Japanese Dad-Daughter Duo's unspeakable murder in LOVE MOTEL


コメント (21)
  • Something psychologists learn in 100 level classes is you can't treat your own children. You have too much bias to see the situation clearly. So the second he said "I'm treating my daughter myself" I groaned, knowing that actually translates to, "I'm disregarding basic training and going to enable the hell out of this child."
  • @XianDesignCo
    This feels like parents who deep down knew something was wrong with their kid but stubbornly pretended everything was fine until it was too late.
  • @Noah-zr6vq
    I feel so bad for the hotel staff that discovered the body, i can’t even imagine how traumatising that’d be..
  • @RinaSensei
    In and out with a clean murder scene and a whole head in under 3 hours is CRAZY effecient. The amount of prep and skill involved there alone is extremely concerning and makes me have a hard time believing she didnt only kill for pleasure but this isnt the first time AT ALL. 3 hours is no room for panic, hesitation, being bad at cleaning or changing your clothes after, etc.
  • @IshtarFish
    I’m not a native Japanese speaker, but I am decently fluent, and I just thought I’d offer my perspective on how he refers to his daughter. Musume-san is the common way to refer to /other peoples’/ daughters. So although it comes across as weirdly respectful of one’s own child, the vibe I get is less like royalty, and more like distance.
  • Hey stephanie, I would like to inform you that a lot of details in this case has been misinterpreted. Btw the name of the victim is Hiroshi and he was a known creep who used to prey on women in clubs, multiple sources has confirmed that. He was a known "crocodile" (a term used to describe men who bother female patrons at establishments). The theory that Runa was SAed holds true and her having a lot of bothersome incidenta in childhood and showing really violent tendencies have been testified by former teachers and classmates. She was supposedly an outcast in school and a victim of intense bullying which aggravated her antisocial tendencies and had a really special bond to her dad.
  • @kaedz3055
    I feel so bad for the Dr's patients. Imagining learning that your therapist is actually a killer- that the help you've been receiving was one with hands who are stained with blood.
  • @benedicta4898
    I think the murder was premeditated and it wasn’t just random. She had bought all these disguised outfits to get away with it and even kept a dead man’s decapitated head at her home like some sort of ritual or reward whiles her parents knew. she needs to be locked away with her dad and anyone who took part in this henious crime.
  • @_kaneyhoney
    Please please please do an update on this case when the trial happens and evidence comes out. This case has a lot if gray areas it'd be helpful to sew how this plays out in court and which allegations are confirmed or not. Love you!<3
  • @NovaRey412
    Your husband after hearing about the ramen themed room…” That’s the one “ 😂
  • I find her videos and storytelling so comforting it's such a skill.
  • @ayakendil1337
    there's a case about a 10 year old boy called Rabie, he suddenly disapeared around 2010 with no trace for more than a year, it turns out he was kidnapped for revenge by family members, his body was decapitated and used for some "black magic" treasure hunting. And when his parents thought that the only way to find justice for their son was to go on tv and point the finger at someone, the killer thought it was a good idea to do the same to defend himself, appear and sit opposite to the boy's parents on live tv! this case brought a lot of attention and was famous all around the country, it would be great if you research this case, it's really interresting and have many twists and turns. the place is Tunisia, North Africa.
  • @captcha42
    As a hotel receptionnist with hemophobia finding a decapitated body in the bathtub is probably one of my worst fear.
  • @icarus4302
    Thank you Stephanie for calling out that the DID disorder is utter bs, as someone with DID, nothing makes me wanna throw my phone and stop believing in the world more than when DID is mentioned in true crime, thank you for always handling the stigmatized parts of cases like gender and mental illness with such grace and love ❤️
  • My one question is, how did the psychiatrist's wife feel about him going clubbing alone with his daughter? I have all sorts of questions about how that was going down....
  • @benedicta4898
    Like how do you decapitate someone’s head in a love Motel and walk out with his head in a suitcase. Her Father is weird for been in this whole murder case and as someone that needed to diagnose his daughters condition or at least got her other professional help played a disgusting role in this and it makes me sick
  • @Sailorlluna
    She went full American Psycho with the rain coat and gloves
  • @iceeblaze
    When the doctor said "I'm a psychiatrist, I don't have any history of mental illness." i groaned. thinking you are immune to mental disorder just because you are a psychiatrist is a very dangerous sign (disclaimer: if thats not what he meant, then that's good)