Reclaim Your Intuitive Power

This hour-long video is the first segment of the acclaimed 6-part workshop that Lee Harris taught in London in 2019.

00:00 - Introduction
06:45 - Intuitive Power - Because YOU are MAGIC
10:41 - "What Does Your Soul Need from You Today?"
12:16 - How it began for me
15:25 - "Theatre is like a gym for empathy..."
16:42 - Tarot
17:54 - Dowsing
19:50 - Music & Songwriting
20:47 - Lee goes to see his first channeler
23:35 - Lee hears his guides for the first time
27:45 - A turning point - "God, Use Me....I surrender."
33:30 - Lee's first Guidance Writing - "Courage Needs Fear"
41:28 - Some truths about Intuition
52:09 - "What Does My Soul Need from Me Today?" - the audience channels for themselves
57:52 - Audience Question: "How do you notice the difference between spirit and your head, is it listen to the body?"
59:59 - Audience Question: "Why do people get a message to go one direction and then go off course?"
1:03:55 - Audience Question Topic: Karma and Intuition
1:09:42 - Audience Question: "How do we develop our practice to move up through the levels of what's accessible to us?"
1:15:50 - Accessing the Portal

The full 6-part video workshop is available to all those who join Lee's monthly members community, The Portal. For details and Portal Access, please visit:

コメント (21)
  • I’m 25 minutes in and I already have a whole new respect for Lee. I’ve been following him for a little bit now because I love his openness but, he really lets himself and his personality out in these live workshops. It makes me want to sign up, watch the rest, and go to one of his workshops. Thanks for sharing this Lee!
  • Thank you so much ❤🙏 Couldn't help it but laughing at the question "how are you doing in crazy 2019?".... now in 2021 it has been taken to a whole new level 😂💖
  • Wow Lee! This was incredible. Bravo to you sir! Thank you for everything you bring to us all. 💜💜💜
  • What does my soul want me to know today? - what a beautiful way to open up a journal entry❤️
  • @edsonovidio
    I came across your videos very recently and I have never thought I would listen to somebody explaining espirituality that way. Thank you all The Zs and U for your voice, presence and lectures
  • You are an amazing man Lee, Making me laugh and cry all together wow, Thank you so much!!! Sending love and light!!! 🌎✨💚🕊️
  • Yes Lee! 'We haven't had enough normalising of this stuff'', exactly! It is now slowly becoming the norm... 💖 thank you 🙏
  • Lee's heart energy is so accessible and nourishing. I love this presentation. I do wonder if Jill ever met Oprah.
  • This is beautiful. Thank you so much for posting and sharing it with us all!!!!!! :)
  • Omg Lee...when you said ask 'what does my soul want me know?' Straight away I said 'that I'm fucking good enough!'....o wow! I'm so grateful for your video x
  • 2019 was NOTHING crazy compared to 2020, or I've already forgotten. But 2020 I think, nobody ever will forget... good to see you the year before. Love your work!
  • I've never seen this lighter hearted, comical side of Lee, love it and I want more!! Thank you for sharing this.
  • @selinyc
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏💙💙💙
  • I think spirit brought this video to me today. Thank you!
  • I am watching now. Thanks for this teaching and covering belief system. Life experiences resulted in me examining patterns
  • Wow was guided to this video today. Just popped up on my feed. Channeled my higher self & wrote some words down Dance Speak Face everything and rise Be YOU Blank mind, totally bliss, love & acceptance. Higher self just sent these words. Beautiful experience. thank you
  • @7msjster
    I have realized that moving forward requires some relationship with ego. In my own development, I have noticed the stepping stones. I'm 65, but at age 10 the symptoms of OBE's were present. As I recall the chronology, I do remember falling backward on ice. It was during that age. Maybe that had no bearing. I fought the symptoms like the "wavy", the "high pitch vibration" I called it, "the sound". It hurt. It would begin and then my body would begin to "levitate". I knew that if I lay still the sound would diminish and I could snap myself awake. That means I was lucid during the time to know enough to snap out of it. If I was not successful the sound would return and more intense than before. Eventually, I believe I just fell asleep. At age 40 I felt the symptom of levitation one morning in the twilight of my waking I recognized what it was minus the "sound". I was lucid enough to already be seeing myself as I was the "body double" having this experience. As for myself as my witness I began levitating and when my face was almost touching the ceiling and my imaginary self was blocking it with the back of my hands against my face I said, "Now what?" and my body made a b line through my townhome wall into another earth and went from 5 am to early afternoon and the sun was bright. I was on a silver disk sitting Indian style. It didn't spin and I could feel the blades of dry brush and almost desert-like conditions. I was lucid the whole time...then something happened and feared that I needed to leave and when I asked to myself. My inside said the sound and immediately was at a different location. There was no time in between scenes. There I had another experience involving a father I never knew...when I came back I said, WTF just happened? The event was 20 minutes long, I'm a clock watcher and called my mom to tell her of the two revealing events...The man in my 2nd experience was that father. My life has never been the same. I graduated in the graphic arts field, was a competitive bodybuilder in the new era of women bodybuilders and my last career as a hairstylist. I loved it. At the same time, all this spirit stuff showed up. I had to make money so I worked in a high in district of Denver, CO, and the salon was my school for a while amongst other weird shit that happened (s). I just call it weird shit. At this high-end salon in Denver, they knew me as "earth mother" LOL so when I got my eyes cosmetically done it had to be good. LOL WE ARE HUMAN by design right. This summer I was sweeping outside and over my left should I heard very clearly, "you are a shaman". I know it wasn't me cause I have never felt the surge of energy go through me WHAT? and I vibrated outward. It was weird. I teared, I shook, I tried to comprehend it all. Then I laughed. There was no ceremony, there was no party or celebration. It was such a private affair and over. So what changed. I'm something I always was, Somehow I guess it was confirmed that I have done weird shit with success. But really it's a very high-level understanding of the quantum field, and God made that too. What ended up happening and where I am now, God and I have a deal, only if I am supposed to affect a person for him do I care to know anything and when I DO need to know I will. That is the deal we have made. thank you For this video Lee, it is so helpful to share ourselves and evolvement because we are different but the same in terms of we do weird shit in cool ways. The more we know about each other's ways the more we open the door to being and doing what comes naturally. That naturalness nurtured is huge. Find your natural folks and do that well. We all have our little thing. I think I should also take up writing. LOL love to anyone that read all this...just had some covid time. LOL
  • @2768231
    I can listen to you all day!! You are so delightful🥰