Richard Dawkins: 'Somebody as intelligent as Jesus would have been an atheist'

Publicado 2011-10-27
Richard Dawkins: 'Somebody as intelligent as Jesus would have been an atheist'. In the latest in John Harris's National Conversations series of interviews, Richard Dawkins is invited to defend his atheism. What about the comfort, community, and moral education offered by religion?
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#RichardDawkins #Jesus #Atheism #God #Religion

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • "I would rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned" - Richard Feynman
  • @colins3063
    If someone were born in this generation and claimed to be god, you'd all think he was mentally ill, including religious people. Why should we think any different about what happened in the past?
  • @davidlewis3072
    "I despise people who believe something without evidence and then go out and take action which damages other people..."
  • @g07denslicer
    The quote in the title is nowhere in the interview. Wtf?
  • @dannysmith785
    I never understood why God would get pissed off if people didn't praise him. Let's say I make an ant farm. The ants seem happy and are running around doing ant stuff. If they don't praise me, I am going to pour a bit of boiling water in to teach them a lesson. That makes me an asshole of epic proportion.
  • @starrlehner1881
    Hitchens said it best when he stated there no one to catch a child falling from window
  • @metal665lica
    "What if it's a load of rubbish?" "nOoNe cAn pRovE tHaT."
  • @alvinbarrios4704
    Its easier to trick a fool than to convince one that they are being fooled.
  • @Pauleymack
    I'm a dyslexic, agnostic insomniac, I lie awake at night wondering if there really is a dog.
  • @pieterboelen2862
    Very interesting video. Now can someone explain to me why the quote in the title isn't once spoken in it??
  • the issue with this argument is that yes science explains existence indeed. However, it only explains the mechanisms of how things exist, and not why anything exists in the first place.
  • @jamie7622
    It's too bad Lord of the Rings wasn't published a few thousand years earlier. I wouldn't mind sitting in a church hearing about Frodo
  • @timketter5361
    "To find out people's thoughts on religion we've come to St. Paul's Cathedral to talk with a "random" flock of people. Make sure you tune in next week when when we stop at a local pub to ask a "random" group their thoughts on alcohol."
  • @Fj3
    Please don't ever die, Prof. Richard Dawkins!
  • Religion: "How to get the money from your pocket into mine." Sheep.
  • @jannanijland5336
    "In America religion is a commercial enterprise" what a very insightful remark!
  • @billyskyline570
    "I despise people who take action against others with no evidence" nuff said
  • @goranmilic442
    Just because religion makes people warm and fuzzy inside doesn't mean it's true. Name me one thing other than religion you find to be true just because it gives purpose to you.
  • @Toonhai
    Lol Intro is mind blowing:)