Niall Ferguson: After the Treason of the Intellectuals

Publicado 2024-02-28
Hear from Founding Trustee Niall Ferguson on why the time to found the University of Austin is now. “Individual freedom is the sine qua non for the pursuit of truth. This is why we won’t fail. This is why we must succeed. A hundred intrepid young people will be in the founding class. We are in the midst of hiring the world-class faculty to teach them, and to teach them to the highest possible pedagogical standard.”

Take your place among our founders at

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • From the great Tomas Sowell " the best thing about having a Harvard degree was 'never again having to be impressed by someone with a degree from Harvard ".
  • 85% of students believed a professor should be reported for wrong think, oh how Mao!
  • @RicktheRecorder
    My wife and I recently fell into conversation with a young British female graduate taking a year out as a lifeguard in New Zealand. 'Are you looking forward to returning to the UK?' I asked. ' Well I have a good job lined up, but not really. You dare no longer say what you think. And if you have children they will just be indoctrinated with propaganda in schools', was her unprompted response. I do think the tide is turning.
  • @lengraves2556
    As Dr Jorden Peterson repeats. You only need a few stand against the establishment change will come. It may take ten years' but it will come. Thank you for creating hope.
  • @orangetuono38
    I have never seen Ferguson so passionate. We need MORE Niall Ferguson in our world today!
  • @abuyusef27
    This is painful to hear. He’s right we need new institutions.
  • @nancyjimeno7001
    I was subjected to an administrative inquisition for teaching the exceptionalism of the Founders and the genius of our republic. I was told I was GUILTY of microagressions because I had offended students. My response? That is my job!
  • @ToddSchul
    I am so excited and humbled that my son was accepted to this incredible university. I can hardly believe it....
  • @liberty-matrix
    "We are rapidly approaching an era where people vs government becomes a worldwide phenomenon." ~ John McAfee
  • @dd2nr
    Maybe Niall doesn’t see it yet..he’s the pendulum. This is the beginning of the swing. Thank you Niall.
  • @liberty-matrix
    "When intellectuals are unable to find enough contemporary grievances to suit their vision or agenda, they can mine the past for harm inflicted by some on others." ~Thomas Sowell
  • @norbutvstheworld
    is not just universities, i think this trend is prevelent throughout the whole schooling system.
  • @dannyhughes4889
    Donors who previously donated to many of the Ivy League Universities are now invited to take a close look at this University as a place that will respect their values and hard earned money.
  • @joezabek9526
    This is one of the most uplifting and inspiring speeches I've seen in ages. Bravo.
  • @chrisdiboll2256
    My proudest moment at uni was during my turn away from left wing economics. I had gone looking for evidence to support a contention and found the opposite. So I wrote it up, basically ended up being a defence of free market capitalism and limited state intervention. Feedback from my tutor was ‘I completely disagree with your perspective, but nevertheless this is an excellent piece of work, here are some pieces by people who would also disagree and some evidence against your conclusion’. We then spent the rest of the course strongly and respectfully disagreeing and I learned a ton from him. I wonder if that can even happen any more. And if it can’t, how can people hope to learn?
  • Such a refreashing conversation in a world that has gone upsidedown .
  • @tambordecrioula
    Will donate to the success of this university based on its its principles and educational excellence. May there be others that follow in your footsteps.
  • @Haggis9
    I am inspired. I wish I was thirty years younger; I'd be signing up.
  • @teachermanret
    Absolutely superb talk, and I wish all the very best for the future.
  • @DianaOlsberg
    I am a retired Associate Professor in Australia, aged 82. How I wish I could be there at Austin. Gloria Steinem always said the world would be changed by an army of grey haired women. I continue to fight for the Liberty and truth Niall Ferguson so passionately espouses. And as the 1000 mourners at Alex Navalny’s funeral chanted “we are not afraid”.