FFXIV What changes and additions I'd like for BRD

Published 2021-07-26
Just a fan talking about how a small part of a game he enjoys can possibly be improved (or ruined idk)

All Comments (21)
  • ALSO one more thing: let songs from multiple bards stack IF they are two different songs people are saying songs should affect bards, I say as long as bard's damage is buffed to a certain point that that is not necessary, but either way I think could work to make bard individually stronger. Either way, bard needs something to make its own personal DPS better, be it a buff or letting songs work on themselves.
  • @Tzulander
    All I want for BRD is the ability to use /Perform in instances.
  • For Bard AoE, it sounds like you want something similar to how Summoner spreads DoTs using Bane.
  • @PipPanoma
    Bard already has an acceleration-like skill. Empyreal Arrow already guarantees a proc and it's on a short cooldown.
  • @Sinalve1
    I just want a Bane (Summoner DoT spread) for Bard. If you're gonna reward me for having DoTs on multiple targets, don't punish me for trying to do that. Seems counter intuitive... but that's my impression from what I played of Bard at the beginning of ShB.
  • @MoltenTruros
    All I want for bard is some decent party support again and for the skills to feel more musical and bard-like. I don't get why they had to remove Foe Requiem, we have an MP bar, might as well let us use it.
  • @sharkt8to966
    All I want from bard is the sounds that used to play for the songs when they were casts to play, the cut half second sounds just makes me sad And maybe a hp regen to match cure waltz
  • @grooveslinger_
    As a Bard main in other RPGs and DnD, I think mechanically a lot of your ideas make a lot of sense, especially the DoTs, because doing groups of enemies as a bard feels very tedious with setting up DoTs across enemies, but I also have a big problem thematically with Bard that I feel goes all the way back to the class -> Job system A lot of the Class -> Jobs have a decent progression that thematically makes sense. Fist Fighters become Monks that sort of unlock their inner energy, Marauders with Big Axes become Warriors with Big Axes, Thaumaturges become even more powerful practitioners of Black Magic, but Archer, the Bow Wielding class, becomes a Bard, a traditionally music themed (usually by playing a instrument in battle) themed vocation, and that one is the only that feels disconnected from its core class, whereas the others core abilities built on in the class then get expanded upon in the Job. As a result (personally), this has led to BRD feeling very unsure of what it's supposed to be, because your core abilities are all Archery skills and the Music themed Bard abilities (of which there are few) take a back seat, and I don't think there is an easy solution to this problem. You could reflavor a chunk of the combat abilities to be more Bard-like, such as Wind/Stormbite becoming "Discordant Melody" which is a melody that hurts a monster over time, but the two don't really feel like they belong together for me, and I imagine it's too big of an ask to have Bard be separated into its own Job and Archer given a new, more archery focused Job (Ranger? I don't know). This also kinda extends to the Bard questline which is mostly just you being there because you're a good Archer, and you get to watch Guydelot be more of the free-spirited, gathers information by being a charming minstrel Bard. I just know that in Endwalker I'd really like if in Combat I felt more like a Bard and less like an Archer with a penchant for music. PS. If you read all of this, thank you
  • One thing I want is to let Bards use repelling shot without a target. At the moment it's very very underused when it could be a DRG backflip instead.
  • @solerosable
    Thoughts on how to help bard: Dot spreading: rework Iron Jaws to spread active dots to targets within roughly the same range as bane from Summoner. Remove dot refresh from Iron Jaws. DoT refresh: add refreshing all active dots when you change song in your rotation. Bring back foes requiem but rework it from it just being a straight damage buff. Instead have it double the effect of your current song on the party. Long CD 2-3 minutes. This way bard gets an extra steroid added into to their main party utility without stepping on the toes of the dancer. Party wide hp/mp regen similar to dancer improv. Since Bard already has a healer utility kit (heal buff, esuna) allow bard to channel a regen to the party to help refresh everyone during downtime. Have stacks of repertoire that stack when at cap contribute to extra soul gauge. If you have max stacks in Wanderers minuet or Army’s paen gain 10 soul gauge as opposed to 5. Give BRD/ rDPS a way to change their limit break. BRD being a closer to a healer (and also having it in 1.0) having the option to have the line AOE or a healer LB. have MCH use its line AoE or create a wall of scrap or a barrier similar to GNB. Lastly have dancer either do the Line AoE or a circular AoE like the casters.
  • @Bluelyre
    While I agree with most of these, I think it would make more sense to make iron jaws spread or an aoe version of it that works like bane.
  • @tuckerbird7514
    I don’t even play this game, but I’m happy to listen and enjoy! Keep making videos that make you happy dude!
  • @BigFatOfFate
    Love these ideas as they would be soo useful. Iron jaws should be an aoe effect to reset the dots on all enemies. Would like them to replace quick nock's with the other GCD bard had in 2.0. It had range, a wider area of effect, and a much cooler animation than the pitiful one we have at the moment.
  • I've wanted a BRD gap-closer since Heavensward, honestly 🤣 if you want to make it fair to the other MCH they can have a grappling hook or something
  • @minilovergirl
    Coming back to this, yes you got your combat peloton, just in a different job
  • As a new BRD, I don't understand half of this, but support all of it!
  • It would be a little neat if they let you preform while in a mount with multiple seats. (Non-driver) Its a very VERY niche thing, but i could see it being cute. (Plus who wouldn't want to drive the car while a friend plays initial D music~) I do also want to add that an in combat Pelion might not be tooo big a stretch to add in since they've played around with the idea a little in the shadow bringer relic weapon areas. It would likely be added to all non-magical ranged dps if it was a change, which isnt a negative! But it also wouldnt change Brd's standing vs the other options.
  • @shimasclan
    Just give me Bard Bane and I will be happy. DoT one enemy twice, propagate it, then song and spam.
  • @bardvt4492
    I like most of the ideas I’d love a second stack of bl another option is to add something that spreads your dots like smn does you’d still have to apply both dots but it’s better than single applying to all mobs. I’d love to see bard be more of what it’s supposed to be a support class like yes it’s still viable but dancer just does a better job imo like have army Peyon have a small passive health regen like smn does. Or even have natures mine work on the entire party rather than just a single target. I was on the train if having peloton do a small amount of damage so it’s actually useful in combat or at least make the effect useful in combat while either boosting the range you can use repel shot and or making it do damage. Or just replace it in general it’s the worst movement skill in the game. Bard is my favorite class and to me feels like one of the most “complete” classes in the game I just want it to shine more
  • @Castersvarog
    Another thing that really sucks about Army’s Paeon, is that the buff is so freaking weak until it hits the max. Especially the repertoire, which starts at 1% doubles twice to 4%, and then rockets to 12%, With bad Rng it basically doesn’t exist at all. If they made it be something like 4%, 8%, 12% and 16% it would help with making Paeon more useful. Other then that, the standard charges on bloodletter and rain of death, a Bane type skill, though it’ll likely have a reduced proc chance on those extra targets just because of how big groups can get. Having our songs affect us, as well as a removal of the punishment for having more than a single bard in the party. Even if it’s something like allowing two different songs to stack instead of having them constantly overwrite one another would be good.