Facts that can save your life!

Publicado 2022-12-04

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • “Ahh yes you know that darn feeling when a snake just appears in your house “😂😅
  • @KloudBtw
    Reminder that symptoms of rabies can take up to a year to appear, and when they do, it's already too late.
  • @darkyeh
    "If you have a snake problem where they keep appearing, You live in Australia."
  • @AshersHubby
    “How did you die?” “I accidentally created deadly gas with my cats pee 💀” “💀”
  • I can't take in any information when I'm constantly being bombarded with new pictures
  • @Edtgames2022
    “Even if it’s only a few inches” “B-b-b-bro it’s average”
  • @SmoolyFace
    “Sorry honey the cat created mustard gas.”
  • @hellcat5411
    "if you get scratched by a cat wash it immediately" guess I'm immune to it I've been getting scratched by my cats for 7 years
  • "Don't clean cat piss with bleach" yeah or any piss unless you want to recreate the trenches
  • @keysgaming6830
    "A falling knife has no handle" were basically the first words my food prep teacher told us as a class. Along with "Metal will get hot very quickly, if a metal appliance has been in a hot environment for any length of time, use some hand protection". I listened to the first and taught myself the second in a painful way
  • @austinparker87
    Something my first kitchen manager taught me “a falling knife has no handle, watch your toes”
  • @bat4501
    "If you get scratched from a cat-" My arm: Maniac laughter
  • @LocalBread
    "A falling knife has no handle" that's actually a really good motto
  • @Pink_dustbunny
    Last year I rescued a drowning baby bat in a pool, didn’t touch it with my bare hands, used a towel to pick it up and another towel for it to dry itself and warm up. Since I was in Mexico there wasn’t much I could do, tried calling an animal rescue hotline and they said they didn’t take bats so I had to set it free. I hope he’s doing okay out there :(
  • The falling knife thing applies to any hot object as well. In a addition, if you're not sure if an object is hot, use the back of your hand, it's more sensitive to temperature than the front, so you're more likely to feel heat radiating off the object, and if you get burned, your natural shock reaction will make you close your hand and pull away from the hot thing, as where using the other side might cause you to accidently grab it and make the burn worse, and any burn you do sustain on the back of your hand won't affect your ability to use your hand as much. It's also much easier to treat a burn in the back of your hand than on your palm or fingers.
  • @PyraMink
    “And miss my chance to become Batman I think not”
  • Btw, if you do see a bat on the ground and it looks like it’s in trouble, you can often call wildlife rescues or similar if there’s one near you. We were lucky enough to have a rescue specifically for bats nearby when we found an overheated mother and her two babies. They’re amazing at pest control and spreading pollen, so it’s good to try and help them when you can. Just don’t touch them
  • @vinx.9099
    Lession 1 of lab work: you're no longer catching things. Glassworks are cheaper to replace than hands.
  • @LiceAB
    The cat scratch one is definitely true. One time a cat scratched me on my chest. Since it wasn't deep I didn't do anything about it. About a week or so later I got a swollen lymph node and got a little bit sick. It's called cat scratch fever. It really sucks I could barely move my arm for 2 weeks.