The Posterboys of 40k

Published 2023-11-04

You already know how to please the Machine Gods at this point so thank you so much. And make your voices heard for which faction you would like to see next!



Opinions expressed in this video are solely those of Isyander & Koda and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.

Artwork throughout this video is used for educational purposes. if you see your artwork and would like an art credit, message me.

All Comments (21)
  • Any other Marine: "You think you're better than me?" Ultramarine: "My service record indicates this to be true, yes."
  • @Mgauge
    Guilliman's true unique gift has always been the incredible power to be a well-adjusted member of society.
  • @inqc5797
    The Ultramarines are so practical so efficent that they happen to be the easiest color to paint minatures ..their lore literally extends to real life .. i love it
  • Other chapters: “What do you have that we don’t? 😡 “ Based marines: Our dad 🗿
  • @harry1953
    "The Church ate the post office and the trains are run by the navy, goodluck!" has got to be the best quote. Always a joy to listen to you guys.
  • @foolslayer9416
    53:43 That is my absolute favorite thing about Guilliman. 99.99% of the Imperium would be thinking, "The God-Emperor... the God-Emperor... the God-Emperor...." Meanwhile Guilliman is that percentage of a percentage that thinks when troubled, "What would my mom do? What would she say if she was here?"
  • @MaxintoshMinus
    The Ultramarines are the chapter for people who's fantasy is having a dad who loves them, and a functional family
  • @TronusDono
    I so desperately want the hero’s of the imperium to win
  • @Zealus_24
    Looks like the Ultramarines luck finally prevailed again.
  • @rionmoonandroid
    Recruiting with the Ultra Marines is like: “oh, I see you maxed out your PT score, ASVAB and your SAT welcome aboard!” Space Wolves are like “I see you got blindingly drunk, made a bet you could hunt down a Blackmaned wolf in a blinding blizzard, punch it in the face then ride it back here all while naked. And you did. Welcome aboard brother!” Basically this is exactly why the Wolves of Fenris are also so popular. They are the complete opposite of the Blue Berries.
  • @hansallen2708
    Uriel Ventras had a good handle on the Codex and I think viewed it like Guilliman intended. That’s what got him in trouble and sent to deal with the Daemonculaba.
  • As a newer WH40k fan, nice to see something about the Ultramarines that isn't just meme'ing about how boring they are for an hour straight.
  • @rycolligan
    Your guys are adorably wholesome. The bit at the end where Koda calls out Isyander for always rolling a human adjacent character in D&D is priceless.
  • Praise Guillimom for making the king of the Blueberries relatively well-adjusted (compared to his brothers) EDIT: Most of the way through the video and you guys are just great keep on hyper focusing I'm here for all of it
  • @Br0ns0n1000
    Kodas analogy of court proceedings and policy making with regards to establishing tactics was the most Guilliman thing!
  • @MrStupidfresh1
    I'm so Ultrahappy that we are finally getting the Ultraepisode for the Ultramarines. Also...I fully believe that everybody on earth has at least SEEN an Ultramarine at least once in something.
  • @DreadNought0255
    The thing with the Codex if I remember right is that Gulliman wrote it as a general guideline and just as it was being rolled out, he did wargames where he was the side running AGAINST the Codex he wrote to prove that it is not infallible. He wrote the single best pieces of combat literature ever concieved and implemented, told the Astartes forces to learn them and then beat them in spite of it to prove a point. I'm just giddy with the idea of Roboute and Lion meeting up because they last part on not very good terms. Both of them seem to have been mellowed or tempered a bit. So I just imagine Roboute waiting for Lion in just normal clothing, with some tea and biscuits, hoping against hope that Lion won't punch him in the face the first thing. And maybe hope for a hug. Or even just a firm handshake. But the boy needs a hug. Both of them do, really.
  • @lairairis3135
    Honestly discovering a franchise with 10+ years of lore was a gift. And then I found these two, which made it easier, and that's the REAL gift.