Destiny 2: Witch Queen Review - No Witches?


コメント (21)
  • @Bricky
    What's wrong guardian? No Witches?
  • “You think people play Destiny 2 to have fun?” - Bricky
  • @GaKoPop
    I don't know a single thing about Destiny but I'm glad you're having fun Bricky
  • Debra wilson is a great VA in the gaming space. Really happy to see her get bigger roles now. For reference Bricky, she is Amanda walker in the tell tale game, Harbinger in Halo infinite, Renata in LOL, and Jormag in Guild wars 2. Shes great and I love her voice work as Savathun
  • @luk4aaaa
    Rhulk’s encounter is like, when you get a DPS phase, so does he.
  • Man it is so refreshing to see someone talk so positively about Destiny
  • @Lynch2507
    As someone whose always been interested in Destiny as a universe and as a story first and a game second, Witch Queen took the 6 to 7 years of "villain of the week" story and finally started hitting some damn good narrative beats. They've been doing it well since Beyond Light but goddamn, from the campaign to the lore to the damn RAID- like, i cannot stress enough, they actually made the raid story RELEVANT outside of the raid. There's plenty to say about Gambit being a shambling corpse taking up space and Void 3.0 being REAL fun but also kinda balance-breaking in some ways, but personally, now we actually have an idea of where this stupid space opera is going and a face to the big bad leading the Pyramids and Disciples, the rest is confetti. The battle lines have finally been drawn and I'm so fckin hyped for where this leads now.
  • @Forcer69
    Watching both Bricky and Skill Up’s reviews of Witch Queen today was really interesting
  • My problem with destiny is the new player experience. With Bungie killing previous content It feels like trying to watch End game without having watched any marvel movies up until that point and players should not be forced to have to watch old playthroughs or lore videos to even remotely understand what's going on and whos who.
  • I was unbelievably surprised he didn't mention the music. This is probably the best collection of OST released in a destiny expansion. and if you're a destiny fan, you know how astronomically fucking high of a bar that is.
  • @magicm953
    Describing Savathun's voice acting as "poisonous delivery" is spot on, they really hit the nail on the head when it came to characterising how a god of lies would sound
  • The bit about re-doubling on lore exposition around 13:40-something I do agree with as someone who's really invested in the lore and knows most if not all of the little details. However have you considered the people who will run through the campaign with voice lines turned down and subtitles off that will half-watch a cutscene and then go "I don't get it"? (Looking at you Th3Jez)
  • "I know hunters have brain damage from hitting their heads using stompees" As a hunter that doesn't use stompees, I approve this message. I thoroughly enjoyed this video and now has me questioning if I've encountered a wild bricky in the throne world... I will keep my eye out, hugs will be given.
  • Seasonal/limited time narrative chapters are such an awful design choice. Like, congrats any players who are new or didn't know the season/event was happening have missed out of parts of the story and will never get a chance to experience them first hand. The FOMO for story stuff like that does keep some players involved well past the point they would have otherwise quit from burnout, but it also drives plenty away as well because it makes it harder and more exhausting to continue caring about.
  • 24:30 I know this is a Destiny thing, but if you read the lore the fireflies were going to kill Joel anyways as soon as he stepped out the building. So in a sense he killed them before they could kill him
  • FINALLY! Someone puts Taken King and Forsaken into perspective and doesn't drown in nostalgia. People are weird with how high up they put those two expansions when all they did was make Destiny good.
  • Ever since finding your channel and getting me into Warhammer 40k I’ve started a new passion project: I’m making concepts for a tabletop wargame for Destiny, with armies for each race/faction in the game. And with the New Witch Queen Expansion I’ve started working on Lucent Brood and Ikora’s Hidden army concepts. I’m so happy this game is only getting better because not only am I a fan of Destiny, but my passion project is only getting more and more ideas for Factions and mechanics. Thank you so much for introducing me to the tabletop scene, I wouldn’t be working on this without you!
  • Cool to see that D2 finally hit its stride. I got too frustrated with the game during beyond light's 2nd season for a bunch or reasons after years. I wont be playing that game again but glad to see the loyal players have finally gotten a quality product after what feels like too long.
  • @_mishi
    bro I basically play none of the games Bricky discusses but I always like watching his videos. Also he introduced me to frostpunk, I know damn well that if I ever have time for video games I can trust this man's taste
  • Okay I watched the whole video, and I only have one issue. Witch queen and destiny as a whole seems to kinda embrace it’s existing player base and kinda forsaken any possible new players. After playing witch queen and experiencing the Kino of it, I told my friend. He seemed excited since all he plays is FF14 so a new game would be nice. But after playing red war and such, he has no clue the story, the relations between people, why I fucking dislike crow the way I do, so on. That’s my only major complaint. Well that and not having 6 friends to play destiny with but besides the point. If there was a way to redownload old content and locking you out of playing it unless you had gear from that expansion or before would be my suggestion to fix it and to also appreciate old design.