Is AI an existential threat to human jobs? | BBC News

As new roles are created and existing jobs are displaced, artificial intelligence (AI) is altering the job market, presenting opportunities and challenges.

AI is expected to replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum’s employment report. However, the report adds that AI will also create 97 million new jobs by next year.

On this week’s AI Decoded, the tech panel underscored the need for responsible AI development to fortify government support for workers adversely affected by labour market disruptions.

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コメント (21)
  • Industry should be the ones paying for education. Doesn’t it make sense that the ones looking for skilled and trained workers pay for that education?
  • I find so funny how these companies create the mess and then say: "the government should assume responsbility" like what???? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • AI and robotics will eventually replace virtual all jobs. The question should be “When will AI replace our jobs?”.
  • It should be a threat to middle management, whose jobs should be done by automated systems but otherwise it's quite useless kind of like middle management.
  • Guess if this video title has been generated by an AI… 😂
  • @_fatmum_
    How can we make sure ai is benefiting all, not just the ceo's? "We will use it to hire you, soooooo....."
  • We need more moral people in positions of power throughout the world, sadly it seems we have the opposite.
  • Okay nobody's working making money how do they sell their merchandise
  • @fatherofthenoo
    Today's (19/7/24) situation with IT systems being down should wake up governments to the obvious fact that if you rely too much on technology you put essential systems at risk when they stop working.
  • @ius1141
    in Scotland we do not support this group over there in alhind
  • "Teaching the ai" You may not know you are doing it if "this call may be recorded for quality purposes" you are creating a training dataset that can be used by an AI someday. (So, of they say they afe not using your calls to train, they may have just not started yet. The recordings are the valuable bit)
  • No, it is intrinsically not. But what do we learn from the past? What do we learn to let our life depending so much on MicroSoft, Amazon, FB, APPLE and Google? Income gap between top and bottom of the middle class gets so wide. AI will deepen our dependence on their product and Income gap will be wider than ever.
  • 필요가 없는곳에 인구감소 소멸이 온다
  • 3:00, physical jobs are also very much not secure, robotics is advancing at a crazy rate...