The Secrecy Of The Black Vipers - 40K Theories

Whenever the Black Vipers Chapter takes to the field of battle, the agents of Belisarius Cawl are never too far behind. But why are the actions of the Black Vipers being monitored by those in service to the Arch Magos?

Slight addendum
So I totally forgot that in "The Great Work" Cawl states to Tetrarch Felix that he didn't want to become Fabricator General, and that he was supposedly surprised when the Cawl Inferior mentioned it to Guilliman in Dark Imperium. My bad.
But then again, he could have been lying to save face in front of one of Guilliman's closest allies... (plus as far as Guilliman is concerned, Cawl may very well still have such desires)
Given the various contradictions that have appeared in stories regarding Cawl and his motives, who can truly say for certain at this point.

Intro theme by Stringstorm

Additional audio editing by Officio Audiorum

Additional artwork by Rude Rubicante, Eliphusz, Libra-11 and FonteArt

All art property of their respective owners

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コメント (21)
  • Slight addendum So I totally forgot that in "The Great Work" Cawl states to Tetrarch Felix that he didn't want to become Fabricator General, and that he was supposedly surprised when the Cawl Inferior mentioned it to Guilliman in Dark Imperium. My bad. But then again, he could have been lying to save face in front of one of Guilliman's closest allies... (plus as far as Guilliman is concerned, Cawl may very well still have such desires) Given the various contradictions that have appeared in stories regarding Cawl and his motives, who can truly say for certain at this point.
  • Ah yes, the unending paranoia of the grim dark future. One man goes missing and suddenly an entire chapter of warriors is thrown into suspicions of heresy or malformed loyalties. The scars of the Horus Heresy truly never heal.
  • The Black Viper's Chapter Master never removes his helmet. Wishes to be addressed as "Commander" and has a running grudge with the remaining Cadian Guard. Rumors of the Black Vipers using the battle cry of "COBRA!" are to be taken with a grain of salt.
  • Belisarius Cawl, to himself: I know that Guilliman said not to make Primaris from traitor stock, but we both knew I was never going to go along with that. That said, I should probably be really careful working with the 20th genome. Better put my agents in place to watch them, and do something to draw suspicion away. I know! I'll say they're Salamanders descended, everybody trusts those guys.
  • @stoat7
    And now the salamanders are on a eternal hunt to find and hug the black vipers
  • What if Belisarius chose chapter of Salamander origin, because of their blacksmithing heritage? What is better than having a thousand demigod warrior blacksmiths testing your already experimental gear? Maybe Black Vipers are fleet based chapter because they test, craft and modify with the task so secret or even outright techno-heretical. It would be clever to hide this presumably illegal gear in hands of someone trusted and experienced in the field of craftsmanship. But that is just my theory, A 40k THEORY.
  • @Le-cp9tr
    The Dark Angels saw their red and black color scheme, apparent secrecy, and lack of homeworld and filed a cease and desist.
  • Today i learned two things: - Dont Trust Crawl - Primaris will turn traitor not because they are actually traitors but because the Imperium just cant help themselves.
  • Daddy Cawl can I have a go-kart for Xmas "Yes my son here is an Invader ATV"
  • I think the Black Vipers whisper “I am Alpharius!” In their sleep
  • @hinty6424
    If I remember rightly, the Salamanders Primarch is a) a Perpetual b) A master at creating technological marvels and c) unaccounted for. Is it possible that Vulkan has resurfaced and requested Cawl make him a chapter to act as his bodyguards while he starts forging new weapons of war, traveling constantly and keeping a low profile to avoid discovery, constantly followed by Cawl because what Tech Priest would ever let such a trove of new creations go unwatched? Perhaps the chaplain sent by the salamanders was ordered to remain with the Vipers by his primarch himself in order to keep the secret.
  • @MSte21
    Smh at the ridiculous waste of lives with that one Custodian choosing to relegate an entire contingent of Primaris Marines to death over absolutely nothing. The Imperium at its finest.
  • alternatively: "oh no! we are really Dark Angels!" goes into secrecy
  • @pigzard01
    Remember when Cawl wanted to make Primaris Marines from traitor Geneseed but Guilliman stopped him? Maybe this chapter was descended from another salamander; the one with 3 heads.
  • The dark angels field tested weapons for the mechanicus during the great crusade
  • The Black Vipers may have: 1. A geneseed mutation they're trying to keep secret - one suspected pre-Ultima founding Salamanders, the Black Dragons, have an obvious mutation, and the second, Storm Giants, may have a less obvious one. Cawl may be watching them because he knows or suspects this. 2. Geneseed altered, or made with traitor geneseed or blending multiple geneseeds, at Cawl's behest and is observing the results of his experiment.
  • Black Vipers have Secrets within secrets, will the Unforgiven ever redeem themselves in eyes of the Imperium ?