ISLAM IN AFRICA - Extract Motherland Film

Published 2013-09-26
Islam has been a traditional (while not indigenous) part of the dynamic African landscape for over 1438 years, far older as a contained religion than much of the 11th and 15th century native religions that came with the Bantu expansion into Southern Africa and West Africa. Beginning with the Hijra of Islamic refugees to Ethiopia in 615.

And beyond argument remains one of the most fundamental sculptor of the African reality, past and present. And with every step towards Islamization Africa has responded with the Africanization of Islam creating Africa's own Islamic orthodoxies. And by the time of the Atlantic slave system approx 15-30% of the enslaved Africans that arrived in the New World were Muslim. Influence much of the culture and traditions of African American people.[3] These enslaved Muslims stood out from their compatriots because of their "resistance, determination and education"(Hill/Lippy 2005)

Encyclopedia of religion in the South. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press. p. 394

Islam has always taken on the cultures of the peoples it passes over. Just like water passing over a rock. There is no such thing as African Purity, cultures smash through deserts and cross trade routes, and they travel through immigration borders and disregarding our notions of geography and race. Throughout history, Africa has influenced, and been influence. Names, foods, cultures, religions, genetics have jumped between Asia and Africa from the dawn of humanity

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