UN top court says Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal | BBC News

The UN's top court has said Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories is against international law, in a landmark opinion.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) said Israel should stop settlement activity in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza and end its "illegal" occupation of those areas as soon as possible.

The court's advisory opinion is not legally binding but still carries significant political weight. It marks the first time the ICJ has delivered a position on the legality of the 57-year occupation.

The ICJ, based at The Hague in the Netherlands, has been examining the issue since the beginning of last year, at the request of the UN General Assembly.

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コメント (21)
  • @big.brother___
    So do u condemn illegal Settlement in occupied Palestine??
  • @redalert2834
    Some people may even recall Germany's illegal occupation of Poland in 1939.
  • if the occupation is illegal "as if you need someone to say so lol " it means that the right to resist is 100 % leagl
  • @JohnnyGolden
    & Water is wet... Every body even Israel knows this... But nothing will be done 🙄
  • @sp-files82
    “A pretty hostile verdict to Israel” Nah mate it’s not what you wanted to hear that’s all!
  • @UserAme99
    We've known this since 76 years ago.
  • Settlers have civil law, Palestinians military law. Settlers in the West Bank have swimming pools and fish ponds, Palestinians need a permit to collect rainwater or dig a well on their lands. There are roads and areas for Jews only,Palestinians have to go through roadblocks. Apartheid?
  • @Sir_Huss
    Now will they abide by international law or do they take only what fits them?
  • @HazelWorldwide
    “Hostile”? Is that what we’re calling verdicts grounded in reality now? So should convicted criminals be able to say that to judges as well? “That’s a hostile verdic. It hurts my feelings and offends me. The harm I have caused is irrelevant because I’m special and have never had to be held accountable before😢”
  • Bibi is Polish but says this is his ancestoral home because he shares the religion practiced by Arabs thousands of years ago
  • Why BBC repeatedly water down the verdict as an advisory. If this is vice versa, the ruling will be considered as very serious.