Why Aren't Titans in Apex Legends? Titanfall/Apex Legends Backstory Revealed!!!

Published 2021-04-06
Most players know that Apex Legends is a direct story sequel to the Titanfall series of games. Weapons and abilities carry over in a nearly identical state, but the ubiquitous Titan is no where in sight! While there might be gameplay reason behind this omission, there's also a logical story reason behind it as well! Take a journey with me in to the past of Apex Legends and what happened in the nearly 20 years gap since the end of Titanfall 2!

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All Comments (21)
  • @TheBabaloga
    Small correction: Titans employ batteries for certain weapon systems and shields, but the main power source for a titan is it's reactor. That's why a doomed titan warns it's pilot that the reactor casing is breached.
  • @nousername8162
    The same reason they don’t bring tanks to the olympics
  • @xanwhite74
    anyone considered that the apex games simply dont allow titans in the arena? edit: to all the people saying "what about vipers titan we see in valks cinematic" i dont really see how thats relevant given that was way before the games
  • Also possible version is that Blisk didn't want titans in his game. He knew how powerful titans were and what destruction can they bring to the arena and Blisk wouldn't afford the repairs after every game. That's why Valkirye didn't fix her father's titan - she had to change it to fit the rules of Apex Games.
  • @julian5385
    Or an easier answer is the titans still exist but are not allowed in the apex games
  • @drifterax7731
    Lore wise I believe it’s because Apex is set on the farthest frontier where high tech titans rarely appear because it’s too far from Earth and not civilised yet
  • I never thought of the Militia losing... According to stuff I read about TF|2, either ingame or in the wiki, after Typhon the IMC was practically dissolved with Vinson and other companies leaving. But you are 100% right about there being no Militia, ACES, 64, Last Resort, or other allied members. Speaking of the Last Resort, how could the remnant fleet have risen after the wars with the EMP disabling all the titans?
  • I just don't see how The Outlands being 20 years away from The Frontier (1 year with a 1-time-use macguffin) works at all. Ash and Blisk being there, Valk retrieving the titan parts from Typhon, etc. Yeah I guess cryo is a convenient excuse, and everyone inclined toward the IMC side would want to flee what is effectively now Militia controlled space (The Frontier). But I mean more the actual space-travel side of things. The whole point of Titanfall 1 ending the way it did was because of how important fuel was, and that destroying Demeter effectively cut off long distance space travel (and marooned anyone arriving from The Core, so they couldn't jump around The Frontier). So short of everyone finding their footing and rebuilding continent-sized refueling facilities, how is anyone in their right mind making that huge trip to The Outlands? And if everything is stable again, I think the IMC would be getting their reinforcements from The Core. I mean, unless The Core sputtered out and died in those few decades... They were struggling for resources, that was the point of taking them from The Frontier. Idk, it's just a vidya game, but I feel like people still want more dots connected up between TF2 and Apex.
  • Why pilots are not exist in Apex ? Because they might crush the legends in the hunger game and make the legends cry
  • 6:47 harvester?? after all the 3,000 hours i did doing frontier defense. all those energies harvested during my gameplay still isnt enough?!?! dafaq is hammond doing??! i still havent got my paycheck for our previous FD run :( i'm going broke here!! all my efforts wasted :( fuck IMC, i'm going militia!
  • @Muscle_Pussy
    Itd be cool to see battledamaged titans just laying in the rubble or to hide behind, or be able to interact with a mostly broken one and have it put up a shield or map hack for a little bit.
  • @laha7992
    Actually the imc lost the war so that’s great
  • @Duhm8n2
    They said titans wont be in apex but they are still around
  • @GoldenDoom
    Titans are still being used. They are used in normal daily things, farming, policing, probably mining and transportation. In the beggining of titanfall 2 they show them using titans for farming, in Valkyries thing they show policing and mining just makes sense to use titans and transportation, when BT7274 but the thing in him he it felt completely natural. Like that it was a normal thing.
  • @SSS_413
    I mean I don’t think there’s any specific reason for the lack of Titans other than the fact that Titans are extremely expensive and inefficient to produce (but they are good in wars which is why the pilots get them). Titans probably are just not being produced anymore or are being used elsewhere where rebels are fighting, not in the space olympics
  • @MiteBytes
    I feel like titans were just retired of service in the military, and they just returned to doing jobs alike construction and handling large farm equipment.