") and decides to defect. Most of his legion stay loyal to the Emperor and Imperium. -11th has a genetic flaw that is legion wide, and hampers them to a great degree. 2nd decides to tell the 11th about the Rangdan, and they decide to ask the Rangdan for help. -Randgan manage to cure the flaw in the Legion, but - like Butchers Nails - the flaw cannot be removed from the Primarch. (why didn't the Imperium cure this flaw? Let's leave that question intentionally unanswered) -11th joins the Rangdan as well, out of gratitude and loyalty. Significant amount of the 11th joins for the same reason, and because of Primarch Aura. -Emperor is having NONE of this, and is tired of the 2nd's Shenanigans. (Always something with this contrarian little shit... how many times did I have to send Russ out after him to clean up the messes he refused to do himself? How many times did I even sent ANGRON out there to genocide a mutant world that 2nd went "Yeah, they're good. Four armed humans means more guns or whatever. I'll let someone else figure out how they should salute us." FOUR ARMS?? Did he really think that was acceptable?!?!?) War with the Rangdan breaks out. It's... bad. They have the strength to back up their position, and be an actual threat to the Imperium. -Eventually, Imperium wins. Primarchs II and XI are removed from the setting, one likely killed by Russ (II), one likely captured (XI). (but we have subject II in the Palace... is that subject 11, or subject II? font matters!) -Most of the propaganda that is known throughout the Imperium (what little there is) shows mutated humans that are passed off as Xenos. (it ain't hard - it'd be harder to convince people these things were humans.) This is done intentionally so that the Imperium never knows there was a competing HUMAN idea for a HUMAN future. That's the important part of this - Xenos says "We have a better way for humanity!", it's easy to go "Ya no. Eat a nuke, Xeno scum." It's a bit harder to go "My FELLOW HUMANS, we have a BETTER WAY for the Future! A HUMAN future!", and lots of humans would look at the other option if they had a chance, so the Emperor does all in his power to turn that into the Narrative. -But... there's always that doubt in the Primarch's heads about this. Their brothers just left the Imperium, they didn't rebel, or try to destroy it, or... and they really don't understand why the Emperor was so angry about it. It just seems out of proportion, all this effort, all this mind-wiping of the Astartes (many of whom didn't join their Primarchs, so were absorbed into other Legions), destroying homeworlds, forbidding anyone from speaking of them ever again, it's just so... over the top? Yes, the Randgan were tough, but ... wtf? What's so dangerous about the Truth being known? (at this point there are just two(?) Primarchs who know about Chaos, and neither of them are named Magnus) -The Emperor doesn't want people to start investigating. Rogal and Robute are the kind of people who would be unable to help themselves in looking at the Rangdan to see if there is anything they could incorporate into the Imperium - they know it, so they volunteer to having a deeper mind-wipe than the other Primarchs.
  • @killaramen386
    What if the lost primarc was one of diplomacy and he constantly argued with big E over the whole crusade thing on whether they need to take over the other worlds or if they could peacefully cohabitate with them. He loved all races just as much as he loved the human imperium and that was a massive problem. Due to his “traitorous” thoughts and possibly actions (you could even say he might have even fought against the imperium at one point while they were conquering the galexy) he was executed. And since his ideas were actually kinda reasonable, aka so opposite of big E, he had to be put down and forgotten before his ideas spread to the rest
  • @darcon5836
    Biggest issue i find is that everything changes based on who is writing the books at the time. I hate the fact that the Emperor was this figure that by all accounts before was just trying to do his best for humanity but they end up writing him to be more and more of a piece of shit.
  • @theharp6249
    Fuck it the lost primarchs are Gork and Mork
  • @AbatedBaton
    My guess is one of the lost primarchs got WAY more corrupted than Horus did (like chaos’s version of omegon) or the other legions, for example what if a primarch was raised by chaos daemons instead of humans and he either killed or did something horrendous to the other that required a mercy kill from leman, malcador, or Big E that scarred them emotionally. If it was chaos I can see the emperor and malcador doing anything to cover that up specially if it’s correct assumption . In terms of if it was a mutation it would make sense if one of them and their legion were extremely susceptible to chaos more so than the others
  • @flotner
    April episode idea- who are the best pranksters in 40K? You could have each of the your models replaced by Alpha Legion too. Just a thought. Great episode, you guys rock!
  • @JoelTheKven
    One guy in the boring Edo period writes a book about how he thinks samurai should behave and the West goes, "Hey! They must have all believed this!" No. They gathered heads for a paycheck... and often left for a lord who would pay them better. Bushido is a WW2 era myth touted by the military junta.