The Devastation of Baal - Dante's meets Guilliman || Voice Over

Publicado 2023-05-19
To continue this 'Dante meeting important people' Trilogy, here is the final part! Perhaps I shall do more soon, such as his meeting with the Silent King, a few other varied videos in the meantime, however!
If you enjoy my work, feel free to support me!
Mic: CAD E100S condenser Microphone
Arm: Rode Mic Arm
Audio: Reaper Studio
Video: Sony Vegas
All respective works belong to their creators. My voice and my time are my only additions.
Warhammer 40k belongs to Games Workshop
The Devastation of Baal is by Guy Haley
Music 1:    • Like Father Like Son | Sad Fantasy Music  

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @danielquintonvo
    The final of the three 'Dante meets' videos I wanted to get out! Going to try and do some more Blood Angels and Dante at a later date but, for now, time to move on to some other things! Any suggestions, please do say!
  • @MrHellsing76
    Dante: Please let me just die. Robute: Here's a promotion, you rule the shit half the imperium now. Dante weeps. Robute: Yeah, I know.
  • @daverage4729
    Much as I want Rogal or Russ to return next, it needs to be Vulcan just so he can give Dante the Imperium's most needed mega hug.
  • @andrewcrane5105
    Roboute Guilliman "Your dad would be so proud of you" Dante-head, heart and genatles explode
  • Hands-down Dante is the best chapter master, for what he has done for 1,200 years and for Baal and the sons of Sanguinius. Absolute chad who gains respect from the Primarchs.
  • Guilliman will always be my favorite Primarch for the simple fact that he's the most human to me. He's cold and calculating when necessary like the Lion, regal and refined like Sanguineous, loyal and unbending like Dorn, and compassionate and human like Vulkan. He's a perfect mixture of all of them to me,, and he was the only choice in my mind for the first Primarch to return and actually be able to start saving the Imperium. I absolutely cannot wait for Guilliman and the Lion to reunite, and for both of them to finally have an actual equal, a brother to rely on like both of them want and need.
  • @Channel-23s
    The first Space marine in what 10 thousand years to meet two loyal Primarchs (three if you count Sanguinius bringing him back to life) and he’s the oldest that isn’t a Chaos/dreadnought or Primarch character or warp shenanigans
  • Dante might be the greatest astartes to have ever lived . You could probably make a good argument for someone else but Dante is at least in the conversation
  • @louisnall3102
    So Dante has met 4 primarchs in the current setting. Sanguinius, Guilliman, Angron, and now Lion. Edit; he also met the Silent King. Dante is pretty much the Stan Lee of 40K.
  • @Smilomaniac
    “I have come to save the Imperium.” To some it reads like a comic book line I’m sure. To men it reads like the weight of a million worlds carried on the shoulders of a single person. Because he must. Because it is the right thing to say.
  • @annhentaiuser6658
    Guilliman is ambiguous. He is playful on one side, a calm and diplomatic person the second, then a hot-boiling death incarnate the third.
  • @Channel-23s
    Man Dante got the most earned respect/honor he’s seen so much war and to face the tyrnids and survive with 300 space marines and be praised by Sanguinius and Gullimen is something that’s amazing to see (Sidenote only chapter that wasn’t there was Lamenters which is both good and bad)
  • @ianharrison5758
    It’s crazy to think about, but Dante has been alive longer and seen more war than either G man or The lion. They were between 2-300 by the time of their respective comas, and dante is like 1500 years old. Now obviously both primarchs will still be better tacticians and fighters but imagine how trippy it must have been for Guillman to meet a space marine 7x his own age
  • This scene encapsulates survivors guilt and PTSD so perfectly. Dante sees only what he’s failed to do rather than what he gained for others.
  • @Trollioli
    Rowboat Girlyman was a lot of things, but mostly a politician. He knew when to stand with those who earned it.
  • @dyingearth
    Dante must have his eternal suffering. This scene is just after Dante his vision of Sanguinus and after he barely killed Swarm Lord.
  • @TheColosiss
    I'm so happy to see G man being so humble to Dante. Makes me proud to play UltraSmurfs.
  • @Eraphion
    Man has healthy amount of self-esteem: "You have earned the right to talk with me on equal terms"
  • @randrazor
    Love that Guilliman's accent is not just posh british