Guided Meditation for Anxiety & Worry | RELAX NOW | Wu Wei Wisdom

A guided meditation for anxiety and worry - let go of anxiety, worry and overthinking and experience deep relaxation. 20-minutes of guided meditation practice (‘This Too Will Pass’ meditation) with Taoist Monk, meditation teacher and therapist, David James Lees.



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コメント (20)
  • I wish everyone who is reading this comment experiences a peaceful sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy to embrace the new day. May your actions and intentions contribute positively to the world, no matter how small they may seem. Each step you take towards making a difference can have a ripple effect that touches countless lives.
  • @samzam8848
    Today is April 7th 2024. This has saved my life tomorrow shall pass and everyday after that.
  • @atcaw94
    I am so glad I found this video. I've never meditated. I'm going through my wife leaving me couple of weeks ago, after 42 years. I have had couple of extreme panic attacks since. This video has helped me change my inner self, to believe "this too shall pass". You have the most calming voice, lol. .
  • Thank you David a beautful visual meditation. " don't be hard on yourself, try being soft".
  • @joprent6727
    Thank you for this. I feel quiet emotional. I suffer from anxiety and this may help me. 💖
  • You seem very genuine. What a very lovely thing, a Taoist monk. Yes quiet and calm, with sacred Nature. And so it is. I often think how foolish we are creating drama and strife. How beautiful is the Tao. Thankyou. 🌖 ✝️
  • Wow! It felt like the best hour of my life. Then you said 10 minutes! 😊 it was wonderful. I have always loved that feeling of slowing down time and meditation. I was away from it for 28 years. But used to do it daily in my Modern Dance classes at UT Austin. Our professor wasn't good at English and he didn't need to be following the meditation he taught was universal language. I have a B.F.A in Modern Dance Choreography and meditation was absolutely essential in recovering our bodies after 8 hours of Dance a day. It is better than ibuprofen or ankle brace. We learned eastern technique to heal our bodies and we had meditation and massage daily. The best 4 years of my life artistically and meditation wise. Its interesting my life was utterly insane from 24 to 49. And Saturday I did your video on meditation for sensitivity and I cried and cried all the anxiety out. Then did it daily, now did this one. My life was a actual honor movie or book. And Yes I overcame every horrendous obstacles with creativity! I left the corporate world in 2019. And started just to do art work again but I still had massive anxiety when I have nothing to fear. I now know what was missing from my healing - Meditation ! This first week of listening to you is the best thing that could have happened. Because everyone was pulling me in different directions. When you said this is Your Life zyour Mind and your body... in the sensitivity meditation video. I stopped it rewinding your voice. And took a screen shot, wrote it down. Writing it on my mirrors in my purse. I cried and cried. Thank you so much for saying those 3 things. I will never forget them again. At 50 and single. Empty nest. Yes yes yes!!!! Thank you !!!!
  • I have been struggling with anxiety all my life. I will practice every day and hope to get better soon. Many thanks for reassuring me that it will pass.
  • I am so thankful that I have found you. The first time I have ever experienced guided meditation and relaxation that I could truly feel. I am facing a battery of tests this week and next. I am frightened and so very anxious. One test is an MRI which years ago I cried and had to stop process as I felt I was drowning or suffocating. I now have your meditations to help prepare me for these tests and importantly for whatever the results may bring. Thank you. Thank you. Namaste my friend ❤.
  • @kittys4542
    This was the best guided meditation- it melted away my worries. Thank you 🙏
  • @garygates3147
    That meditation was like a guided walk to heaven, calm but simply powerful, I truly did and do feel amazing, thank you so much.
  • This was my first wu wei meditation and remains my favourite, always soothes and brings my heart rate down ( a long covid problem is a racing heart beat even with no exertion). Just now I experienced it lying on a beach in Sicily, a blue sky with fluffy clouds above, a gentle breeze, the sound of the sea…..recommended!
  • @1ajtg
    This is my favourite meditation. I needed it today and searched through the library until ah I found you. It is magical and healing. Thank you so much 🦋
  • @lrboyden
    My Mom has Dementia. Your voice is so soothing. Thankyou. P ace and love back at you
  • I loved this meditation and your soft voice really got through to me. I live with a chronic and painful condition called Cervical Dystonia. I really felt a lot tense and a freer calmer mind and body