What is Consciousness? What is Its Purpose?

Skip to Part 2: 48:35

Research sources: docs.google.com/document/d/12IFOLccVenR5ylbYI4BnCk…

voice only: mega.nz/#!SkQVVTJA!0ohoMGdw18ZaJxjzxHxN-ldqNeF3lwA…
full: mega.nz/#!rhgWjQCa!St8RsqLklxbiYA7CSk6z28Mp1pa-IxR…

Full transcript in English and each of the subtitled languages (Dutch, French, German, Polish, Russian and Spanish):

music by:
Professor Kliq: www.professorkliq.com/
Mind.Divided: minddivided.bandcamp.com/
Chris Zabriskie: chriszabriskie.com/
Stellardrone: stellardrone.bandcamp.com/
Keosz: cryochamber.bandcamp.com/album/be-left-to-oneself

Much thanks to Mind.Divided for allowing the use of his music, Cryo Chamber for allowing the use of Keosz' music, Professor Kliq for creating the ending track for Athene's Theory of Everything which is used at the end here as well and to Chris Zabriskie and Stellardrone for making their music available for free and free to use under the Creative Commons license.

Full tracklist (excluding some purchased royalty-free music):
00:00:06 Chris Zabriskie - Cylinder Eight
00:02:30 Keosz - Be Left to Oneself
00:03:59 Mind.Divided - Filled With Dreams
00:07:33 Stellardrone - Journey To The Sun
00:11:41 Stellardrone - Red Giant
00:19:54 Stellardrone - Endeavour
00:21:39 Stellardrone - Maia Nebula
00:23:07 Mind.Divided - Only Human
00:25:53 Stellardone - Twilight
00:28:53 Stellardrone - A Moment of Stillness
00:33:41 Stellardrone - Ultra Deep Field
00:34:41 Chris Zabriskie - The Temperature of the Air on the Bow of the Kaleetan
00:36:25 Chris Zabriskie - Remember Trees
00:39:01 Mind.Divided - In Her Eyes I Saw Supernovae Erupt In Violent Flame
00:42:24 Stellardrone - Stardome
00:45:27 Stellardrone - Blinking Star
00:59:44 Stellardrone - Galaxies
01:00:36 Stellardrone - A Moment of Stillness
01:01:44 Stellardrone - Stardome
01:04:06 Professor Kliq - Satellite

Livestream: www.GamingForGood.net/s/AtheneLive
The Real Talk Podcast: soundcloud.com/athenepodcast
Athene on Snapchat: TheRealAthene

GamingForGood.net is powered by Total Server Solutions: www.totalserversolutions.com/
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コメント (21)
  • I don’t have words to express my gratitude for such a beautiful explanation, It will take me time to absorb the material but, ones you understand it’s a next step to awareness and self understanding At a time when humans are creating machines for mass destruction of mankind and aligning our race with the perished, this phenomenon is gold ♥️
  • Consciousness is not in brain. It is self awareness. The brain is just like a frequency tuner. As in TV or radio stations.
  • "Let there be light" I believe this "light" is consciousness. The type that would exist in this realm of existence. The type that would make us capable to understand to a certain point, what 'love' and 'hatred' is in this dualistic reality (left, right, up, down, no bravery without danger, etc) and the type that would be able to obtain wisdom. "In Our image and likeness" Two persons (Adam and Eve) The joy of love is what existed before all things, in obviously deeper and stranger ways. But, joy of love nonetheless.
  • After long years of studies, all i know is that i know nothing.
  • this is extremely well made! far beyond what you could ask for on this topic to be found for free on YouTube. Great work!
  • I love the statement , "even though we don't know them, the answers to all the questions we will ever have already exist"
  • “The brain holds as many neurons as there are stars in the universe” Eastern Philosophy: Each person holds the universe within themselves.
  • "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
  • I love all this stuff, I love all you responders, I will drink a beer for all of us seekers, be happy, be kind to each other, and we will see what happens...
  • When A Genuine sense of WONDER and CURIOSITY become extinguished, we become dedicated to seeking the approval of others, and we give up INDEPENDENT LOGICAL INQUIRY or "CREATIVITY".... our CONCIOUSNESS become CONDITIONED... we lost our INNER CHILD. :(
  • Absolutely lovely! Thank you so much for the depth and cohesiveness. Sometimes, as I am evolving, it's the strangest thing noticing myself somehow 'merging' with this Collective Mind that seems way smarter than my ego mind. It's all so fascinating!
  • Tip => play it at 1.25 and it sounds normal + you will get smarter faster ;-D
  • This is some fucking good editing... Whoever does that now... keep that guy!
  • What a beautiful documentary I am a grandmother with 5 beautiful grandchild their ages range from 8 years old to 20 years old. I will make sure they all watch this documentary.God Bless you. Liz from Australia Sydney
  • Consciousness is experiencing itself through us.
  • 21.40 to 23.17 So true. As a life long learner, and a person who is always asking 'Why', I have become detached from seeking social approval and being judged by those around me, I really do not care what anyone thinks about me, I am what I am and I say how I feel. This liberation really gives one freedom in life, to live and critically think, like a child does. Incidentally I am a professional Kindergarten and primary school teacher, and believe me there is such a difference in children's inquiry at kindergarten level as opposed to P4, 5 and 6 (10, 11, 12 yr olds). This wonderful trait seems to become restrained from about 10 years old and occurs due to social conditioning of the perceived need to be liked and accepted by our peers. This is such a shame. I try to teach my students independent thinking, and just being oneself, and trusting ones instincts.
  • Collective consciousness driven by a shared awareness of this design, using our individual and collective intuition, will help us see beyond.
  • Consciousness is astounding! It’s so mysterious. I’m going through a spiritual awakening and I’m finding some very weird things happen in our reality that we’re completely unaware of until we really look.
  • @LKXIN
    as a 13 yr old in 2020. this has got to be one of the greatest documentaries on consciousness ever. this video is well executed and conducted beautifully. can anyone share any other documentaries just like this one