What is a Mortal Sin?

Publicado 2020-05-18

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @gregorytrapp334
    Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, "Hearing nun's confessions is like being stoned to death by popcorn"
  • @MVPerry
    I love your videos Father. We need more good Catholic youtubers like you
  • @jimmietwardy3809
    Being a male in my 50s trying to get back into religion after falling out 40 years ago being an LGBTq needing some guidance. Thank you Father Casey
  • @Javiertorres06
    Mortal Sin is terrible and doesn’t feel great to be in a state of. Confession is an incredible way of reconciliation and to find peace with the Holy Spirit and Christ. May God give us all the strength to avoid temptation!! God bless
  • Can someone pray for me? I struggle with scrupulousness and feeling like god isn’t with me or doesn’t love me. I normally am afraid to go to confession and really can’t right now obviously so I’m just not doing well.
  • It’s crazy after going to confession my conscience grows a force so strong the holy spirit protects me from sins I used to willingly commit. Thank you Jesus
  • @GenXer82
    For any scrupulous people out there, please remember: God is infinitely just, merciful, and loving. Only an impenitent heart (hardened heart) can separate one from God. Even if you're at your last breath and unable to have a priest at your side, please keep your heart contrite and open to God's Devine Mercy.
  • Even if compulsion/addiction lessens the moral culpability for sin, I am still going to ask for prayers, I got hooked on pornography about 4 years ago and I am doing my best to stop.
  • @RicardoReyes
    I came here because I've been confessing the same sin over and over again for years. Father asked me how long I've been confessing this and I said since a teen. He said it might not be a mortal sin because of the addiction/habit. But I still want to overcome it. To stop Sinning, whether venial or mortal, is my goal and I don't want to say "well I'm addicted I can't help it" as an excuse to indulge or whatever. This video helped me understand more, so thank you. I'm a year late here haha
  • @guardian1234561
    I have really bad anxiety and this subject has been on my mind. Thank you for your video it really taught me a lot and I hope you stay healthy during this time.
  • @annemurray2716
    This young Priest is so brilliant!. He has a real gift for explaining the Catholic doctrine in very understandable,compassionate and relatable terms. God Bless you Father. Praying for You🙏
  • @subninja8069
    As a Muslim, I really enjoy your videos. I like learning about the brothers of the book truly blevel. I do use Brothers of the books very seriously also. Christians and Jews are Brothers of the books. books being Toral, and bible. Also, it helps me to understand my own faith, because it was contending of our faiths.
  • Thanks a lot. I had a werid and pretty painful stage in my life, when I was afraid of doing anything, because it will cause a mortal sin. Today, even if I recovered, that sounds still return, and my Asperger's syndrome doesn't help that. But thanks a lot dear Father.
  • @alicewanjiku3610
    Am glad to hear this.. I use to be an addict and it start with "fun" I new it was wrong from the beginning I avoid church I push all good people away but inside me there was a still calm voice of Jesus no matter haw Hurd I try to avoid it I could still hear it.. addiction is real.. I have one year to celebrate. But it doesn't mean I can't go back that why I ask for all of u to pray for people who r going through such. Yes we did it our self but we learn from it.. much love fr Casey..
  • @sarahsunshine78
    This helped me SO much. I had such a hard time deciphering and bordered on scrupulosity with so much guilt over sins, even ones I felt I couldn’t help due to addiction (such as food). Knowing the difference and having reconciliation when needed bring so much comfort to this convert.
  • @shmowen
    Definitely not leaving any of my candy bars out when Father Casey comes around 😁
  • @rsalsman0810
    Wow. I saw this video thinking I’d watch for 30 seconds and ended up watching the entire video closely, stopping and going back to listen again to parts that I thought I’d missed, and subscribed to the channel. That was simply the best discussion of the nature of mortal sin I’ve ever heard or read.
  • Father, I was struggling with the guilt of a venial sin that was tearing me apart... I feel that God spoke to me through this video and now I feel that I can accept his forgiveness... thank you for the work you do. God bless you!