Rep. Lee Rants At Staff In Alleged Audio | The View


コメント (21)
  • @LuisCarlos85
    Whoopi tell that to victims of abuse that can’t leave. Believe it or not, some people can’t afford to leave their job. Don’t defend horrible monsters, Mam!
  • I disagree with Whoopi here. Being verbally abused is not and should not be “part of how we grew up” and totally not the responsibility of the employee to “move out” if they don’t like it. No. The verbally abusive person should be he one who is fired for it. I don’t understand Whoopi here at all.
  • Whoopi has had money for too long. She is extremely out of touch. Those arent just jobs people leave. Those are careers. And speaking up can END a career. Emotional abuse and intimidation shouldnt be allowed anywhere but especially not in public office!
  • Don't try to say the workers should grow a pair. How about the woman change the way she speaks to her staff.
  • Whoopi has me wondering if she talks to her staff crazy. Why else would she defend this mess?
  • Whoopie, no! People deserve respect and if the allegations are true Rep. Lee should reflect on how she is behaving in a power dynamic and adjust herself for the better. Everyone should be treated with respect. Period. I don't care who she is or thinks she is to treat her staff in such a demeaning way.
  • @antonybeney
    I’m glad Alyssa, sunny and Ana all called this behaviour out, there was no hypocrisy, bad behaviour is bad behaviour but whoopi come on… you’re turning yourself into pretzels trying to give her any excuse. I wish sometimes they would say a member of government has done xyz and not mention their party/gender/race etc and give their opinions then at the end explain who the person actually is cause that would truly filter out any hypocrisy 😊
  • @RW-yt7ro
    Whoopi is so weird with the stuff she defends .
  • Whoopi Goldberg steadily making excuses for this lady 🙄🙄🙄🙄
  • @mickey4346
    Whoopi seriously defending this woman? She should be ashamed of herself.. she knows better
  • @batgurrl
    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names cause permanent damage. Ana is so correct about verbal and emotional abuse, its toxic.
  • @DalePhoenix
    Whoopi always defends rich/powerful people who treat poor/working people like garbage. See also: Christian Bale, Mel Gibson…
  • I'm glad at least Sunny is not defining this ridiculous behavior
  • @H20forlife
    Look, I CAN understand Ms Sheila’s frustrations , but you can’t speak to colleagues that way. She was waaay over the line.
  • @Edward-oy7ed
    First I'm an African American male and I find this congresswoman's behavior terribly repugnant. I also used to work on Capital Hill and I fully know about the toxic, vicious and fearful work culture. I can't count how many, many, many arrogant members of congress from all backgrounds who has come across as arrogant and condescending to their staff and other employees outside of the media . This congresswomen has a well rumored history of verbal abuse and its more of a shame, that she is from a couple of marginalized groups (women, African American) and definitely should know better. I believe most members of congress should attend mandatory Hostile Work Environment and No Fear Act training but as for her, she needs immediate counseling and should take some time off and remember where she comes from.
  • This lady need to apologize and own up to her mistakes 💯💯💯💯
  • @seansull
    How can Whoopi defend this? You can’t get out of situations easily when there’s an imbalance of power. Abusive relationships for example.
  • I can't take Alyssa seriously, how can she act shocked by someone abusing their power for years? Girl, you only left Trump after he lost.
  • Whoopie almost lost all credibility over the fire alarm puller but this take has pushed her over the edge.
  • @swankhood
    Whoopi, get a Clue, come on!! Defending behavior not acceptable at WORK. WHOOPI, she is @ Work not at a Barbque. Whoopi has been Rich for so long now, she is completely disconnected from the rest of us.