Things I Didn't Realise Were Sensory Issues

Publicado 2023-05-28

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Catlily5
    Sometimes I notice everywhere that my clothes are touching my body and it is very annoying. It doesn't happen most of the time thankfully.
  • @arthur-oy2ki
    I have three plastic spoons that came in a set of four bowls and another spoon, the fourth broke. I never use them in hot food, and I always use each one with a specific cold food. Red for yogurt, blue for ice cream (those can occasionally switch, however never with the green one) and the green one is solely for cereal.
  • @aussiejubes
    Thr cutlery and crockery thing is the longest sensory issue (apart from light and noise) i can remember I've had. I have a lot of mugs because i have to have the right colour, shape, feel, size & vibe tgat matches what goes in them. I can absolutely do without them when im not in my own home, because ive learned to shove my sensory issues deep down, but as i let myself "bloom" i know that i feel physically sick if i cant use the correct mug/bowl/spoon. The breathing thing is a huge issue for me as well. Ive spent 20 years worrying I'll end up in a nursing home & forget to breathe & that's how ill go out lol.
  • @solenej7023
    I’m the same with some of those things Dana. The opposite with wind, I seek wind, I live for wind. But I get disordered breathing too, and that rightness and wrongness of eating implements. My nails have to be short but not too short but if they are a mum too long I can’t bear it. I got NHS funding for a sensory profile assessment and it was thorough and fascinating, wow, so much that explained a lot. They also helped put it into a plan to help me meet my needs. Fell like I’ve missed something but basically I completely relate to you. Oh and I have Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders) It doesn’t harm for you to look into it and bear it in mind if you develop more symptoms) I didn’t know til my late 30s, the symptoms got worse after my 30s, I had no idea that my thumbs were abnormal, I’ve now had both joints replaced 😂 like you say it is a common co-morbidity amongst other things and often it can be a fucking bumper pack of fun (also have ADHD, M.E/CFS & POTS).
  • I understand the breathing thing. Sometimes I have to remind myself to blink ...
  • @Vantorea
    Damn this was validating! My fingers literally hurt if my nails grow over a certain length. Or don't know.. Is it one of those "feels like it's hurting when actually it's just being super aware of having nails"...? My ears hurt if it's windy, I get that "kind of headache" in certain lighting, and I can't sleep if I hear my heart beating or relax by focusing on my breathing because the whole sensation of existing in a body is just too much... I hadn't even thought that those were a Thing!! Most of my existence has been just trying to ignore that I have a body so that I can stay functional. Yeah, wonder why I have a problem with the whole mind-body-connection... And here I was thinking maybe I'm not really on the spectrum :D
  • @snuffybox
    i have the same weird thing about breathing, actually a lot of these I relate to but the breathing thing is the worst it makes me feel like I can't breathe
  • @hendrixplek
    Hey, I'm late diagnosed myself. Your vibe reminds me sooooo much of my best friend who's like a real sister to me! I love your channel!
  • @amandasutton4056
    I have been told that NTs can't hear the flourescent light buzz....has anyone noticed that if you put sunglasses on when its noisy, it becomes less noisy?
  • @pixelmotte
    Sounds familiar. I know breathing issues and not finding a comfortable tongue position mainly from when I'm in bed and try to fall asleep. I already had problems falling asleep, because I started breathing manually or just didn't find a good position for my tongue and even woke back up, because I accidentally bit down on my tongue or stopped breathing in my sleep. I also know the forehead tension with sunlight, that becomes painful quickly.
  • haha the roommate appearance was great, and it's great to have a face to Mr. Nice Roommate :D
  • @nair19junio
    Also I agree with your roommate about the tea temperature 😆 I only enjoy it if it's too hot
  • @nair19junio
    The thing with the cutlery, same here. Also I need my nails to be so short cause otherwise it does feel so wrong like having something under my nails and 🏃🏻‍♀️
  • @tomdg13
    10:30 I get this about silence. It's deafening and so unnatural.
  • @diroses6022
    Yes, the breathing and the tongue posture!!!
  • @Petlover97
    Me being sad and then I notice I’m rocking back and forth like uh okay and then a lot of times, and with stronger emotions I’ll even notice my head start to pulse and then I think like wtf and it’s legit me holding my breath like you dummy you know you need to breathe like why would you do that as of you don’t already have chronic headaches/ migraine issues like yea let’s go and not breathe now because we are sad like yea that’s gonna work.. smh (which another thing I guess I like to do is lean to one side like when I’m watching something I’m leaning like as if I’m gonna lay down or something like why because I already have back and neck issues and it just makes it so much worse each time I do it) tbh I just call it human and I don’t know how to anymore like it’s the act of being human and I dunno I just wasn’t meant to be here or somethin because wow I dunno how to human correctly like how is it THIS hard like it should not be this hard like can we please get it together ..and in case you were wondering, the answer is no, ofc not like it’s always gonna be no for me because my body will not cooperate like we are not friends (but hey it’s fine like we will somehow make it work)
  • @Korb-Bee
    Lol Dana, thebbreathing thing is awful. As well as the mouth thing. I experience both as well. The funny thing is in videos and stuff to help calm down and meditation it saus "focus on your breathing" it really makes me feel like im suffocating! And this supposed to calm me down?? XD As for the mouth thing I have some techniques I do, one is smiling. Smiling makes it so ur tounge doesnt touch your teeth. The other is gum, but if its way too bad then gum doesnt help. The other is putting like. Splints in my mouth basically. Like a tounge depressor or something to block it. Or popsicles bc u get one after and u can put ice in the sides of ur tounge for relief. Lol those are just things I do to help
  • @ckblackwoodmusic
    Jeez.... I hope you feel safe with him as your roommate.... :/
  • @user-rs4ex9lt4n
    My ears hurt too and my dish set is like a clay material and it’s icky and I have seen things that just don’t look right and it really creeps me out like if it has holes and I can’t stand the smell of our dog even though she gets groomed I can smell her but my husband can’t. Everything I can smell and hear is something my husband can’t. I have to sit with my feet up on the chair or sofa.
  • @j.b.4340
    At the office: When I’m working at my desk, and a coworker’s phone message alert sounds off. 😖 It’s physically painful. I “suggest” they be more considerate, and they turn it on me, like I’m the problem. It’s literally a train horn sound. At home, one of my chickens whines, and it totally grated on my ear nubs. I need my tranquility.