What Protestants Get Terribly Wrong

Published 2022-10-31

All Comments (21)
  • I grew up in a fierce Protestant environment that was very anti-Catholic and taught us numerous lies about Catholicism. As an adult I stopped going to church for years because I was tired of loud music and long boring sermons (which is all they had to offer). I then felt drawn to the Catholic Church while living abroad and over time I learned the truth about the Church and its actual history and teachings. I had my Confirmation with the Archbishop in 2016.
  • @aytaj0016
    i am an ex-muslim, and a christian now. this video made me realise a lot of things, but i need to think more... Thank you for this eye-opening video. God bless you.
  • When I was Protestant I felt something was missing. My husband and I tried several different denominations. We just stopped going to church. When our daughter was in HS she decided she wanted to be Catholic. So I went to RCIA with her and loved it. I decided to join too. I couldn’t wait to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. The next year my husband joined that was in 2009 and we have been so happy. God led us to the church.
  • All Christians should not hate each other, we should all bond over our shared love of God and Jesus. ✝✝🙏🙏
  • @RobertReece.
    Grew up Baptist, protestant education, and converting to Catholicism! Your videos are such a blessing to me!
  • @outerlt2172
    I joined for my wife who was catholic and refused to go to any other church. Being raised a Protestant, I grew up with some prejudice about Catholicism. However, I went to the CCD classes and never felt uncomfortable. After her death, I continued to attend mass and like the service. I have never regretted the decision and feel blessed.
  • @bbuller
    Committed Presbyterian here. Enjoying where we can learn from the historical church.
  • @josephb4086
    I grew up Baptist, but broke away in my teens and studied world religions, including satanism and Wiccan. I later decided to research as many denominations of Christianity as I could, and found the catholic faith is the correct one. I became catholic and I've been a member of the knights of Columbus for many years now. Following Christ is my life as he saved me out of paganism. God bless your ministry.
  • As a protestant, there are some aspects that I must agree you hit the nail on the head. I too am often disappointed at what is "normalized" in the Protestant church, especially church shopping. And you have made me realize and think about the rich church history that Protestants often ignore in the Saints and the Martyrs. Thank you once again for a kind and gentle compare and contrast between the Catholic church and the Protestant church.
  • Good one. As a life long Catholic, it’s important that I (we) continue to learn, grow, and know our church . You lay out your argument well. As with all your conferences, they allow me to think, ponder and ultimately deepen my faith. Thanks.
  • @petbirdie2475
    I am protestant since young, but i am now happy to be Catholic ❤
  • @Ikthus
    I have been losing faith with Catholicism. This channel restored it. Thank you, father.
  • @anycyclopedia
    My faith shooked when Protestant preachers were telling people what was wrong with Catholicism but I didn't hurry to leave the Church, instead, I learned about Catholicism. Now my faith in the Church is stronger than ever and I can answer any question that Protestants ask about the Catholic Church. Edit. There are some people here upset that I said "faith in the Church". I think they didn't understand that I was referring to my doubts about the Church and not about God.
  • I almost left the Catholic Church and wasn’t going to church. I ended up coming across the early church fathers and realized what I was missing out. I soon started coming back to Mass and I’m now a devout Catholic with a love for the Mass especially when it comes to the Eucharist.
  • @ArexusGalia
    Hello there! Non-denominational Christian. First off, I am quite overjoyed with the gracious and charitable way that you have presented this. I may not agree with all of these points, but it is quite a delight to you deliver these points with grace and love. I certainly pray that more Protestant and Catholic debates, instead of the hateful "Prots bad hurr durr" or "Catholics bad herp derp" that some discussions devolve into.
  • @Racingbro1986
    Let’s not forget that Luther did not want to split from the church but point out how it had drifted, the pride of the church at the time drove those who finally had the truth of the Gospel to separate.
  • I’ve been told by Protestants/evangelicals that Jesus came to save us from religion because what really matters is a relationship. Clearly, they understand that religion without relationship is empty works, which is true. But they seem to forget the inverse, that relationship without religion (the disposition to serve and worship God as he deserves) is just as shallow. Both are important to our response to God’s love.
  • @maryjofinn792
    Thank you. A 83 year old grandmother. Was blessed to be born a Catholic
  • It really helped me understand the difference between Catholics and Protestants from point of view of a Catholic. Thank you so much-
  • @angiebee2225
    Fascinatingly, many of these points are why I'm in the process of confirmation in an LCMS church (coming from a Baptist background - and I know Baptists are all over the map in theology). They maintain some sacraments and the pastor (who functions as a priest in the way you describe here) has documentation of his apostolic succession. He's been trying to remind this congregation that being Lutheran isn't about being not Catholic, too - we are, after all, a product of Catholicism. So not all Protestants reject all of these things. The things we reject tend to be the things that crept into the Catholic church much later on and not the things present in the early church, before things got dicey between East and West.