Casting Parts for WarGaming Miniatures using Oyu-pla (blue stuff)

Published 2021-09-22
I show you how to use Oyu-pla which is basically a Japanese version of blue stuff. It is very simple to use and makes fine molds for casts so long as you are not using resin to cast with.

Then I demonstrate 3 cheap and easy techniques to cast spare parts.
Option 1 is old sprue bits dissolved in acetone.
Option 2 is old sprue bits dissolved in Tamiya Extra Thin Cement.
Option 3 is Tamiya epoxy putty (Green Stuff or Milliput would work too).

Finally, I let you know which is the winner. They all have there pluses and minuses but one option did come out decidedly better than the others.

Thanks for watching.

All Comments (13)
  • I use Bluestuff and milliput, gives me the best result, Never tried anything big yet only Soldier torsos and legs. Fun to see someone trying these methods keep this up it looks good :D
  • This is a brilliant tutorial - thank you so much for putting this together!
  • I suggest using more sprue in the glue after the first 2 layers, but the tamiya putty works good too, do you think mili put would work?
  • @kamarte
    Thanks....though I suppose epoxy putty is safer, easier, and faster way to go.
  • @Finn-pe7uj
    Hi Brian :) don't eat from those bowls, they're contaminated with epoxy
  • @bobdole8830
    Please don't put your hands in Aceton mate, this stuff can cause a Dermatitis after even short periods of use. Always wear gloves and goggles and use it in a well ventilated room. The Sculpt is great btw, did exactly the same to get a free Trogglodon from the leftovers from the Carnosaurus. I used milliput and green stuff
  • @FritzCrafts
    U come up with somthing the minature hobbyist on utube hasnt dun a mill times ull get some subs