Sonic: The Return Of Nazo Part 3 (Animatic+Animation)

Published 2024-02-14

Well, this is all of the animation that I was able to get done on The Return Of Nazo Part 3, before my little "incident". I'm sorry, I really am... I haven't been able to kick myself back into animating at all anymore, but it isn't fair to the people who've been waiting to see this episode for years. So I just decided to release it as an animatic with some of the animation finished. Like what Chakra-X is doing with the Wrath of Nazo (Check it out if you haven't seen the video yet, BTW). It's still better than text explaining everything, right? If you want to continue the animation yourself, feel free to do so. Credit is always appreciated.

I had to put a "rating" at the beginning of the video so YouTube doesn't incorrectly mark my video. Hopefully that will work.

I know this will probably be disappointing news to a lot of people... but as of today, The Return Of Nazo series has finally come to an end. Or at least is on a very long hiatus. I want to branch out and try other things besides animation. One day I vow to finish this series, though...

All Comments (21)
  • @justsans.
    I’m gonna sound really unoriginal, but this was for real my childhood. Glad to see you back, dude.
  • @Sh4d1c4l
    Disregarding the entire situation that took place the last time you posted I’m glad you’ve come to the consideration of finishing off what’s left off of this project. Nice to have you back, man.
  • @anthonygames7121
    Thank you for posting this part even if it is not entirely finished. She's really cool, the animation seemed better and better as the scenario progressed. Congrats on making it this far. Of course, and like the "official" sequel, it's too bad that this animation will never come to an end with your version because there aren't many talented animators in Sonic animations. BUT ! I can imagine how difficult and time consuming it is to animate all of this. So no one can blame you for that. Thanks for trying. (And thanks for your comment on my channel)
  • @sonicblast121
    The goat is back with part 3!!!?? You were apart of my childhood 😌
  • @Sonamous47
    I am surprised he doing the same 2000s artstyle for years. I kinda wanna know why he didn’t changed/advanced it (and Jesus Christ this guy is back 🙏)
  • @mischasantos2802
    That was epic man. Thanks for not ending it without saying nothing. I was following progress since WIP Pictures of Return of Nazo Part 1, so you are really part of my childhood. fck all that other stuff that happened man, I wish you a happy future and do whatever makes you happy. I hope you will be able to find some team and motivation, that might even helps you finish this animation and if possible, even Wrath of Nazo.
  • @setrx
    all these years and you're still making this stuff all the memories you have given to us all the efforts you putting into this now I have a reason to cry
  • Incredible! I loved being part of this journey since childhood, and man, take your time, there's no need to rush things, we will all be patient
  • @VortexTGH
    Everyone has been waiting for this legendary remade sequel for a very long time, thank you for your efforts, Solar Fox Productions.
  • @parkakjon448
    Nazo naturally keeps getting stronger, but the longer it takes, the stronger it gets, so I don't think Hyper Shadic can handle it
  • @Jurihan4life
    The return of a legendary series. I'm glad we got to see this.
  • Yooooooo, i'm HYPED for the conclusion and I was right, team Shadic is in here 💯. If only Knuckles & Tails be somehow be more powerful than their current transformations, i'm semi-worried. Plus I forgot about Hyper Cyber Nazo as well, he is gonna be a pain! And forgot about Eggman as well. And I noticed Chaos Nazo at the end. I'm pretty sure that's a reference to the short animation, I guess he's still alive and might be in the plotline. Mannnn I am very happy you are back! Keep at it my man! 💯
  • @MasterXUV784
  • This is absolutely phenomenal! This brings me back to when I first saw Nazo Unleashed and Return of Nazo: Cyber Nazo always intrigued me because I had a sense that Perfect Cyber Nazo was going to be a big problem for Shadic since it took Super Shadic to outpace Base form Cyber Nazo. I even made a few amateur sprite animations with Cyber Nazo and I’m glad to see my guess for how strong his Perfect form was wasn’t too far off from your creation. I can’t wait to see how the heroes will figure out how to beat a monster like Hyper Perfect Cyber Nazo
  • @giroandkarin2822
    My god, you’re back! I haven’t even thought about this animation until recently! I’m so happy to finally see this continue!
  • @wechidna.
    I’m surprised you’re still up, but it’s a welcome surprise. Welcome back man, you were and will forever be a huge part of the sonic community!
  • @kwamijacobs7748
    I knew you'd come back!, its great to finally see part 3 ^^
  • @supersaiyan431
    Thank you for posting this dude! Really glad to see you back❤
  • Man, i thought this was never gonna get continued again, but it's good to see you're back. I know it's hard to continue an animation project, especially when you're doing it by yourself, but I'm glad you were able to continue this.