BOTW/TOTK Gloom hand x Guardian theme

Published 2023-08-14
I saw this really cool concept art on twitter by @_jamboe and thought I would mix their themes together to see what it sounded like.

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All Comments (21)
  • @bennyk384
    Grabs you while preparing the Lazer "Parry this you filthy casual"
  • @crep50
    The hectic-yet-slow pace of this is so uncanny, I love it. This isn’t panic, This isn’t dread; This is fear
  • @notan127
    You know what would make it more scarier? That they grab you, then they will start preparing the laser to shoot you while they are grabbing you with their hands Edit: they can walk like a spider even on the roof they can also glitch out since you know they are old and they are being controlled by malice
  • Can you imagine if they made a DLC and you find a cave with decayed guardians that never got dismantled. You make your way deeper and deeper, and right at the end, this music starts playing.
  • ok, the music is stellar, but can we just talk about how amazing the art is as well, the idea of a decayed guardian getting it's spider legs back by fusing with gloom hands and sprinting at you even more quickly than in botw, while being able to grab you and make it impossible to avoid getting lasered is absolutely terrifying
  • @Quionol
    If this ever actually happens in a Master Mode DLC, I can and will throw my cartridge into a lake.
  • @HeroOfTime622
    I’m surprised Nintendo didn’t do this in tears of the kingdom because it would bring back those Botw flashbacks while terrifying you with the screams of the gloom hands.
  • @Bleh47-77
    Imagine an area in the depths called the "Shiekah Tech Dump" or something along those lines. As you venture further into this maze of a junkyard, you find items such as the ancient arrow head and other great gear. On your way out, an old, broken guardian head rolls out of the pile in front of you. A gloom hand rushes out of said pile, dragging the corpse of the guardian out with it. The gloom hand screws the head of the guardian back on, activating it and several other gloom hands shoot out of the bottom, where the legs used to be. A health bar appears on your screen. "Scourge of Hyrule Kingdom, Gloom Guardian" (or smthing) It screeches and takes aim, the combination of shiekah tech and gloom interfere with your purah pad, having a similar effect to the sandstorm in gerudo desert. You try to run, but this thing is faster than anything you've faced yet. Using prior knowledge of the gloom spawn, you climb up high, but this is no gloom spawn. Instead of appearing out of the ground, the arms come from the guardian itself allowing it to climb. Even an incredibly powerful weapon (like a silver Lynnwood horn with a royal guard claymore) seems to be practically ineffective. If the gloom infused laser misses you, it will explode and splatter gloom everywhere around it. However if you get hit, it will deal tremendous damage (even full heart containers is similar to just a few) it will also permagloom one of your hearts (which could be bought from bargainer or horned statues) or can also grab and shoot you, which at such close range is fatal unless you escape (or are at full health as you can't die if you are) of you manage to kill the arms, the second phase will initiate. Phantom Ganon bursts out of the guardian shell and no longer has the traditional gloom weapons, but wields a seemingly shiekah blade with a scythe (similar to silver lizalfos horns) fused on top. With this weapon, phantom Ganon is able to use it like all 3 weapon types. After the phantom Ganon fight, he drops the scythe topping as a material for fusing. It would have the most fuse attack power in the game. Also probably some special thing. This enemy is not Ganons doing. It will not respawn after a blood moon as Ganon has no control over it. After a blood moon, only normal gloom hands would spawn here.
  • @rtothec1234
    The scariest part to me is the lack of warning and just hearing the shriek of the monster. If you are not near an elevated surface then you are in for a shitty time.
    GLOOM GUARDIAN hp:100000 can climb up walls, can grab, spreads gloom with every step, triple shot beam that does gloom damage.
  • @roverL
    Genuinely got goosebumps listening to this. Imagine you're on great plateau tower and you see this scuttling up the side at 50mph shooting gloom beams at you
  • Now this is the missed opportunity of the century. They didn't have to remove the busted up Guardians when they could have made these absolute beasts!
  • Okay, but Imagine this: You take out the legs, thinking you immobilized it, but then two more legs sprout out, along with arms, and now you have to deal with a humanoid guardian (b/c phantom ganon)
  • A gloom possessed spider guardian with gloom hands popping out from everywhere. Once it catches you, it starts charging up to fire at you. You have to immobilize it AND defeat the gloom hands to "kill" it. Once it is "dead" a phantom Ganon with ancient weapons pops out. Best of luck
  • @MajestyMajety
    Instead of that lynel in glooms approach , imagine a solitary decyaed guradian ,you jump down and a cut scene begins with THAT coming for you??? Terrified bro terrified
  • @justamudkip3026
    I love the concept of this, just finding one of those broken nonfuntional guardians like in BotW, and then it starts moving but its legs are replaced by the hands