You Almost Wiped Out My Race, Jedi !


コメント (21)
  • @karlrovey
    I love how the light side option is corrupting the Nekghouls and having them kill the jedi for you.
  • I don’t know what’s worse: the fact that Jedi was so optimistic that it is nauseating, or the light side choice that caused his death?
  • @Feasco
    "Show them what you've learned." One asskicking later "Not much, it seems."
  • @Rekaert
    Funny thing about the light side Sith. I would have loved to see the following interaction play out. "I sense much anger in you, Sith." "Nah, I'm alright. Pretty chill to be honest." "No, no! There's much anger!" "Hmm ... nah. Pretty good mood today. I helped out this other guy earlier, and it really give me a boost." "Damn you Sith."
  • @ST0AT
    "We could've made the nekghouls extinct." "Just like what the Jedi almost did to *my own kind*?"
  • @grunt7917
    Never thought that LS choise might be... badass 😂
  • Light side sith: "These creature will make for great pawns." Dark side sith: "Murder! Murder! MURDER !"
  • Literally why wipe these guys out when they are basically begging to be made into Dark Side shock troops? The shortsightedness of the Sith never ceases to disappoint. ...also did that Jedi basically just respond to our accusations of Genocide with "don't let me catch you practicing the wrong religion then."
  • Sith: you nearly wiped out my entire race!!! Jedi: yeah buuuuut... I didn't do that sssooooo
  • I love how the conversation between the Jedi and Sith at the beginning of the fight is just "Why do we gotta fight? We could be friends." "Your order attempted genocide against my species." "Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. Guess we have to fight."
  • @TBranch91
    I swear I heard: "screw that, Jedi." Instead of "school's out, Jedi." 🤣
  • The "come my students, show them what you have learned" sounded so cheery the fight actually suprised me, like I didn't think that's the line meaning they gonna kill you now
  • Jedi: I sense much anger in you. Pureblood: Your order tried to eradicate my entire species. Why do you pricks get the priviledge of strutting around with the moral high ground?
  • LS choice that corrupt Raghouls to dark side? what?
  • @schnebot
    true pureblood Sith were gone for millennia since the jedi exiles conquered them and started to interbreed with them, hybridizing the gene pool of their entire species. while the humans had pure populations on countless planets across the galaxy, true Sith were a dying race before the genocide in 5000 BBY. -> by that point i doubt any pure sith were left anyway.
  • @Ultima72
    The interesting thing about the tOR questline is that Light side sith actually make the empire stronger while Dark Jedi make the republic stronger, if you play through the game with an opposite force user than you'll see what I mean.
  • “I’ll carve my name into your hide” … “kinky!” “Wtf”
  • It always annoyed me how this game is so short sighted when it comes to LS and DS choices. "Embrace the darkness within you", literally corrupting them and making them turn their back on the light side of the force is a... light side choice?
  • Friendly reminder that the Sith Holocaust was something the Jedi forced the Republic to do, not the other way around.
  • Dark side sith: Kills them himself. Light side sith: Let someone else deal with the problem.