THE 10 THINGS I DID TO GET ALL A*s at GCSE // How to get All A*s (8s&9s) in GCSE 2017

In this video I tell you the 10 easy things I did to get all A*s in my GCSE results and how to get all A* in your GCSEs too! It's not (completely) rocket science - I promise!
This advice transfers to A levels, IB, AS levels and every other qualification imaginable! Work hard you lovely people and achieve what YOU know you can xxx
Hi my name is Jade and welcome to UnJaded Jade! I post every Wednesday abut varying topics I truly care about, from self confidence to veganism.
I'm a Youtube Newbie! It's true. I only started this recently and and it is at this time of newbiehood that support is appreciated the most. Every like and comment makes my day! If you want to subscribe and join the UnJaded family, I welcome you with open arms xoxo

コメント (21)
  • A huge thank you for all the support on this video, and in general! As soon as I'm back from my holiday (I'm in St Lucia!!) I intend to make more specific revision videos so stay tuned! I honestly really want to help you guys! Lots of love, Jade xx
  • 'You don't want to be teaching yourself stuff' Year 10 students: :/
  • "Go to bed ,at like, 9" Checks clock and cries
  • @AA-xp9xi
    condensed for y'all who need max time to revise:) : 1) work smarter 2) sleep early 3) understand as you go along 4) focus on your weaknesses 5) stay on top of things 6) markschemes and past papers 7) good coursework 8) look after yourself - self love 9) the sky is your limit - you only limit yourself you're welcome xx
  • well done to her, I just did my GCSE exams, I got 4 A* and 2 A's and a B in maths,am so happy with my self,for the current year 10 and year 11 students don't worry just have a clear mind set and drink plenty of water and revise before going to bed,because in the morning you will remember it a lot better;Goodluck to the students who are doing their GCSE.
  • I honestly think I would have flocked this years gcses if it weren’t for you. I was getting E’s and F’s on my mocks, for your mass revision tip and past paper tip I got an 7 in English lit, 8 in Maths, another 8 in science AND A 9 IN RE! So happy. Thank you
  • It’s so unfair, almost every subject have a new scheme and we don’t have any past papers or marking schemes to guide us.
  • our GCSEs have become a lot harder, and our mark scheme has become a lot harder. Only a certain percentage can actually get a 9, like a competition
  • I’ve finished my GCSE’s three years ago why am I watching this
  • Me: tell the teacher I don’t understand Them: you should have been listening then Me: 😐
  • I'm doing the new GCSE and there's no past papers so I'm basically dead also no course work so nothing to fall back on :(
  • “I’ll understand it a home” Oh shit she’s on us runnnnnnnn
  • Watched this a year ago, and was like oh shit how can u get all A*s, fast forward to now, I have 4 A*'s four 9's and two 8's. Bless you.
  • Im in year 10 now half way through actually and i have decided I want to start revising a day for all the subjects I'm bad at. I'm very glad that I watched this video as it has motivated me even more to strive for success!😉I am also very thankful that you have shared these amazing tips with the YouTube world because they have helped me a lot
  • Completely agree about revision timetables they just stress me out more, definitely prefer just listing!! Xx
  • @zxali19
    You're tips are so good! I'm doing my GCSE's in 2 years and have a lot of expectations to get as many A*s (9's now)as possible. Your advice is super helpful! Subscribing btw xo
  • I got A*s in all of my subjects as well and these are my tips: 1- Stay focused/know why you’re in school and what you want afterwards/ think about how hard your parents might have worked for you to be in school / motivate yourself but also treat yourself when required 2- Try to study almost everyday if you can and you dont have to do it hours on end, it could be just an hour or 2 of committed hard-work 3- Organize your time and THROW YOUR PHONE AWAY. It is the biggest distraction. I had to delete Twitter and Facebook because of how time consuming they were and honestly it was the best decision i have ever made. 4- Stay well away from drama at school. You don’t need any other things to occupy your mind. Make sure you have genuinely good friends. You don’t need to hang out with the smart bunch, you need the happy/funny bunch. 5- don’t you dare let anyone discourage you. Stay motivated and do what you want to do despite what any teacher/student tells you. Prove them wrong. 6- and this is probably my biggest advice: PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE A LOT OF PAST EXAMS THIS IS THE MILLION DOLLAR SECRET AND IT WILL HELP YOU SOOOOO MUCH! I did my IGCSE’s in 2011 and i did so many past papers i ended up going back to 1999, and thats two exams per year (Nov/Jun) .. for each of my subjects. Honestly this is the BEST advice i could give anyone and continue to give everyone i know irl. Good luck, and remember, your hard work will always pay-off ♥️ P.S: i truly believe that gcse’s/igcse’s are important, but as a person who has graduated both school and uni and is currently working, i gotta say, that they will not entirely shape your life. Yes they are important but if you dont end up doing so well in them you can still be fine, in fact you could be more than fine! I know a few people who weren’t that successful during school but who later did incredible things because thats just how their personality works! :D