Why the CIS would've won

Published 2024-01-06
Without the influence of Palpatine, could've the CIS have defeated the Galactic Republic? We'll cover that and more on today's Star Wars Legends and Canon lore video!

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All Comments (21)
  • @MegaRogash
    It would make perfect sense for Dooku to just decide at any point during the war to go rogue and try to win for real. That he didn't shows he wasn't a true Sith, but merely a fallen Jedi.
  • @Alverant
    Palpatine also pushed for the war to be on his schedule. Without him the CIS would have had time to develop their army as they saw fit. They also had Death Star plans.
  • @jojosworlds1208
    I really like how I hated the CIS for killing the Clones as a child and betraying the Republic, but now that I rewatch the Prequels I realise how much of a failed and corrupt government the republic is and that the wish of the CIS to be separated from the republic is pretty reasonable. But we also see how the CIS government has the fight with the same issues between the different parties in its ranks like the republic.
  • @MRDLT00
    Man I’ll always love the CIS in Star Wars just cause of all of the creativity in both its armed forces as well as the many races, planets, and organizations that made it up. The Clone Wars was a dramatic change up from the whole “Big evil empire vs plucky underdog good guy rebels”, being a far more complicated, detailed, and insidious affair due to how it all played out over the course of decades.
  • If you stop and think about it, most of the actual separatists (not Dooku, Grievous, or the major corporation leaders) were the good guys in the Clone Wars. They had legitimate grievances with The Republic and any attempts at peacefully resolving them had utterly failed due to the corruption, bureaucracy, and straight up discrimination of that had become core aspects of The Republic. Not all of the separatists were good, some committed war crimes and crimes against sentience, but many of them were tired of the issues not being resolved and decided to just leave.
  • @yuyaplays9311
    I think the only way the republic could have won the war legitimately would have been to take their veteran clones and have them train conscripts while also producing battle droids of their own and using the clone soldiers as elite units within the Republic.
  • @RevanX77
    The only situation where the CIS could have been in a position to win would have been if Dooku said "Kriff it, we ball", and betrayed Palpatine in order to lead the Confederacy against the Republic legitimately. Frankly given how much Dooku detested the Sith, and how much Palpatine seriously damaged the idea of there being any trust between them by forcing (threatening) Dooku to kill his own apprentice even while openly grooming Anakin towards the Dark Side, essentially undermining his own justifications in the process, this was probably a real possibility.
  • @nopark1273
    CIS would have won if legend Greivous was canon, all facts
  • @trickster20644
    #AskEck Hey Eck, what do you think Grievous's story would be like if the jedi sided with the Kaleesh in the Huk war? This is the last time I'm gonna ask since it doesn't seem to be a very popular question.
  • @BlackKing.2000
    I think it’s important too note that the CIS had spent 10 years of military build up between episodes 1 and 2. Let’s not forget that the Republic had massive production capabilities. It’s just as pointed out in the video the Republic did not have the stomach or political will to go into total war like it did in the Sith Wars. Like let’s not kid ourselves here there are hundreds of quadrillions of people in the Star Wars galaxy with many of those people in the Republic.I think if both sides were completely unshackled it would be way more massive with more loss of life. Makes for great day dreams lol.
  • @alexhurd9843
    #askeck this one has always bothered me about the Grand Army of the Republic: Clones being grown and trained in secret on an actively forgotten planet is one thing, but the Venators? The baby's first star destroyers? The clearly a war ship in the post Russon Reformation eras, surely was going to turn a few heads at the ship yards, or at the transporting thereof into whatever deep space hidey hole the fleet waited at. The arms and armor being smuggled to Kamino are small enough scale, and the vehicles are plausibly taught via the simulations we see briefly in The Clone Wars... But we also see something like a half dozen Star Destroyer scale warships, in the first battle of Geonosis. The moment of their big debute, where the Jedi put their clone army to emergency activation... And had no time to commission a bunch of warships. They had to be already-existant.
  • @asmkalrizion7078
    I think Palpatine could have easily just chosen the CIS to win, but doing so would have resulted in him having many more potential rivals and many private organizations capable of building their own armies and asserting their own territorial claims. So instead he set up the CIS as the overwhelming, OP af, and top heavy baddies so that basically all the absolutely winning traits they had would be demonized, thus further making the galaxy dependent on him and his empire.
  • @Spoon80085
    I also think that without Palpatine's meddling, we would see a lot of strife within the Jedi Order. Without Palpatine calling the shots, and assuming Dooku- if he was even still in charge- wanted to win, many Jedi may be swayed to join his cause, or simply step out of the war altogether. (Really, I think that trying to execute Jedi on Geonosis was just about the dumbest way they could've started a civil war, when they were led by a prestigious and beloved member of the Order itself, especially considering that the Jedi were the only real fighting force to contest the CIS)
  • The time of planetary defense fleets, corporations, and judicial forces before the Clone Wars seems like a really interesting period. Particularly in terms of ships. They already had Munificents for the Banking Clan, Lucrehulks for the Trade Federation, and the Judicials had the Consular Class (which would become the Charger C70 in the Clone Wars) and CR70/CR90 Corvette (aka the first ship ever seen in Star Wars, A New Hope, used by the Rebellion). Really the Clone Wars just added and popularized the Acclaimator, Venator, Recusant, and Providence as the primary military ships.
  • #AskEck What do we know of the development of the Venator? Was it ready at the outset of the Clone Wars or did it enter service sometime after it began? And what did the Republic Navy have before the Venator (and by extension, the Victory) came into service that could stand up to Seperatist capital ships? Lore ship Versus video request: Resurgent vs. Starhawk Tie Striker vs. New Republic V-Wing World Devastator vs. Vong Worldship Tie Silencer vs. X-83 Twintail Tie Silencer vs. Tie Defender (legends version) Keldabe vs. ISD II MC90 vs. Nebula class star destroyer Nebula class vs. Pellaeon class Majestic class vs. Bothan Assault Cruiser EAWX: FOTR’s Mandator II portrayal vs. Subjugator Praetor vs. Subjugator EAWX: TR’s Mediator portrayal vs. Resurgent Starhawk vs. Bulwark MK III Gargantua/Aratech 520 Battle Platform vs. A6 Juggernaut
  • @nathanwylie3382
    Bro every time I hear your intro/outro music it fills me with so much nostalgia for when I used to listen to your videos on car rides or when going to sleep almost 8 years ago. Like I remember when the biggest talking point in Star Wars was "who is Syfo Dias?" Love your channel, love your content, hope you're doing well my man!
  • @135forte
    I was listening to a fan story where Grevious, real Grevious from the mini series, got control of a major droid factory. First thing he did was scrap the B1 for Supers and Commandos.
  • #AskEck which version of General Grievous do you prefer his 2003 version or his modern version and if you could what would you change about modern Grievous