Publicado 2022-03-20
I hope this video adequately addresses the points I glossed over or chose not to discuss in my previous video, and I do genuinely apologize for choosing not to include this topic in greater detail before. In an effort to protect others from having to hear about it and myself from having to talk about it, I failed to provide the resources and information that my viewers deserved.

That said, unless I absolutely have to make another follow-up, I would like this to be the last time I discuss the issue.

RESOURCES (sorry, I tried to have them linked here directly but Youtube didn't like it):…

Shoutout to ‪@fxllxngofficial‬ for today's audio editing and music! Go check his stuff out here:
And check out his new album here:    • Ladder  


Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @spacescribs5838
    The fact that we needed 40 minutes to explain why creating art of a 5th grader getting railed is bad and wrong says more than I ever could
  • @Shadow1Yaz
    What they say about vent art is very true in my experience. I have drawn lots of vent pieces expressing my childhood trauma and I WOULD NEVER ever post that on the internet or even share that with a close friend or family. It was a very personal piece and it would kill my soul if I saw it circulating on the internet.
  • @lucievied
    extremely off topic, but i love the decora illustration being made in the background.
  • @punbun4funlol891
    I feel like a lot of defensive arguments comes from the fact that people would consider different things as loli/shota, like how some people would consider younger looking but adult characters (ie venti or gorou from genshin) as shota and also group them together with kanna from miss kobayashi's, then others who would only consider kanna to be a loli. Where as in one situation the characters could be seen as adults within the style of the game and the other could only be seen as a child, this creates an miscommunication where the people who enjoy the former but not the latter gets defensive over their interests. Also I'd like to point out there might be those who enjoy loli/shotacon cuz they see themselves in the position of the younger characters, granted i'm usually one to avoid that kinda content so i could only speculate since i know when it comes to things such as noncon or other sexual fantasies there would be those wanting to be on the receiving end. edit: also as a side note I think it'd be better to focus on educating people interms of how to interact with such topics rather then finding a way to get rid of all of them since trying to censor stuff (although nice in theory) leads to the question of who that responsibility goes to and if they have ulterior motives or not whereas education is more realistic. This is more from personal experience i suppose since even though i've been on the internet since i was like 9 and also was exposed to stuff that i shouldn't have, knowing that those things aren't the norm and shouldn't be treated as such helped. Granted I was still a child and was influenced negatively but on the bright side i was able to tell when someone was being a creep on the few occasions it happened. Great video, probably one of the most indepth on these topics i've seen in awhile, just wanted to add my thoughts.
  • @tally_ish
    I got an ad about censorship from PragerU and laughed so fucking hard
  • @mawibblap
    Don't Go to Comment Section, Biggest Mistake of my Life.
  • @yorimo5300
    This is something that is a bit confusing to say and phrase, but bear with me as I go into it. I know you address your personal thoughts on this and said this is not the subject matter at hand. For the record, I don't like anything to do with shot@ and lolicon. This is more or less, is not talking about the "morale" standpoint these things have and more of a technical "okay, so how are we gonna enforce this?". NOTE, I AM LOOKING AT USA LAW HERE REGARDING THIS STUFF. This is where stuff gets REALLY dicey. Again, ignoring the psychological implications of things and effects, how can such things be quantified? How can organizations such as the FBI surely strike down things as CP? People argue that liking Uzaki-Chan makes you p#d0 inclined. However, the argument that she "looks like a child", when her facial features (and frankly, so many other anime characters in this context) have crossed beyond realism into abstract representations of ideas, is...very shaky. One could argue that your restyle, or any "anime" style, based on body proportions alone, could be under suspicion. Saying a woman with a flat chest and big eyes is a child in drawn media also has some degrading implications to petite women, IRL, but that's a whole different can of worms. It hinges on the narrative "they look x, so they are x". And I'm not talking about the 2000 year demi-human types who are portrayed as small children for their universe . Right now, in America, such things that come to mind as l*** or sh***con (sexualizing Kana from Kobayashi Dragonmaid, Alois and Ceil from BB, that "flavor" of things) cannot be considered CP/child abuse materials under America's PROTECT act and other acts like it, and are only potentially up for obscenity charges. Stuff gets even more complicated when you think of stuff as "Lucky Star". There isn't much difference between the characters who are seniors in high school, and the drawn adults in the series. Due to the style being so intensely "Moe", do you over ride and say that all the characters "look like children", and sexualizing characters from said media should be more heavily prosecuted? When is perceived age and behavior outweighed by appearance? It's like when someone draws a neon green tiger-furry and sexualizes it. Do we consider this bestiality legally? is attraction to this extremely-mascoty cartoonish anthromoph even in the same league as someone having sexual desires focused towards an IRL animal? You can absolutely be upset and concerned over more than issue at once. But I'm more or less tossing out the legal classification issues of things. If one can say " because of how an artist chose to depict x drawing, and has feelings sexual attraction towards x drawing that looks nothing like any sort of human, and is only "human" on the grounds of it being representative of said "human", means that someone is attracted to an IRL human who looks nothing like said concept x drawing is depicting", what would make x different from y case? It's like, is someone partaking in be@stiality because they experience sexual attraction to Sonic the hedgehog ? Is someone a p*d0 because they experience aforementioned attraction Characters from Lucky star, and while within Lucky star's universe they look age appropriate, in a different medium they would be the equivalent of "children"? This is why this is such a crazy issue. Where do we draw lines? It's sadly so subjective that it's hard to speak about things and not be walking on eggshells. Nearly everyone agrees that CP is bad, people who enjoy it are bad, etc. However, getting down to actually classifying stuff like this is.....difficult, without stepping on someone's toes.
  • @wxndplumes
    Genuinely don't understand why "hey , maybe we shouldn't s3xualize characters who look , sound and act like kids and have been confirmed to BE kids" is such a controversial opinion 💀💀💀 Like... Kids aren't supposed to be the object of some er0tic fantasy. Yes , l0licon isn't as bad as the real thing and it shouldn't be held to the same degree as real offenses , but that doesn't mean its any less disgusting. You can be invested in two issues at once. The "fiction can affect reality" argument DOESN'T mean "Fiction IS reality" its "Fiction is entirely separate from reality but it can impact it". It's why incredibly offensive caricatures of minorities are obviously bad despite it being just art. My entire take on this is just "Fiction is fiction and it should STAY fiction , but that doesn't mean it exists in a vacuum and can't have an impact on someone , whether positive or negative"
  • I cannot believe that "don't sexualize children" is a controversial topic online... Edit: it doesn't matter if they're fictional, IT'S STILL DISGUSTING. All it shows is that you'd do this to real children if you thought you could get away with it.
  • @keeparguing611
    "that type of media reassured him that it was okay" what? you mean it wasn't the other way around; that he used IT to convince you that it was okay? i have heard this argument before but it was in this way
  • @rchaelk2319
    There shouldn't even be a "here's why". People thinking it's ok are just disgusting.
  • @Juu_ichi
    edit 3: man people really missing the point along with that some yall are downplaying the serious meaning of the word pedophile to drawing, which benefits predators more. the comments and this video are not helping. -csa survivor edit 2: people still missing the point, please prioritize irl pdos and help real victims instead of pixels on the screen. Edit: haiya some of you missed the point. If the character is cannonically a child despite how they look (legit thought Jotaro from JJBA part 3 was an adult), then by all means they are a child. Even if they are to be like 1000+ years in their species age but are said to be a child in human age THEN BY ALL MEANS THEY ARE A CHILD. What I’m complaining abt here is that people are body shaming actual petite/asian adult either by their height, appearance or how they act. Which despite that they are still adults. I’m honestly disgusted with some people in the comments. “If they look like a child-“ but ARE they a child? If you think someone is a child because of their height and/or appearance u just invalidated petite adults and asian adults. I’m a 5’6 asian and that’s already considered tall in Asian standards. So great! Add body shaming in the comments too.
  • @zhawkmoth3653
    I will add... there are psychiatrists who work with MAPs.. one of which did a reddit AMA. He was asked about his views on loli.... and he straight up said it was "cartoon CP"... he was NOT okay with it. It was something he obviously saw used consistently among the people he dealt with...
  • @SampelMSM
    The fact that people have to actually say being a nonce is wrong just amazes me
  • @Im_a_Chill_Panda
    Am I the only one who read the thumbnail as " Lincoln is never okay"?
  • @Sawtiisms
    shout out to my groomer who used lolicon to convince me it was okay for us to be in a relationship and even had it drawn of us.
  • @starrynight8903
    Honestly for people using the argument "I use this to cope and my therapist said it was fine" go ahead, do it. Doesn't mean you should post it publicly for everyone to see and find easily. At least tag it or post it on a private account. Not everybody wants to see this and if you want people to be more accepting of it, some of yall maybe need to stop pushing it in everyone's face from time to time.
  • @nwonknu-
    I'm 5'1 and am never getting any taller, I also have a baby/child-like face which makes people assume I am WAY younger than I actually am. Lølicøn and shøt@cøn are VERY hurtful to especially children, but also to short adults or generally shorter people. I'm not yet an adult, though I'm not far from, but people assuming I'm younger means worse when it comes to those situations because they don't assume I'm short, they assume I'm 8-12. That type of content is hurtful to a lot of people and while I don't mean this as ignoring how hurtful it is to children, it hurts shorter people too by depicting adults in a child-like but sexual manner and normalizing it. Don't sexualize children, and don't sexualize people for looking like children or "childish". (Sorry if I didn't word this properly, I'm not good at explaining things in the proper way that I want to)
  • @afunkylittleguy
    I feel like when people use the “fiction doesn’t affect reality” they’re thinking that fiction doesn’t affect reality DIRECTLY. Fiction does not affect reality directly, but indirectly. Creating a piece of work will not affect reality immediately. What does happen though is that it can influence how people think and behave. If people were to witness a lot of whitewashing art and nobody told them it was wrong, many people will believe it is okay. The same thing can apply l*licon art or whatever. And if people are told that it is okay they are more likely to defend it. A perfect example is Jaws. Since the movie was created I think we can all agree people have been more afraid of sharks, despite many scientists saying sharks are unlikely to attack humans without cause. People need to focus their attention on not the immediate effects but the long-term of being exposed to this kind of art. What it can do the mind. And of course you the artist’s and others comments can affect the mind as well. Maybe viewing won’t turn you into a p*do at first but exposing yourself to it over a long period of time could. But we don’t know as the topic is very deep and hardly studied.
  • @litterbox2010
    As a grown ass man, when I scroll through sites like twitter and see loli crap ... I am NATURALLY repulsed. It feels biological. It feels instinctual and programmed into my very DNA to be repulsed and pissed off when I see that. It's revolting. Anyone /defending it/ needs to seek help, before they hurt someone.