Published 2022-07-11
Hi all Rho here! Today we discuss how the Primarch Lion El'Jonson, could accept his brother Roboute Guilliman as Imperial Regent of the Imperium despite their difficulties...

General Spoiler Warning to begin as we will be referencing events from across the Warhammer 40,000 universe. So you have been warned!

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Music belongs to Wolf Lord Rho.

All Comments (21)
  • @Eric-rr3zd
    While Guilliman's response to the Ecclesiarchy and others in the Imperium has been appeasement and mostly trying to just stay out of their way and do his own thing. I think The Lion's response to each and every single one of them would be that meme of Bane placing his hand on that guys shoulder and saying Do you feel in charge?
  • Has everyone forgot that the last time The Lion saw old rowboat. He apologized for the Kurtz's incident and then solemnly swore to be his jailer. He did all of that AND was the one who came to the rightful conclusion that the Emperor was still alive. Pretty sure Girlyman and The Lion are on good terms.
  • @quigonlynn1
    The lion would perfectly understand why Guilliman took control. I mean the Emperor is incapacitated and Guilliman was the only one of the Emperor's loyal sons active in the Imperium so what else was Guilliman supposed to do? Leave control with the High Lords of Terra? I think the Lion will understand his motives and help him.
  • @TheDrNauris
    I can see the lion taking his role as the Warmaster and being cool with everything other than the codex. The lion always plays to win.
  • The Lion is fundamentally pragmatic beyond anything else; he is highly similar to the G-Man himself in many ways. I highly doubt he'd be so blinded by suspicions and superstitions that he'd oppose him, even though he introduced the first major advantages for the Imperium in millennia. The Lion's pragmatic vision for what is needed to succeed in battle would overshadow his baseless suspicions of treachery.
  • @project9701
    The Lion would recognize that at the end of the day, the role of government fits him poorly. He can do it-no doubt about that!-but the strength of Lion El'Jonson is leading soldiers into battle and handling the campaign's needed tasks. Guilliman is the statesman, who can handle the politics that creates and keeps the worlds behind him strong and vital. The Lion would agree that Guilliman is a superb general-not as good as him, but at their level that is the barest sliver of difference. But, when Imperial Secundus was formed, they chose the Lion to be the Warmaster and Guilliman to run the government for a reason.
  • I think that people underestimate how much Robute and the Lion actually do hold each other in esteem. They're brothers. Potentially the only two left. I think any reunion would be a happy one
  • @guangdali1762
    Damn i feel absolutely honoured by your putting up my wee speed paint as your thumbnail :D you sir are a legend!
  • @valdr2286
    Anyone having trouble with the audio
  • @Iceisnice1
    Everyone expects the Lion to come back next, and here I am in my little corner, holding out hope for Clonegrim :(
  • @hewlett260
    Plot twist, the Lion returns to stop Angron, Cypher turns up with the Fallen and reveals himself to be Omegon, and the Fallen are actually a group of loyalist Alpha Legion. They aid G-man in stopping the World Eaters, G-man handles running the Imperium, the Lion become the new Warmaster and Omegon begins the clandestine removal of the Echlesiarchy
  • @AdeptKing
    I think the Lion and Guilliman departed on good terms when they set out from Ultramar. Sure I don't think Johnson would appreciate the Codex and he might demand to have a legion at his command again but I don't think he'll outright attack Guilliman. Besides I'm sure he'll be told that Guilliman wasn't around that long. I expect the Lion to be more outraged at the state of the Imperium rather than Guilliman being in charge. Plus the situations are not the same. During the heresy, Johnson thought that Guilliman was trying to carve out his own empire from their father's empire. This time he's in charge of their father's empire and it's because none of their brothers are around and their father is on that throne. There's also the fact that the Lion knows that Guilliman is loyal to their father and the Imperium now, so I can't see him reacting too violently. I think the Lion is smart enough to see that it makes sense for Guilliman to be in command of the Imperium.
  • Guilaman isn’t the same “brother” that the lion would remember either here! While the lion has slept roboute has fought magnus and mortarion, AND has their fathers blessing’s. The custodes and the silent sisters are back in the war. It wouldn’t take the lion much to see that and he’d be impressed. The last loyal son taking the fight to ALL the traitor legions “FOR THE EMPEROR”
  • I can see the Emperor coming down on the potential in fighting between Guilliman and The Lion. Seeing it was simply him not being involved caused the heresy. It's not sons needing their father but as 2 powerful generals with powerful independent forces. Logically speaking there's bound to be conflict if 2 independent forces that are on the same side don't adhear to a greater power.
  • @ashalley
    You know I really hope those making the live action movies watch all Warhammer YouTube channels especially this video of yours, it will undoubtedly help them. Great video
  • @alek7998
    I am of the opinion that, even if the Lion does not approve of Guilliman, he will be forced to accept it. But not by the forces of Ultramar or even the high lords, but rather the Ten Thousand. He Himself has, as the Captain General testified, approved of Guilliman's selection. To go against His will is betrayal, and His guardians are the bearers of His voice. Perhaps Valoris, perhaps Colquan, perhaps Valerian. They will not permit any backstabbing. This is not the Valdor's Custodians, these are Trajann's. They will intervene if blows are threatened, as it would threaten the Imperium and His majesty, which is the greatest of all heresies.
  • There's a lot of talk about how Lion will react to Guilliman's new role, but I don't see any discussion about how Guilliman could react to Lion returning? In their meeting on McCragge, Robute is portrayed almost like a meet younger brother seeking the approval of a hard-to-please older brother in Lion. We see how worried Robute is about how smart Lion's legionaries are and of the Space Wolves' behaviour potentially embarassing him. Unbeknownst to him at the time, Lion was simply looking for a reason to kill Robute and, by his own estimation, basically found one (Sanguinius' timing couldn't have been better). Now I wonder if Robute, weary and emotionally hardened from being the only surviving loyalist Primarch, getting killed by demon Fulgrim, being resurrected and forced into a leading role in a galaxy that now worships the Emperor (which must sting seeing as he was sent to bomb Monarchia for this exact reason, knocking over the first domino that led to the Heresy), fighting Mortarion and the Death Guard, helping other legions fight against the Tyranids and running the Primaris programme, all while trying to prevent the Lords of Terra from completely screwing things up... that he might not be so welcoming to a returned Lion (given how his brother treated him the first time)? Especially if it's Lion who become softer towards Robute, I think it would be a very interesting interaction.
  • I think the first encounter between the two will be very tense and could even end in some hands being throne, but the Lion is incredibly smart and will understand the position Guilleman is in and aid him. They are both loyal, so I can’t imagine the lion having a genuine reason to attack him or feel the need to take his place as regent. Guilleman is designed for such tasks. Guilleman can build and run an empire as easily as the Lion can whip up a battle plan that destroys an enemy. And both are smart enough to realize they both are needed
  • @thelopen2604
    Interesting to watch this now that it's been announced that the Lion is back.
  • @Crimson_Loki
    Honestly, while there may be hostility at first, the solution is incredibly simple, one chat with the Emperor and everything is resolved. The Emperor assures Lion that this is not a power grab but a necessary measure and despite the appearances, Big E is still very much the head honcho. Hell, the Lion doesn't even need to go to Earth, the Emperor could simply possess Guilliman again and speak to Lion from a distance (though the Lion may want to still go to Earth to confirm that who he spoke to is indeed the Emperor and not some Tzeentch trick).